STAF 2023
Tue 18 - Fri 21 July 2023 Leicester, United Kingdom
Tue 18 Jul 2023 14:00 - 14:30 at Willow - GCM Session 2 Chair(s): Andrea Corradini

We begin a study of optimisation techniques that apply to compiling Lafont’s interaction nets. Interaction nets are a graph rewriting system. Because of their linear logic foundation, they give a refined view of computation. They have been used to implement programming languages based on the lambda-calculus. Since the left-hand sides of rewrite rules are pairs of agents, matching is efficient. However, rule application can be costly since the right-hand sides are unrestricted. Several compilers for interaction nets have been proposed, but optimisation techniques for rule optimisation have not been discussed. Here we recall one compilation method for interaction rules and study an optimisation based on the graph edit algorithm to efficiently build the right-hand side of a rule with the least number of steps. This work is part of a considerable research effort to build compilers based on interaction nets.

Tue 18 Jul

Displayed time zone: London change

13:30 - 15:00
GCM Session 2GCM at Willow
Chair(s): Andrea Corradini

Remote Participants: Zoom Link, YouTube Livestream

Hypergraph Rewriting and Higher-Arity Algebra
P: Carlos Zapata-Carratala Wolfram Institute / Society for Multidisciplinary and Fundamental Research
Graph Edit Distance for Interaction Net Rewrite Rules
P: Ian Mackie University of Sussex, Shinya Sato Ibaraki University, Marc Thatcher University of Sussex
Dynamic Tracing: a graphical language for rewriting protocols
P: Kristopher Brown Stanford University, David Spivak Topos Institute