Registered user since Wed 20 Sep 2017
Name:Shinpei Hayashi
Affiliation:Tokyo Institute of Technology
Personal website: https://se.c.titech.ac.jp/~hayashi/
- Session Chair of Introduction (Pacific) (part of SMeW - Student Mentoring Workshop)
- Session Chair of Mentoring Session 1 (Pacific) (part of SMeW - Student Mentoring Workshop)
- Student Mentoring Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- Session Chair of Informal Social Time (part of SMeW - Student Mentoring Workshop)
- Session Chair of Mentoring Session 2 (Pacific) (part of SMeW - Student Mentoring Workshop)
- Session Chair of Informal Social Time (part of SMeW - Student Mentoring Workshop)
- Session Chair of Informal Social Time (part of SMeW - Student Mentoring Workshop)
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the SRC - ACM Student Research Competition-track
- Session Chair of Mentoring Session 3 (Pacific) (part of SMeW - Student Mentoring Workshop)
- Committee Member in Organizing Committee within the SMeW - Student Mentoring Workshop-track
- Session Chair of Informal Social Time (part of SMeW - Student Mentoring Workshop)
Mining Software Repositories
International Conference on Program Comprehension
- Impact of Change Granularity in Refactoring Detection
- Session Chair of Social Event - Bring your pet (part of Research)
- Revisiting the Effect of Branch Handling Strategies on Change Recommendation
- Session Chair of Social Event - Happy Hour/Coffee Break/Lunch Break Socializing 1 (part of Research)
- Session Chair of Social Event - Happy Hour/Coffee Break/Lunch Break Socializing 2 (part of Research)
- Virtualization Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- Steering Committee Member in Steering Committee
- Session Chair of Social Event - Cooking with the PC Chairs (part of Research)
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Tool Demonstration-track
ICSE 2022-profile
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