ESEIW 2024
Sun 20 - Fri 25 October 2024 Barcelona, Spain

Call for Papers

After the successful editions of Journal-first tracks at previous ESEM editions, ESEM has formed partnerships with prestigious software engineering journals to incorporate journal-first papers into the ESEM program more formally. Through this partnership, authors of journal-first papers accepted in the partnering journals can apply to present their work at ESEM. These presentations will allow the authors to speak directly to their peers, thus increasing awareness of the work, and will provide additional exciting content to the ESEM program.

The journals that have partnered with ESEM are:

  • IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
  • Empirical Software Engineering
  • Information and Software Technology
  • Journal of Systems and Software
  • IEEE Software
  • ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology

In addition to the general scope of the conference, journal-first presentation proposals submitted to ESEM 2024 must observe the following criteria:

  • The journal paper was accepted to one of the participating journals no earlier than July 1st, 2022.
  • The paper is a full article published in one of the partnering journals, i.e., it is not a short paper, commentary, editorial, note, opinion paper, or special issue introduction.
  • The article’s topic is relevant to the audience of the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, i.e., ideas, experiences, and challenging problems related to empirical software engineering research.
  • The paper clearly reports new research results (technical as well as “in practice”/industrial applications are eligible) or presents novel contributions that significantly extend and were not previously reported in prior work.
  • The paper does not extend prior work solely with additional proofs, or algorithms (or other such details presented for completeness), or minor enhancements or variants of the results shown in the prior work.
  • The paper does not repurpose materials previously published at a conference targeting academics, educators, students, or software professionals.
  • The paper has not been presented at and is not under consideration for journal-first programs of other conferences or previous ESEM conferences.

If in doubt about paper eligibility, please contact the track chair directly.

Please submit a maximum one-page PDF file with your proposal using this link: (track ESEM’24 Journal First) and follow the guidelines below.

The submitted file must provide the following information (ideally, use the numbering scheme shown below):

  1. Reference to the journal publication (metadata and a link)
  2. Proof of acceptance date. This could be:
    • the reference to the journal publication itself if the acceptance date is listed in the published version of the paper or
    • the acceptance email if the link to the published paper is still unavailable or the published version does not list the acceptance date.
  3. Justification that the journal publication fulfills the criteria of a journal-first paper (see bullet list above). Please explain why the paper is relevant to an ESEM audience, what in the journal publication is novel, which prior work it builds closely on, and why it still has enough novelty.

No special formatting is required as the submitted information will only be used for the assessment and selection process.

Depending on the number of submissions to the journal’s first track, the track chairs might have to select which subset of eligible submissions will be selected for presentation at the conference. There is no guarantee of acceptance even if all criteria above are fulfilled.

Please note that journal-first papers accepted for presentation at ESEM will not appear in the conference proceedings and that the authors of the journal-first submissions will be required to register for the conference to present the paper.

Important Dates

(All dates are end of the day, anywhere on earth)

Submission: August 1, 2024
Notification: September 2, 2024

Thu 24 Oct 2024
Fri 25 Oct 2024
ESEIW ESEM Emerging Results, Vision and Reflection Papers Track
ESEIW ESEM Journal-First Papers
ESEIW ESEM Technical Papers
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Thu 24 Oct

Displayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change

14:00 - 15:30
Journal Early-Feedback
The upper bound of information diffusion in code review
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Michael Dorner Blekinge Institute of Technology, Daniel Mendez Blekinge Institute of Technology and fortiss, Krzysztof Wnuk , Ehsan Zabardast Blekinge Institute of Technology, Jacek Czerwonka Developer Services, Microsoft
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
16:00 - 17:30
Journal Early-Feedback
Much more than a prediction: Expert-based software effort estimation as a behavioral act
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Patrícia G. F. Matsubara Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Igor Steinmacher Northern Arizona University, Bruno Gadelha UFAM, Tayana Conte Universidade Federal do Amazonas
16:00 - 17:30
Software vulnerabilities and defectsESEM Technical Papers / ESEM Emerging Results, Vision and Reflection Papers Track / ESEM Journal-First Papers at Sala de graus (C4 Building)
Chair(s): Daniela Cruzes Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Journal Early-Feedback
Identifying concerns when specifying machine learning-enabled systems: A perspective-based approach
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Hugo Villamizar fortiss GmbH, Marcos Kalinowski Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Helio Côrtes Vieira Lopes PUC-Rio, Daniel Mendez Blekinge Institute of Technology and fortiss
16:00 - 17:30
Journal Early-Feedback
GPTSniffer: A CodeBERT-based classifier to detect source code written by ChatGPT
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Phuong T. Nguyen University of L’Aquila, Juri Di Rocco University of L'Aquila, Claudio Di Sipio University of l'Aquila, Riccardo Rubei University of L'Aquila, Davide Di Ruscio University of L'Aquila, Massimiliano Di Penta University of Sannio, Italy
Link to publication DOI Pre-print

Fri 25 Oct

Displayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change

11:00 - 12:30
Journal Early-Feedback
Evaluating software security maturity using OWASP SAMM: Different approaches and stakeholders perceptions
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Davide Fucci Blekinge Institute of Technology, Emil Alégroth Blekinge Institute of Technology, Michael Felderer German Aerospace Center (DLR) & University of Cologne, Christoffer Johannesson Ericsson AB
14:00 - 15:30
Empirical studies in various domainsESEM IGC / ESEM Journal-First Papers / ESEM Emerging Results, Vision and Reflection Papers Track at Multimedia (B3 Building - Hall)
Chair(s): Carolyn Seaman University of Maryland Baltimore County
Journal Early-Feedback
The influence of the city metaphor and its derivates in software visualization
ESEM Journal-First Papers
David Moreno-Lumbreras Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Gregorio Robles Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Valerio Cosentino Eventbrite
16:00 - 17:10
Relationships and theory buildingESEM Journal-First Papers / ESEM Technical Papers at Multimedia (B3 Building - Hall)
Chair(s): Rogardt Heldal Western Norway University of Applied Science
Journal Early-Feedback
A Theory of Factors Affecting Continuous Experimentation (FACE)
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Rasmus Ros Theca Systems, Elizabeth Bjarnason Lund University, Sweden, Per Runeson Lund University
Journal Early-Feedback
It’s about time: How to study intertemporal choice in systems design
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Fabian Fagerholm Aalto University, Andres De los Ríos , Carol Cárdenas-Castro S4N, Jenny Gil S4N, Alexander Chatzigeorgiou University of Macedonia, Apostolos Ampatzoglou University of Macedonia, Christoph Becker University of Toronto

Accepted Papers

A Theory of Factors Affecting Continuous Experimentation (FACE)
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Evaluating software security maturity using OWASP SAMM: Different approaches and stakeholders perceptions
ESEM Journal-First Papers
GPTSniffer: A CodeBERT-based classifier to detect source code written by ChatGPT
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
Identifying concerns when specifying machine learning-enabled systems: A perspective-based approach
ESEM Journal-First Papers
It’s about time: How to study intertemporal choice in systems design
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Much more than a prediction: Expert-based software effort estimation as a behavioral act
ESEM Journal-First Papers
The influence of the city metaphor and its derivates in software visualization
ESEM Journal-First Papers
The upper bound of information diffusion in code review
ESEM Journal-First Papers
Link to publication DOI Pre-print