ICGT 2023
Wed 19 - Thu 20 July 2023 Leicester, United Kingdom
co-located with STAF 2023

Call for Papers

In order to foster a lively exchange of perspectives on the subject of the conference, the programme committee of ICGT 2023 encourages all kinds of contributions related to graphs and graph transformation, either from a theoretical point of view or a practical one.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following subjects:

  • General models of graph transformation (e.g., adhesive categories and hyperedge replacement systems)
  • Analysis and verification of graph transformation systems
  • Graph-based machine learning, including graph neural networks and models of rule inference
  • Graph theoretical properties of graph languages
  • Automata on graphs and parsing of graph languages
  • Logical aspects of graph transformation
  • Computational models based on graphs
  • Structuring and modularisation of graph transformation
  • Hierarchical graphs and decomposition of graphs
  • Parallel, concurrent, and distributed graph transformation
  • Term graph and string diagram rewriting
  • Petri nets and other models of concurrency
  • Business process models and notations
  • Bigraphs and bigraphical reactive systems
  • Graph databases and graph queries
  • Model-driven development and model transformation
  • Model checking, program analysis and verification, simulation and animation
  • Syntax, semantics and implementation of programming languages, including domain-specific and visual languages
  • Graph transformation languages and tool support
  • Efficient algorithms (e.g. pattern matching, graph traversal, network analysis)
  • Applications and case studies in software engineering (e.g. software architectures, refactoring, access control, and service-orientation)
  • Applications to computing paradigms (e.g. bio-inspired, quantum, ubiquitous, and visual)
  • Graph transformation and artificial intelligence (e.g., AI for graph transformations, applying graph transformations in AI engineering and search-based software engineering)

Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59:59 AoE (UTC-12h).

  • Abstracts: 28 Feb 2023 07 Mar 2023
  • Paper Submission: 07 Mar 2023 14 Mar 2023
  • Notification: 21 Apr 2023
  • Final version due: 07 May 2023
  • Conference: 19-20 Jul 2023

Submission Types

Authors are invited to submit research papers in three possible categories, which must be prepared using Springer’s LNCS format (which is also available as an Overleaf template).

  1. Regular research papers (up to 16 pages, excluding references and appendices), including papers describing applications and case studies. Papers will be evaluated with respect to their originality, significance, and technical soundness. Additional material intended for reviewers (but not publication) may be included in a clearly marked appendix.

  2. Tool presentation papers (up to 8 pages, excluding references and appendices), which demonstrate the main features and functionality of graph-based tools. A tool presentation may have an appendix with a detailed demo description (up to 4 pages) which will be reviewed but not included in the proceedings.

  3. “Blue Skies” (up to 8 pages), reporting on new research directions or ideas which are not yet sufficiently developed to fit in other categories.

Papers in the three categories above will be published in a Springer LNCS volume (previous ICGT LNCS volumes can be accessed here).

Furthermore, we will also have a Journal-First track, allowing for previously published work (in book chapters, journals, or other conferences since 2019) to be presented at ICGT 2023. The submission deadline for the Journal-First track will be later – all details will be posted to this page in due course.

Best Paper Awards

The programme committee shall select two ICGT 2023 papers to be awarded the following:

  • EATCS Best Theory Paper Award
  • EASST Best Software Science Paper Award

Special Issue

Last year, selected authors were invited to prepare and submit extended journal versions to be considered for publication in the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (Elsevier) after an independent round of peer review. We are planning another special issue for selected ICGT 2023 papers (details to be announced).

Wed 19 Jul 2023
Thu 20 Jul 2023
ECMFA Technical Track
ICGT Journal-First
ICGT Research Papers
STAF Keynotes
STAF Social
TAP Research Papers
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Wed 19 Jul

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09:00 - 10:15
STAF Keynote / ICGT Session 1STAF Keynotes / TAP Research Papers / ECMFA Technical Track / Research Papers at Oak
Chair(s): Maribel Fernandez King's College London

Remote Participants: Zoom Link, YouTube Livestream

Day opening
ICGT Conference Opening
Research Papers
Maribel Fernandez King's College London, Chris Poskitt Singapore Management University
File Attached
Syntactic trinitarianism: terms, graphs, diagrams
STAF Keynotes
Dan Ghica Huawei Research and University of Birmingham
11:00 - 12:30
ICGT Session 2: Specification and VerificationResearch Papers at Oak
Chair(s): Arend Rensink University of Twente, The Netherlands

Remote Participants: Zoom Link, YouTube Livestream

Specification and Verification of a Linear-time Temporal Logic for Graph Transformation
Research Papers
Fabio Gadducci University of Pisa, P: Andrea Laretto Tallinn University of Technology, Davide Trotta University of Pisa
DOI Pre-print File Attached
Mechanised DPO Theory: Uniqueness of Derivations and Church-Rosser TheoremICGT Best Theory Paper
Research Papers
P: Robert Söldner University of York, Detlef Plump University of York
Formalisation, Abstraction and Refinement of Bond Graphs
Research Papers
P: Richard Banach University of Manchester, John Baugh North Carolina State University
13:30 - 15:00
ICGT Session 3: TheoryResearch Papers at Oak
Chair(s): Nicolas Behr CNRS, Université Paris Cité, IRIF

