SANER 2025
Tue 4 - Fri 7 March 2025 Montréal, Québec, Canada

Accepted Papers

AIOpsArena: Scenario-Oriented Evaluation and Leaderboard for AIOps Algorithms in Microservices
Tool Demo Track
AutoGuard: Reporting breaking changes of REST APIs from Java Spring Boot source code
Tool Demo Track
ContractViz: Extending Eclipse Trace Compass for Smart Contract Transaction Analysis
Tool Demo Track
DATSO: A Difficulty Assessment Tool for Stack Overflow Questions
Tool Demo Track
DragonRadar: Fuzzing Linux Kernel Deployed in Cloud-Native Environment
Tool Demo Track
GHAminer: An Open Source Tool to Extract GitHub Actions Build Metrics
Tool Demo Track
IFKG: An Intelligent Fault Diagnosis Tool with Knowledge Graph and Generative LLM
Tool Demo Track
LeakageDetector: An Open Source Data Leakage Analysis Tool in Machine Learning Pipelines
Tool Demo Track
MDRE-LLM: A Tool for Analysing and Applying LLMs in Software Reverse Engineering
Tool Demo Track

Call for Papers

The Tool Demonstration track of the 32nd International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER’25) provides an excellent opportunity for researchers and practitioners to showcase innovative tools, prototypes, and software systems related to software analysis, engineering, and refactoring. The track aims to foster knowledge exchange, collaboration, and discussions about the latest advancements in tools and technologies that support software development, maintenance, and improvement.

Tool demonstrations should showcase the implementation of research approaches through practical tools. These tools can range from advanced prototypes to fully developed products that are in the process of being commercialized. We particularly encourage proposals for tool demonstrations that complement full research papers. While a research paper aims to provide background information and highlight the scientific contribution of a new software engineering approach, the tool demonstration offers an excellent opportunity to demonstrate how the scientific approach has been translated into a functional tool prototype. As a result, authors of research papers are strongly encouraged to submit the corresponding tools to this track. Tool demonstrations related to any of the topics covered in the conference are welcome and deemed suitable.

Evaluation Criteria

Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the tool demonstration program committee. The committee will review each submission on its merits and quality. The tool demo track will follow a single anonymous review process (i.e., author names will be visible to the PC members)

A good tool paper should:

  • Fall under the topics mentioned for SANER 2025 research track;

  • Present and discuss a tool that has NOT been published before as a tool paper;

  • Motivate the need for the tool;

  • Describe the tool’s novelty and how it relates to previous industrial or research efforts;

  • Describe the potential applications and usefulness of the tool;

  • Describe the tool’s goals, requirements, architecture and explain its inner workings;

  • NOT necessarily contain a large-scale empirical study of the tool, BUT any empirical results or user feedback are highly encouraged;

  • Include a URL for downloading or accessing the latest version of the tool (e.g., a GitHub url)

  • Optionally, include in the abstract the URL of a 3-to-5 minute screencast, either with annotations or voice-over, that provides a concise version of the tool demo scenario. The video should be posted on YouTube (private, not shared) or hosted on the tool’s website.

Submission Instructions

Submissions of tool demonstrations must:

  • adhere to the conference proceedings style (IEEE proceedings paper format guidelines.);

  • have a maximum of 5 pages that describe the criteria above;

  • be uploaded electronically in PDF format via the SANER 2025 Easychair submission site.

To submit your paper, please use the same submission link. After clicking on “Make a New Submission,” you will be presented with a list of all available tracks. Be sure to select the correct track (e.g., Short Papers and Posters Track), as illustrated in the attached screenshot.

EasyChair Submission

Accepted tool demonstrations will be allocated 5 pages in the conference proceedings. Presenters of accepted tool demonstrations will have the opportunity to (i) deliver a presentation that will be included in the conference program, and (ii) conduct a hands-on session where attendees of SANER can actively use and experiment with the demonstrated tools. Please note that commercial products and tools currently under commercialization procedures CANNOT be accepted for the tool demonstration track. The purpose of these demonstrations is to emphasize scientific contributions and, as such, should not be used as sales pitches.

Important Dates

Authors must submit their work by November 11th, with updates allowed until November 13th.

  • Paper submission: Monday, November 13, 2024 AoE
  • Notifications: Friday, December 13, 2024 AoE
  • Camera Ready: Friday, January 10, 2025 AoE