SCAM 2024
Mon 7 - Tue 8 October 2024
co-located with ICSME 2024
Eduardo Fernandes

Registered user since Thu 29 Mar 2018

Name:Eduardo Fernandes

Award-winning early career researcher in Software Engineering. PhD in Informatics, MSc & BS in Computer Science. Assistant Professor at SDU/Denmark. Former Professor at UFMS/Brazil, Postdoc at QUEENSU/Canada and UFMG/Brazil, and Visiting Scholar at NCL/United Kingdom. Former Software Engineering Intern at Petrobras (a Fortune Global 500 company), at SUS (the largest government-run healthcare system), and at GOVBR (a large public management company in Brazil).

Affiliation:University of Southern Denmark
Research interests:empirical software engineering; software quality; continuous integration; information systems


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