Registered user since Wed 17 Mar 2021
Björn Annighöfer (July 12, 1982) studied computer science and engineering at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). After receiving his diploma in 2008 he went on working as a research assistant at the Institute of Aircraft Systems Engineering (FST) of TUHH. He received a doctoral degree in engineering (Dr.-Ing.) in 2015 with the thesis “Model-based Architecting and Optimization of Distributed Integrated Modular Avionics”. Since 2017 he is a Juniorprofessor for “Methods of Complex Avionics Systems” at the Institute of Aircraft Systems at the University of Stuttgart. He teaches bachelor and master students of aerospace engineering in computer science. His research focus is on “Self-organizing Avionics Systems”, “Integrated Modular Avionics”, and “Model-driven Design and Qualification Automation”. In this field, he currently has a team of 8 PhD students.