SEAMS 2025
Mon 28 - Tue 29 April 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
co-located with ICSE 2025

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Mon 28 Apr 2025 16:25 - 16:50 at 204 - Session 4: CPS, Robotics, and Serious Games

Collaborative multi-drone, or more generally, multi-robot systems - also called swarms - have many possible operational scenarios. They can be used in scenarios that are dangerous for humans or where deploying humans or stationary hardware would cost many resources. However, developing software for swarms is challenging. Common software development tools make it complex to define collaborative operations and distribute individual information correctly. We present a solution that allows an elegant and comprehensible definition of swarms and their constituents’ behavior. We introduce an implementation of the Context-Role-oriented Programming paradigm realized using the Julia programming language. Roles can then be used to assign tasks and specific behavior to certain swarm members. We evaluate the feasibility of our approach by implementing a surveillance task for a drone swarm. Using this application, we show how to define a swarm structure, how to implement role-specific behavior, and how roles can be used to distribute relevant information. We discuss centralized and decentralized swarms and provide a performance evaluation of CROP in Julia.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Mon 28 Apr

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

16:00 - 17:30
Session 4: CPS, Robotics, and Serious Games Research Track at 204
Adaptive Human-Robot Collaborative Missions using Hybrid Task PlanningFULL
Research Track
Gricel Vázquez University of York, UK, Alexandros Evangelidis University of York, UK, Sepeedeh Shahbeigi University of York, UK, Simos Gerasimou University of York
Context-Role Oriented Programming in Julia: Advancing Swarm ProgrammingFULL
Research Track
Christian Gutsche Boysen-TU Dresden-Graduiertenkolleg; Technische Universität Dresden, Sebastian Götz Technische Universität Dresden, Volodymyr Prokopets Technische Universität Dresden, Uwe Aßmann TU Dresden, Germany
Modeling Safe Adaptation Spaces for Self-Adaptive Systems Using Contextual Safety Concept TreesSHORT
Research Track
Andreas Kreutz Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS, Gereon Weiss Fraunhofer IKS, Mario Trapp Technical University of Munich
Leveraging Self-Adaptive Systems and Generative AI for Personalizing Educational Serious Games: Architecture and Future ChallengesSHORT
Research Track
Antonio Bucchiarone DISIM, University of L'Aquila, Federico Bonetti Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Enes Yigitbas Paderborn University, Germany
Discussion Session 4
Research Track
