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MOBILESoft 2020
Mon 13 - Wed 15 July 2020
co-located with ICSE 2020

MOBILESoft provides a forum for discussing and presenting innovative contributions to the research and practice of the design, development, validation, execution, and evolution of mobile applications.

Mon 13 Jul 2020
Tue 14 Jul 2020
Wed 15 Jul 2020
MOBILESoft Paper Presentations
MOBILESoft Plenary
MOBILESoft Student Research Competition
MOBILESoft Technical Papers
MOBILESoft Tool Demos and Mobile Apps
MOBILESoft Visions
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Mon 13 Jul

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Tue 14 Jul

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07:00 - 08:30
Empirical Software EngineeringPaper Presentations / Technical Papers at MobileSoft
Chair(s): Henry Muccini University of L'Aquila, Italy
Virtualization chair: Ferdian Thung
Leave my Apps Alone! A Study on how Android Developers Access Installed Apps on User's DeviceBest Paper AwardTechnical Papers
Technical Papers
Gian Luca Scoccia University of L'Aquila, Ibrahim Kanj , Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Kaveh Razavi ETH Zürich
Experimental Comparison of Features and Classifiers for Android Malware DetectionTechnical Papers
Technical Papers
Lwin Khin Shar Singapore Management University, Biniam Fisseha Demissie Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Mariano Ceccato University of Verona, Wei Minn Singapore Management University
Empirical Study on Code Smells in iOS ApplicationsTechnical Papers
Technical Papers
Kristiina Rahkema University of Tartu, Dietmar Pfahl University of Tartu
16:00 - 17:30
Are apps ready for new Android releases?Technical Papers
Technical Papers
Demetrio Guilardi University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Jalves Nicacio University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Bianca Minetto Napoleão University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Fabio Petrillo University of Quebec at Chicoutimi

Wed 15 Jul

Displayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change

07:00 - 08:30
Should energy consumption influence the choice of Android third-party HTTP libraries?Technical Papers
Technical Papers
Hina Anwar University of Tartu, Berker Demirer University of Tartu, Dietmar Pfahl University of Tartu, Satish Srirama University of Tartu
Greenspecting Android Virtual KeyboardsTechnical Papers
Technical Papers
Rui António Ramada Rua University of Minho & INESC TEC, Rui António Ramada Rua University of Minho & INESC TEC, Marco Couto HASLab/INESC TEC & Universidade do Minho, João Saraiva University of Minho, Portugal
Evaluating the Impact of Caching on the Energy Consumption and Performance of Progressive Web AppsTechnical Papers
Technical Papers
Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Katerina Chinnappan Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Lukas Jasmontas Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Sarthak Gupta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Kaveh Ali Karam Soltany Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Media Attached
13:30 - 15:00
Security and PrivacyVisions / Technical Papers / Paper Presentations / Plenary at MobileSoft
Chair(s): Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Virtualization chair: Ferdian Thung
Representing String Computations as GraphsTechnical Papers
Technical Papers
Justin Del Vecchio The State University of New York, Lukasz Ziarek SUNY Buffalo, USA, Steve Ko University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Accepted Papers

Are apps ready for new Android releases?Technical Papers
Technical Papers
Empirical Study on Code Smells in iOS ApplicationsTechnical Papers
Technical Papers
Evaluating the Impact of Caching on the Energy Consumption and Performance of Progressive Web AppsTechnical Papers
Technical Papers
Media Attached
Experimental Comparison of Features and Classifiers for Android Malware DetectionTechnical Papers
Technical Papers
Greenspecting Android Virtual KeyboardsTechnical Papers
Technical Papers
Leave my Apps Alone! A Study on how Android Developers Access Installed Apps on User's DeviceBest Paper AwardTechnical Papers
Technical Papers
Representing String Computations as GraphsTechnical Papers
Technical Papers
Security Testing of Second Order Permission Re-delegation Vulnerabilities in Android AppsTechnical Papers
Technical Papers
Media Attached
Should energy consumption influence the choice of Android third-party HTTP libraries?Technical Papers
Technical Papers

Call for Papers

The technical papers track of MOBILESoft invites high quality submissions involving significant, novel, and emerging solutions for mobile application software engineering. These should be well-motivated, carefully compared, and contrasted with significant related research.

We welcome contributions related to mobile application software engineering including technological advancements, architectural approaches, advancements in design and implementation methods, testing and analysis approaches, user interfaces and HCI, business and organizational issues, and empirical studies.

We solicit contributions of full papers (up to 10 pages, with up to 2 additional pages only for references), and short papers (up to 4 pages, with 1 additional page only for references). Full papers are expected to make a significant new research or practical contribution. Short papers are expected to present an interesting, well-developed contribution of more modest proportions. Papers should include methodology, implementation, results, and discussion as appropriate. Solutions are expected to be rigorously evaluated. Paper must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review elsewhere whilst under consideration at MOBILESoft. We invite contributions from both academia and industry.

Formatting and Submission Instructions

All submissions must conform to the ACM formatting guidelines. Formatting instructions are available at https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template for both LaTeX and Word users. LaTeX users must use the provided acmart.cls and ACM-Reference-Format.bst without modification, enable the conference format in the preamble of the document (i.e., \documentclass[sigconf,review]{acmart}), and use the ACM reference format for the bibliography (i.e., \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}). The review option adds line numbers, thereby allowing referees to refer to specific lines in their comments.

All submissions must be in PDF. The page limit is strict. Papers that do not conform to these guidelines will be desk rejected before the review process.

MOBILESoft 2020 will follow a double-blind review process. Thus, no submission may reveal its authors’ identities. The authors must make every effort to honour the double-blind review process. In particular: (i) the authors’ names must be omitted from the submission, (ii) references to their prior work should be in the third person, and (iii) supplementary material (e.g., experiment replication package, YouTube video, source code of the proposed approach) should be provided anonymously. Any submission that does not comply with the double-blind review process will be rejected by the Technical Track PC Co-Chairs without further review. For information on the double-blind review process please click here.


Submissions to the Technical Track can be made via https://mobilesoft2020.hotcrp.com by the submission deadline.


At least one author of an accepted contribution is required to register, present the work, and participate during the discussions at the forum. Accepted papers will be published in the conference electronic proceedings and in both the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Digital Library. The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM or IEEE Digital Libraries. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of ICSE 2020. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. Purchases of additional pages in the proceedings is not allowed.

Important Dates

  • January 24th, 2020: Abstract submission (EXTENDED)
  • January 24th, 2020: Paper submission
  • February 28th, 2020: Paper notification
  • March 16th, 2020: Camera-ready
