SANER 2025
Tue 4 - Fri 7 March 2025 Montréal, Québec, Canada
Fri 7 Mar 2025 11:52 - 12:07 at L-1710 - Change Management & Program Comprehension Chair(s): Masud Rahman

To improve the efficiency of software maintenance, change prediction techniques have been proposed to predict modules that change frequently.While existing techniques primarily focus on class-level prediction, method-level prediction allows for more direct identification of change locations.Although method-level change prediction techniques have also been proposed, developers cannot decide when to use which one due to the lack of comparisons with class-level predictions.In this paper, we evaluated the performance of method-level change prediction in comparison with class-level prediction from three perspectives: direct comparison, method-level comparison , and maintenance effort-aware comparison.The results from 15 open source projects show that, although method-level prediction has lower performance than class-level prediction in usual evaluation, method-level prediction outperformed class-level prediction when both were evaluated at method-level, leading to a median difference of 0.26 in accuracy.Furthermore, effort-aware evaluation shows that method-level prediction had significantly better performance when maintenance effort is little.

Fri 7 Mar

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

11:00 - 12:30
AdvFusion: Adapter-based Knowledge Transfer for Code Summarization on Code Language ModelsBest Paper Award
Research Papers
Iman Saberi University of British Columbia Okanagan, Amirreza Esmaeili University of British Columbia, Fatemeh Hendijani Fard University of British Columbia, Chen Fuxiang University of Leicester
EarlyPR: Early Prediction of Potential Pull-Requests from Forks
Research Papers
XiangChen Wu , Liang Wang Nanjing University, Xianping Tao Nanjing University
The Hidden Challenges of Merging: A Tool-Based Exploration
Research Papers
Luciana Gomes UFCG, Melina Mongiovi Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil, Sabrina Souto UEPB, Everton L. G. Alves Federal University of Campina Grande
On the Performance of Large Language Models for Code Change Intent Classification
Early Research Achievement (ERA) Track
Issam Oukay Department of Software and IT Engineering, ETS Montreal, University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada, Moataz Chouchen Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, Ali Ouni ETS Montreal, University of Quebec, Fatemeh Hendijani Fard University of British Columbia
Revisiting Method-Level Change Prediction: Comparative Evaluation at Different Granularities
Reproducibility Studies and Negative Results (RENE) Track
Hiroto Sugimori School of Computing, Institute of Science Tokyo, Shinpei Hayashi Institute of Science Tokyo
DOI Pre-print