Remote Participants: Zoom Link, YouTube Livestream

A Monoidal View on Fixpoint Checks
Research Papers
Paolo Baldan University of Padova, P: Richard Eggert University of Duisburg-Essen, Barbara König University of Duisburg-Essen, Timo Matt University Duisburg-Essen, Tommaso Padoan University of Padova
DOI Pre-print
Fuzzy Presheaves are Quasitoposes
Research Papers
P: Aloïs Rosset Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Roy Overbeek Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Jörg Endrullis Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
DOI File Attached
Moving a Derivation Along a Derivation Preserves the Spine
Research Papers
P: Hans-Jörg Kreowski University of Bremen, Sabine Kuske University of Bremen, Aaron Lye University of Bremen, Aljoscha Windhorst University of Bremen
15:30 - 17:00
ICGT Session 4: Graph Transformation PropertiesResearch Papers / Journal-First at Oak
Chair(s): Russ Harmer CNRS

Remote Participants: Zoom Link, YouTube Livestream

Finding the Right Way to Rome: Effect-oriented Graph Transformation
Research Papers
P: Jens Kosiol Universität Kassel, Daniel Strüber Chalmers | University of Gothenburg / Radboud University, Gabriele Taentzer Philipps-Universität Marburg, Steffen Zschaler King's College London
DOI Pre-print File Attached
Termination of Graph Transformation Systems using Weighted Subgraph CountingNominated for Best Paper
Research Papers
P: Roy Overbeek Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Jörg Endrullis Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
DOI Pre-print File Attached

Thu 20 Jul

Displayed time zone: London change

09:00 - 10:30
ICGT Session 5: Blue Skies & Journal-FirstResearch Papers / Journal-First at Willow
Chair(s): Detlef Plump University of York

Remote Participants: Zoom Link, YouTube Livestream

A living monograph for graph transformation
Research Papers
Nicolas Behr CNRS, Université Paris Cité, IRIF, P: Russ Harmer CNRS
DOI File Attached
Graph Rewriting for Graph Neural NetworksNominated for Best Paper
Research Papers
Adam Machowczyk University of Leicester, P: Reiko Heckel University of Leicester
DOI File Attached
11:00 - 12:30
ICGT Session 6: ApplicationsResearch Papers at Willow
Chair(s): Kazunori Ueda Waseda University

Remote Participants: Zoom Link, YouTube Livestream

A Rule-Based Procedure for Graph Query Solving
Research Papers
Dominique Duval Université Grenoble Alpes, P: Rachid Echahed University of Grenoble - CNRS, Frederic Prost Université Grenoble Alpes
Formalization and analysis of BPMN using graph transformation systemsICGT Best Applications Paper
Research Papers
P: Tim Kräuter Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Adrian Rutle Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Harald König University of Applied Sciences, FHDW Hannover and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Yngve Lamo Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
DOI Pre-print File Attached
Dominant Eigenvalue-Eigenvector Pair Estimation via Graph Infection
Research Papers
P: Kaiyuan Yang University of Zurich, Li Xia National University of Singapore, Y.C. Tay National University of Singapore
DOI Pre-print
15:30 - 17:15
ICGT Session 8: Tools & ApplicationsResearch Papers at Willow
Chair(s): Rachid Echahed University of Grenoble - CNRS

Remote Participants: Zoom Link, YouTube Livestream

Implementing the λGT Language: A Functional Language with Graphs as First-Class Data
Research Papers
P: Jin Sano Waseda University, Kazunori Ueda Waseda University
DOI File Attached
Computing k-Bisimulations for Large Graphs: A Comparison and Efficiency Analysis
Research Papers
Jannik Rau Ulm University, P: David Richerby University of Essex, Ansgar Scherp Ulm University
DOI Pre-print
Advanced Consistency Restoration with Higher-Order Short-Cut Rules
Research Papers
P: Lars Fritsche TU Darmstadt, Germany, Jens Kosiol Universität Kassel, Adrian Möller TU Darmstadt, Germany, Andy Schürr TU Darmstadt, Germany
Day closing
ICGT Conference Closing
Research Papers
Maribel Fernandez King's College London, Reiko Heckel University of Leicester, Chris Poskitt Singapore Management University

Accepted Papers

Advanced Consistency Restoration with Higher-Order Short-Cut Rules
Research Papers
A living monograph for graph transformation
Research Papers
DOI File Attached
A Monoidal View on Fixpoint Checks
Research Papers
DOI Pre-print
A Rule-Based Procedure for Graph Query Solving
Research Papers
Computing k-Bisimulations for Large Graphs: A Comparison and Efficiency Analysis
Research Papers
DOI Pre-print
Dominant Eigenvalue-Eigenvector Pair Estimation via Graph Infection
Research Papers
DOI Pre-print
Finding the Right Way to Rome: Effect-oriented Graph Transformation
Research Papers
DOI Pre-print File Attached
Formalisation, Abstraction and Refinement of Bond Graphs
Research Papers
Formalization and analysis of BPMN using graph transformation systemsICGT Best Applications Paper
Research Papers
DOI Pre-print File Attached
Fuzzy Presheaves are Quasitoposes
Research Papers
DOI File Attached
Graph Rewriting for Graph Neural NetworksNominated for Best Paper
Research Papers
DOI File Attached
Implementing the λGT Language: A Functional Language with Graphs as First-Class Data
Research Papers
DOI File Attached
Mechanised DPO Theory: Uniqueness of Derivations and Church-Rosser TheoremICGT Best Theory Paper
Research Papers
Moving a Derivation Along a Derivation Preserves the Spine
Research Papers
Specification and Verification of a Linear-time Temporal Logic for Graph Transformation
Research Papers
DOI Pre-print File Attached
Termination of Graph Transformation Systems using Weighted Subgraph CountingNominated for Best Paper
Research Papers
DOI Pre-print File Attached


Papers must be submitted using the ICGT 2023 Easychair instance:


Questions? Use the ICGT Research Papers contact form.