ICPC 2024
Sun 14 - Sat 20 April 2024 Lisbon, Portugal
co-located with ICSE 2024
Giusy Annunziata

Registered user since Tue 7 Nov 2023

Name:Giusy Annunziata

Giusy Annunziata is a Ph.D. Students at the Software Engineering (SeSa) Lab at the University of Salerno. Her research interests lie in Software Project Management, and Gamification applied to SE. Particularly, her research interests revolve around software project management in innovative contexts such as ML-Enabled and Security Systems. By investigating issues and development challenges, she aims to create a taxonomy to support managers in managing those systems.

Affiliation:University of Salerno
Research interests:Software Project Management, Social-Aspects in ML-Enabled Systems, Gamification in Education


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