Registered user since Fri 23 Oct 2020
I completed my PhD in 1996 at University of Montréal. Since then, I worked successively at University of Ottawa (Canada), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Catholic University of Brasilia (Brazil), and Ecole des Mines de Nantes (France). I am now Associate Professor (MCF / HDR) at University of Lille and member of the RMod research team.
My research interests cover about anything that has to do with software maintenance and evolution. Currently, in the INRIA/RMod team, I am working on reverse engineering. Because “We cannot control what we cannot measure”, I am also interested in software quality topics, to measure the maintenance activity and legacy software.
In the past, I worked on the following sub-topics in relation with software maintenance: sociological aspects (Why is maintenance negatively perceived when it is the most practiced activity in organizations?); knowledge management (How to recover the knowledge embedded in legacy software?); maintenance management (software quality, risk management, …)