ESEM - Industry, Government, and Community Track ESEIW 2025
Call for Papers
The ESEM IGC track is one of the major forums for practitioners and researchers to share their experiences and disseminate results concerning the experience of applying or evaluating software engineering technologies (process, methods, techniques and tools) in real-world settings. It provides an opportunity for practitioners and researchers to exchange new ideas and develop new collaborations. Submissions to this track must include at least one non-academic author who has made a material contribution to the work. Submissions to this track will be peer-reviewed mainly for relevance, substance, and interest to the conference rather than for “academic” rigor. We encourage submissions written by practitioners for practitioners.
Some areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Case studies of development practice
Use of advanced tools or methods, including data-driven and AI-enabled solutions
Product development interactions with stakeholders
Adoption of DevOps, DataOps and MLOps
Management of technical debt and refactoring
Assessment and/or self-improvement of processes, tools, or practices
North-star metrics, OKRs and Measures Used in Practice
In-depth case study reports
Cross-organizational and software ecosystem collaboration
comparison between various LLMs, Gen AI platforms, applicability to industrial settings
Industry/academia collaboration
Knowledge exchange between industry and academia, including lessons learned
Problem identification identifying open research challenges
Compliance and Regulations
System and software safety compliance practices, including automotive and healthcare industries
Cybersecurity practices
GDPR, CCPA, and other Privacy Regulations
Community Participation
Community Service Projects and Outreach
Participation in open source communities
Participation in standards bodies and RFCs
Workforce assessment and advancement
Education to workforce pipeline (needs, outcomes, preparation)
Onboarding, Training, and Technical workforce development
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Opportunities for collaborations
Health and Wellbeing - for example of aging populations across the world
We seek the following types of submissions:
Experience Reports
This type of submission is only open to industry, government, or community practitioners. Submissions should describe experiences that may help understanding situations in which practices or technologies are applied and their impact. Experience reports on implementing practices or technologies suggested or driven from research are especially encouraged. Experience reports should include information on the setting, provide motivation, explain the events leading to the outcomes including the challenges faced, summarize the outcomes, and conclude with lessons learned, take-away messages, and advice based on the described experience. An extensive description of related work or background material is not required. However, references to relevant research is appreciated. Accepted submissions will be invited to present their report at the conference and a summary will be included in the conference proceedings.
Experience Reports submissions should provide a 2-4 page summary of the experience.
Empirical Studies
Submissions should describe empirical studies conducted in industry, government, or community settings (e.g., action research, case studies). We encourage the submission of novel studies, replication studies, and studies with negative results (i.e., studies that did not deliver the expected results). Submissions should describe related work, provide details on the approach and methodology employed, and discuss implications of the results.
For Empirical Studies, we accept both full papers (6-10 pages) and short papers (4-6 pages).
IGC Challenge Workshop Session
This type of submission is only open to practitioners. IGC challenge submissions outline a new research challenge, arising from software practice and experience. The submission should clearly articulate the problem and motivate it in terms of its potential for industrial impact and/or its practical importance. The aim is to provide a well-defined industrially relevant problem for the research community to tackle. Submissions should include a brief background and describe a problem or area that is in need of empirical study, and a list of questions/challenges to be discussed. Accepted submissions will be given an opportunity to conduct a workshop session at the conference to discuss the problem and solicit potential collaborations. Submissions are limited to 2-pages and must use the following outline:
Background Brief background of the organization and context.
Problem(s) Description of the problem or areas needing empirical study.
Discussion Points Bullet point list of questions, challenges, and requests. Put these in order of priority as there will be limited time in the workshop and not all discussion points will be addressed. The objective here is to stimulate interest and possible collaborations.
How to Submit
Submissions to this track are limited to 10 pages excluding references and 12 pages with references and must be submitted through EasyChair by selecting the track “Technical Papers.”
All submissions must be written in English and must be submitted via EasyChair in PDF format. They must be formatted according to the standard IEEE template in conference mode (which can be found at or in Overleaf at
A structured abstract is required with the headings Background, Aims, Method, Results, and Conclusions. Papers must contain an explicit description of the empirical strategy used or investigated. The submission must also comply with the IEEE ethics guidelines In particular, it must not have been published elsewhere. It must not be under review elsewhere while under review for ESEM.
ESEM 2023 Technical Track will employ a double-blind review process. Thus, submissions may not reveal their authors’ identities. The authors must make an acceptable effort to honor the double-blind review process. In particular, the authors’ names must be omitted from the submission, and references to their prior work should be made in the third person. Author ethics and peer review details can be found at
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three experts from the international program committee of each track and will receive an additional meta-review. Any papers that are outside the scope of the symposium, exceed the maximum number of pages for the respective category, or do not follow the formatting guidelines will be desk rejected without review. The PC members’ bidding information may be used to assess what is considered out of scope.
Finally, please note that each accepted paper in the technical track must have at least one author registered as a full (non-student) participant by the deadline for the camera-ready submission. If a researcher is an author of multiple accepted papers, each paper must still have its full registration. In such cases, other co-authors must register to fulfill the requirement for each paper. Also, each paper must be presented by one of the authors. Failure to meet these criteria will result in the paper’s removal from the proceedings.
Important Dates
(All dates are end of the day, anywhere on earth)
- Abstract: May 16, 2025
- Submission: May 23, 2025
- Notification: July 04, 2025
- Camera-ready: July 25, 2025