OSS 2019
Sun 26 - Mon 27 May 2019 Montreal, QC, Canada
co-located with ICSE 2019
VenueFairmont The Queen Elizabeth Hotel
Room nameCrescent
Room number21
Room InformationNo extra information available

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Sun 26 May

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08:45 - 09:00
[Day 2] - OpeningICGSE Main at Crescent
Chair(s): Fabio Calefato University of Bari
09:00 - 10:00
[Day 2] - KeynoteICGSE Experience Reports at Crescent
Chair(s): Paolo Tell IT University of Copenhagen
Towards Responsible Software Engineering: Managing Ethics in Global Software Development
ICGSE Experience Reports
Shyam Thyagaraj Accenture, Toronto, Canada
11:00 - 12:30
Session 4: Methods and processes 02ICGSE Research Papers / ICGSE Experience Reports at Crescent
Chair(s): Marcelo Cataldo Google Inc.
Research paper
Understanding Similarities and Differences in Software Development Practices Across Domains
ICGSE Research Papers
Markos Viggiato University of Alberta, Johnatan Oliveira Federal University of Minas Gerais, Eduardo Figueiredo UFMG, Pooyan Jamshidi University of South Carolina, Christian Kästner Carnegie Mellon University
Experience report
Blueprint Model: A new approach to Scrum Agile Methodology
ICGSE Experience Reports
Cristiano Pereira Godoy SIDIA Research Institute, Andre Figliuolo da Cruz SIDIA Research Institute, Elisangela Paiva da Silva SIDIA Research Institute, Lanier Menezes dos Santos SIDIA Research Institute, Rafael Scholze Zerbini SIDIA Research Institute, Cícero Augusto De Lara Pahins SIDIA Research Institute
Experience report
Communication Network in an Agile Distributed Software Development Team
ICGSE Experience Reports
Experience report
Behavior-driven development as an approach to improve software quality and communication across remote business stakeholders, developers and QA: two case studiesCandidate for Best Experience Report Award
ICGSE Experience Reports
14:00 - 15:30
Session 5: TechnologyICGSE Experience Reports / ICGSE Research Papers at Crescent
Chair(s): Casper Lassenius Aalto University, Finland and Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering, Norway
Research paper
Slack Me If You Can! Using Enterprise Social Networking Tools in Virtual Agile TeamsCandidate for Best Research Paper Award
ICGSE Research Papers
Viktoria Stray University of Oslo / SINTEF, Nils Brede Moe , Mehdi Noroozi University of Oslo, Norway / Accenture
Research paper
ShIFt - Software Identity Framework for Global Software Delivery
ICGSE Research Papers
Kapil Singi Accenture, Vikrant Kaulgud Accenture Labs, India, R.P. Jagadeesh Chandra Bose Accenture Labs, Sanjay Podder Accenture
Research paper
Supporting A Flexible Grouping Mechanism for Collaborating Engineering TeamsCandidate for Best Research Paper Award
ICGSE Research Papers
Georgios Kanakis Johannes Kepler University, Stefan Fischer Johannes Kepler University, Djamel Eddine Khelladi ISSE - JKU, Alexander Egyed
Experience report
Collaboration Tool for Distributed Open Source Verification
ICGSE Experience Reports
Roger Nassif Mokarzel Filho SIDI Institute Brazil, Matheus Pereira SIDI Institute Brazil , Cassia Faria SIDI Institute Brazil , Gizelle Lemos
16:00 - 17:30
Session 6: Teaching / SkillsICGSE Research Papers / ICGSE Journal-First Paper Presentations at Crescent
Chair(s): Maria Paasivaara IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark & Aalto University, Finland
How Best to Teach Global Software Engineering? Educators are DividedIEEE Software Journal First
ICGSE Journal-First Paper Presentations
Sarah Beecham Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre and University of Limerick, John Noll University of East London, and Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre, Tony Clear Auckland University of Technology, John Barr Ithaca College, Daniela Damian University of Victoria, Walt Scacchi University of California, Irvine
Research paper
A Global View on the Hard Skills and Testing Tools in Software Testing
ICGSE Research Papers
Raluca Madalina Florea Institutt for Informatikk, University of Oslo, Viktoria Stray University of Oslo / SINTEF
Research paper
Country Stererotypes, Initial Trust, and Cooperation in Global Software Development TeamsCandidate for Best Research Paper Award
ICGSE Research Papers
Yi Wang Rochester Institute of Technology, Min Zhang East China Normal University
Research paper
Project Work Division in Agile Distributed Student Teams - Who Develops What?
ICGSE Research Papers
Ivana Bosnić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Igor Cavrak University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
17:30 - 18:00
[Day 2] - Closing sessionICGSE Main at Crescent
Chair(s): Fabio Calefato University of Bari

Mon 27 May

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08:30 - 18:00

Tue 28 May

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09:00 - 17:30

Mon 27 May

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Tue 28 May

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Sun 26 May

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