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APLAS 2019
Sun 1 - Wed 4 December 2019 Bali, Indonesia

APLAS 2019 includes a poster session during the conference. The poster session aims to give students, researchers and professionals an opportunity to present technical materials to the research community, and to get responses from other researchers in the field.


Poster contributions are sought in all areas of programming languages and systems, including the following topics:

  • Semantics, logics, foundational theory
  • Design of languages, type systems and foundational calculi
  • Domain-specific languages
  • Compilers, interpreters, abstract machines
  • Program derivation, synthesis and transformation
  • Program analysis, verification, model-checking
  • Logic, constraint, probabilistic and quantum programming
  • Software security
  • Concurrency and parallelism
  • Tools and environments for programming and implementation


Poster Chair: Andreea Costea, School of Computing, National University of Singapore.


Selected Poster Talks

Mon 2 Dec 2019
Tue 3 Dec 2019
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Mon 2 Dec

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08:50 - 10:00
Keynote 1Keynote Talks at Bali Room
Chair(s): Anthony Widjaja Lin Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
Proving that Programs are Differentially Private
Keynote Talks
K: Annabelle McIver Macquarie University
10:00 - 10:30
Coffee BreakCatering
12:00 - 13:30
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee BreakCatering
18:00 - 20:00
18:00 - 20:00
Poster sessionPosters at Puri Bali
Chair(s): Andreea Costea School of Computing, National University Of Singapore

Tue 3 Dec

Displayed time zone: Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi change

12:00 - 13:30
13:00 - 13:30
Poster talk sessionPosters at Bali Room
Chair(s): Andreea Costea School of Computing, National University Of Singapore
Selected Poster Talks

Each presenter should submit an extended abstract to EasyChair of no longer than two 8.5×11 inch pages in PDF by 20 September. The submission should include the title and the complete list of author(s) and affiliation(s). Your abstract should contain a brief description of your problem, the key contributions of your work, how your work compares to prior research, and any results from evaluation.

Please use this ACM template to format your submission.

We will announce the accepted presentations on 25 September. We hope to accommodate every presentation, but may restrict them (based on relevance and interest to the community) due to space constraints.

Submission website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=plsps2019


Poster Chair: Andreea Costea, School of Computing, National University of Singapore.

By default, every accepted poster of APLAS 2019 will participate in a Student Research Competition (SRC) unless the authors explicitly express their wish not do so. To unsubscribe from SRC kindly email the poster chair with the subject “Unsubscribe from APLAS19 SRC”, providing details such as author names and the poster submission number. The competition consists of the following phases:

  1. Extended abstract: to participate in the SRC, one needs to have submitted an extended abstract via the APLAS 2019 posters track and to have been accepted for the poster session.
  2. Poster Session (during the conference): During the poster session of APLAS 2019, a panel formed of poster committee members will discuss with each poster presenter to asses their work and to provide feedback with respect to their research direction. This committee also chooses at least three posters to advance to phase 3.
  3. Short Talk (during the conference): the authors reaching this phase will have the opportunity to present their work during the APLAS 2019 Research Papers track, as they will be given short slots for talks with slides during one of the sessions.

Note: This Student Research Competition is NOT part of ACM SRC;

let _SRC_ submitted_posters committee presentation talk =
   let src_posters = List.filter (λ (_,accepted,src) . accepted && src ) submitted_posters in
   let final_three = List.filter (λ poster . committee (presentation poster) <= 3 ) src_posters in
   talk final_three

RESULTS - posters selected for talks:

A Certified Version of Dijkstra's Shortest-Path
  • Anshuman Mohan and Aquinas Hobor
A Method for Representing Complete Lattices in Theorem Provers [winner]
  • Benedict Lee, Adi Prabawa and Wei-Ngan Chin
Android Multitasking Mechanism: Formal Semantics and Static Analysis of Apps
  • Jinlong He, Taolue Chen, Ping Wang, Zhilin Wu and Jun Yan
Rewriting Extended (Omega-)Regular Expressions
  • Yahui Song
Towards United Reasoning for Automatic Induction in Isabelle/HOL
  • Yutaka Nagashima


Poster Chair: Andreea Costea, School of Computing, National University of Singapore.
A Method for Representing Complete Lattices in Theorem Provers [won the SRC]
  • Benedict Lee, Adi Prabawa and Wei-Ngan Chin
D for a @safer Linux Kernel
  • Constantin Eduard Staniloiu, Alexandru Militaru and Razvan Nitu
Towards Modular Regression Verification
  • Hoang Duong Thien Nguyen, Graeme Gange, Toby Murray, Peter Schachte and Harald Søndergaard
Android Multitasking Mechanism: Formal Semantics and Static Analysis of Apps
  • Jinlong He, Taolue Chen, Ping Wang, Zhilin Wu and Jun Yan
Combining Dynamic Epistemic Logic and Process Algebra
  • Kiraku Minami
Grammar-based Static Type Checking for Graph Rewriting
  • Naoki Yamamoto and Kazunori Ueda
Disaggregated Network Packet Broker using Programmable Chip
  • Seokhwan Kong, Seungbeom Song and Jaiyong Lee
A Certified Version of Dijkstra's Shortest-Path
  • Anshuman Mohan and Aquinas Hobor
Inferring Simple Strategies for Efficient Quantified SMT Solving
  • Souta Yamauchi and Tachio Terauchi
Security, Privacy and Fairness Specifications for Neural Nets
  • Teodora Baluta, Kuldeep S. Meel and Prateek Saxena
Rewriting Extended (Omega-)Regular Expressions
  • Yahui Song
Towards United Reasoning for Automatic Induction in Isabelle/HOL
  • Yutaka Nagashima
Image segmentation and transformation by examples
  • Yuyi Zhong, Quang-Trung Ta and Siau-Cheng Khoo
Creating User Interface Generator for Software Product Line Engineering
  • Hafiyyan Sayyid Fadhlillah, Suci Fadhilah, Ade Azurat and Ichlasul Affan
SPL-based Web Framework for Charity Organizations
  • Alief Aziz, Oman Komarudin, Maya R. A. Setyautami and Ade Azurat