ESEIW 2024
Sun 20 - Fri 25 October 2024 Barcelona, Spain

Program Overview

The International Advanced School on Empirical Software Engineering (IASESE) is a 1-day event that will be held on October 23, 2024 at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) as part of the Empirical Software Engineering International Week (ESEIW). This year’s IASESE will be the 21st offering of the school. The goal of the IASESE series is to educate software engineering students, professionals, and early career researchers on advanced empirical methods in order to understand and improve software engineering practice. Special effort is being made this year to broaden participation in IASESE and in other ESEIW events by recruitment through minority-serving societies, including the National Society of Black Engineers, CAHSI, IAAMCS, CRA-W, and AISES. Special effort is being made this year to broaden participation from the large Spanish community in the field, including universities such as UPM (Madrid), UPV (Valencia), UCLM (Ciudad Real), US (Sevilla), and in general all universities in the Barcelona area.

IASESE’s topic this year is "Empirical studies targeting green and sustainable software and energy measurement.

The school’s objectives are:

  • O1: Understand the dimensions of software sustainability.
  • O2: Learn how empirical studies address sustainable software topics.
  • O3: Apply software measurement methods and techniques to an illustrative example of the energy consumption of software systems.

IASESE will be led by a team of internationally-known Instructors in the topic:

  • Patricia Lago, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Ivano Malavolta, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam