Registered user since Mon 16 Nov 2020
Hironori Washizaki is a Professor and the Associate Dean of the Research Promotion Division at Waseda University in Tokyo, and a Visiting Professor at the National Institute of Informatics. He also works in industry as Outside Directors of SYSTEM INFORMATION and eXmotion. Hironori currently serves as IEEE Computer Society President-Elect 2024 and has been elected IEEE CS 2025 President. He served Chair of the IEEE CS Professional and Educational Activities Board (PEAB) Engineering Discipline Committee from 2019 to 2022. He is spearheading the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) evolution project. He has been on PEAB since 2017. He also serves as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC), Steering Committee Member of the IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), and Advisory Committee Member of the IEEE CS flagship conference COMPSAC. He is a Professional Member of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu. He has served as the program chair of multiple IEEE conferences, including ICST, CSEE&T, and SIoT/SISA of COMPSAC. Additionally, he has served as the program chair of ICPC Programming Education Track and SCAM Engineering Track, workshop chair and publicity chair of ASE, local chair of COMPSAC, and Chair of IEEE CS Japan Chapter. Hironori’s research interests include systems and software engineering. He received his Ph.D. in information and computer science from Waseda University in 2003. He has published more than 120 research papers in refereed international journals and conferences, including TETC, IoT-J, EMSE, SCICO, ICSE and ASE. He has led many academia-industry joint research and largefunded projects in software design, traceability, and quality assurance. Since 2015, he has been the Convener of ISO/IEC/JTC1 SC7/WG20 to standardize bodies of knowledge and professional certifications. Since 2019, he has been Steering Committee Member of APSEC. Since 2017, he has been the lead on a large-scale grant at MEXT called enPiT-Pro SmartSE, which encompasses IoT, AI, software engineering and business.
- Committee Member in Subcommittee: Global
- Author of Improvement in Program Repair Methods using Refactoring with GPT Models within the Papers-track
- Author of Enhancing Programming Education through Game-Based Learning: Design and Implementation of a Puyo Puyo–Inspired Teaching Tool within the Posters-track
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Technical Track-track
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the SEIP - Software Engineering in Practice-track
- Keynote Speaker of SWEBOK Guide Evolution and Its Emerging Areas including Machine Learning Patterns within the Keynotes-track
- Author of A Machine Learning Based Approach to Detect Machine Learning Design Patterns within the ERA - Early Research Achievements-track
- Committee Member in Returning Officers within the Nancy Mead Award-track
- Session Chair of Keynote 1 (part of Keynotes)
- Session Chair of Panel 2: AI/ChatGPT and software engineering education (part of Panels)
- Author of Envisioning software engineer training needs in the digital era through the SWEBOK V4 prism within the Research Papers-track
- General Chair in Organizing Committee
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Industry-track
- Author of Identifying Characteristics of the Agile Development Process That Impact User Satisfaction within the Short Papers and Posters-track
- Author of Analysis of Bug Report Qualities with Fixing Time using a Bayesian Network within the Short Papers and Posters-track
International Conference on Program Comprehension
- Programme Committee in Programme Committee within the ICSE 2020 Posters-track
- Committee Member in Program Committees within the Artifact Evaluation-track
- Programme Committee in Program Committee within the Software Engineering in Practice-track
- Session Chair of P29-Android and Web Testing (part of Paper Presentations)