Registered user since Mon 22 Feb 2016
Bent Thomsen is an Associate Professor in the department of computer science at Aalborg University, Denmark. He joined the research unit focussing on database and programming technology in April 2002. From September 2008 till January 2015 he was the Group Leader. From February 2015 he has been member of the Departments Research Committee.
His research is in programming languages and programming technology with applications in parallel, concurrent, distributed, mobile and embedded systems.
Bent has more than 10 years of industrial research and research management experience.
Before joining Aalborg University, he was one of ICL’s (now Fujitsu Services) three Principal Researchers, based at ICL HQ in Bracknell, UK.
Before joining ICL, he was the team-leader for the Facile Programming Language team at ECRC in Munich, Germany.
Bent is the author of several book chapters, more than ten journal publications and twenty conference papers.
Bent Thomsen is a Chartered Scientist (CSci), a Chartered IT Professional (CITP), a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and a registered European Engineer (Eur Ing). He is a fellow of the British Computer Society (BCS), a member of the ACM, IEEE, BSC FACS, EAPLS and EATCS. Bent has a B.Sc in Mathematics and an M.Sc in computer science from Aalborg University, Denmark and a Ph.D and DIC from Imperial College, London University, UK.
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