Registered user since Mon 29 Aug 2016
Anne is a professor at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. She received the Diplom degree in informatics from University of Oldenburg, Germany, in 2007 and the PhD degree in informatics from KIT in 2011. After that, she was a Postdoc at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, before joining KIT as an assistant professor in 2013 and becoming a full professor in 2019.
Anne is interested in conciliating model-based software engineering with development processes that have fast and agile feedback cycles and thus combine the benefits of both approaches. In particular, she is interested in tool support for systematic, yet low-cost model-based design space exploration to support making good design decisions. Here, she and her group explore two strands: (1) keeping architectural models consistent with code automatically and (2) using NLP and sketch recognition to capture design discussions on e.g. whiteboards and in relating such information to (semi-)formal models and code.
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Research Papers-track
- Session Chair of Architecting for data-driven systems (part of Research Papers)
- Accurate Performance Predictions with Component-based Models of Data Streaming Applications
- ARCHI4MOM: Using Tracing Information to Extract the Architecture of Microservice-based Systems from Message-oriented Middleware
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Tools & Demos-track
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