SANER 2024
Tue 12 - Fri 15 March 2024 Rovaniemi , Finland
Fri 15 Mar 2024 11:30 - 11:45 at LAPPI - Mining Software Repositories Chair(s): Mika Mäntylä

Because open source software relies on individuals who select their own tasks, it is often underproduced—a term used by software engineering researchers to describe when a piece of software’s relative quality is lower than its relative importance. We examine the social and technical factors associated with underproduction through a comparison of software packaged by the Debian GNU/Linux community. We test a series of hypotheses developed from a reading of prior research in software engineering. Although we find that software age and programming language age offer a partial explanation for variation in underproduction, we were surprised to find that the association between underproduction and package age is weaker at high levels of programming language age. With respect to maintenance efforts, we find that additional resources are not always tied to better outcomes. In particular, having higher numbers of contributors is associated with higher underproduction risk. Also, contrary to our expectations, maintainer turnover and maintenance by a declared team are not associated with lower rates of underproduction. Finally, we find that the people working on bugs in underproduced packages tend to be those who are more central to the community’s collaboration network structure, although contributors’ betweenness centrality (often associated with brokerage in social networks) is not associated with underproduction.

Fri 15 Mar

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11:00 - 12:30
Mining Software RepositoriesResearch Papers / Industrial Track at LAPPI
Chair(s): Mika Mäntylä University of Helsinki and University of Oulu
Understanding and Improving Change Risk Detection in Practice
Industrial Track
Yifan Wu Peking University, Yunpeng Wang Ant Group, Jianguo Li Ant Group, Ying Li School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing, China, Bingxu Chai Ant Group, Wei Jiang
CommitBench: A Benchmark for Commit Message Generation
Research Papers
Maximilian Schall Hasso Plattner Institute/University Potsdam, Tamara Czinczoll Hasso Plattner Institute/University of Potsdam, Gerard de Melo HPI, University of Potsdam
Sources of Underproduction in Open Source Software
Research Papers
Kaylea Champion University of Washington, Benjamin Mako Hill University of Washington
COLARE: Commit Classification via Fine-grained Context-aware Representation of Code Changes
Research Papers
Qunhong Zeng Beijing Institute of Technology, Yuxia Zhang Beijing Institute of Technology, Zeyu Sun Zhongguancun Laboratory, Yujie Guo Beijing Institute of Technology, Hui Liu Beijing Institute of Technology
Can We Identify Stack Overflow Questions Requiring Code Snippets? Investigating the Cause & Effect of Missing Code Snippets
Research Papers
Saikat Mondal University of Saskatchewan, Masud Rahman Dalhousie University, Chanchal K. Roy University of Saskatchewan
Benefits and pitfalls of token-level SZZ: An empirical study on OSS projects
Research Papers
Hiroya Watanabe Kyoto Institute of Technology, Masanari Kondo Kyushu University, Eunjong Choi Kyoto Institute of Technology, Osamu Mizuno Kyoto Institute of Technology