ICPC 2024
Sun 14 - Sat 20 April 2024 Lisbon, Portugal
co-located with ICSE 2024
Miryung Kim

Registered user since Sat 18 Apr 2015

Name:Miryung Kim

Miryung Kim is a Professor and a Vice Chair of Graduate Studies in UCLA Computer Science. She directs Software Engineering and Analysis Laboratory. She helped define the new area of Software Engineering for Data Intensive Computing (SE4DA and SE4ML). She works on automated testing and debugging for Apache Spark and developer tools for heterogeneous computing. She conducted the first systematic study of refactoring practices in industry and quantified rearchitecting benefits at Microsoft using Windows version history. She conducted the largest scale study of data scientists in industry. Her group’s Java bytecode debloating JDebloat made a tech transfer impact to Navy.

She received her BS from KAIST and MS and PhD from University of Washington under the supervision of David Notkin. She was an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, moved to UCLA as an Associate Professor with tenure in 2014, and was promoted to a Full Professor in 2019. She spent time as a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research. She is an Amazon Scholar at Amazon Web Services.

She produced 6 professors (Columbia, Purdue, two at Virginia Tech, etc). For her impact on nurturing the next generation of academics, she received the ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator Award. She is a Program Co-Chair of ESEC/FSE 2022, one of top 2 conferences in SE. She is a Keynote Speaker at ASE 2019 and ISSTA 2022. She gave Distinguished Lectures at CMU, UIUC, UMN, UC Irvine, etc. She is an ACM Distinguished Member.

Country:United States
Affiliation:UCLA and Amazon Web Services
Research interests:Software Engineering


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