ESEM - Research Projects Track ESEIW 2025
Call for Research Projects
ESEM2025 continues the Research Project track, introduced last year, where researchers and practitioners can present their ongoing research projects (e.g., H2020, Horizon Europe, ERC projects, or national grants) in the context of Empirical Software Engineering. The main objective of this call is to serve as a forum where presenters can disseminate the intermediate results of their projects or get feedback about research project proposals being developed. Moreover, this track will provide a suitable environment for finding other potential research partners, fostering existing relationships, and discussing new research ideas.
General Scope of Submissions
Submissions should not be under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere. Submissions may address the following topics:
Projects funded by the European Union, by national or local funding organizations, or by individual universities and industries;
Projects focused on fundamental research, applied research, or more industry-oriented;
Research projects carried out by an international consortium of partners or by a national research team;
Research statements for future projects concerning the Information Systems Engineering community.
How to Submit
Authors should submit a paper (2-4 pages) showcasing the project, including the participants, the main objectives of the project, and relevant results obtained so far (or expected results in the case of project proposals). Each submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee. In case of disagreement, a third member of the Program Committee will review the submission. The Program Committee will comprise international researchers with expertise in the field. The accepted contributions will be included in the ESEM2025 proceedings.
The paper should be submitted via Easychair ( by selecting “Research Projects”. Each research project submission should include:
Project’s full name, acronym, duration (from-to), participants, funding agency, and URL;
Presenter(s) and main contributors names;
Abstract and keywords;
Summary of project objectives and expected tangible outputs;
The relevance of the project (or one of its work packages) to the ESEM community;
If the project is ongoing, summarize the current status and intermediate results.
All submissions must be written in English and submitted via EasyChair in PDF format. They must be formatted according to the ACM proceedings template, which can be found at ACM Proceedings Template ( or in Overleaf at
Important Dates
(All dates are end of the day, anywhere on earth)
Abstracts: June 06, 2025
Submission: June 13, 2025
Notification: July 11, 2025
Camera-ready: August 04, 2025
Research Projects Co-Chairs
Marcela Genero Bocco, Universidad Castilla-La Mancha, Spain Sérgio Soares, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil