STAF 2023
Tue 18 - Fri 21 July 2023 Leicester, United Kingdom
Tue 18 Jul 2023 10:00 - 10:30 at Willow - GCM Session 1 Chair(s): Jens Kosiol, Detlef Plump

We propose a new pedagogy for teaching pointers in the C programming language using graph transformation systems to visually simulate pointer manipulation. In an Introduction to C course, the topic of pointers is often the most difficult one for students to understand; therefore, we experiment with graph-based representations of dynamic pointer structures to reinforce the learning. Groove, a graph transformation tool, is used to illustrate the behaviour of pointers through modelling and simulation. A study is presented to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach. This paper will also provide a comparison to other teaching methods in this area.

Powerpoint Presentation (Presentation-GCM-Addy[64][67]-v4.pptx)1.82MiB

Tue 18 Jul

Displayed time zone: London change

09:15 - 10:30
GCM Session 1GCM at Willow
Chair(s): Jens Kosiol Universität Kassel, Detlef Plump University of York

Remote Participants: Zoom Link, YouTube Livestream

Day opening
GCM Opening
Jens Kosiol Universität Kassel
Model-Driven Rapid Prototyping for Control Algorithms with the GIPS Framework (System Description)
P: Maximilian Kratz Technical University of Darmstadt, Real-Time Systems Lab, Sebastian Ehmes Technical University of Darmstadt, Real-Time Systems Lab, Philipp Menzel Technical University of Darmstadt, Andy Schürr TU Darmstadt, Germany
Media Attached File Attached
Pedagogy of Teaching Pointers in the C Programming Language using Graph Transformation
P: Adwoa Donyina University of New Haven, Reiko Heckel University of Leicester
File Attached