DSLDI 2018
Sun 4 - Fri 9 November 2018 Boston, Massachusetts, United States
co-located with SPLASH 2018

SPLASH 2018 will be held at the Boston Park Plaza. We have arranged for a room rate of $239 per room. The conference rate applies from November 1st to November 12th. Outside of those dates you will have to make a separate booking. The hotel is sold out for the night of November 3rd and rooms with 2 beds are only available from November 5th-November 13th. To book use the following link: Reservations for Splash 2018

In case of difficulties with the booking email email the Housing Chair.

To share a room with another attendee, at the conference hotel or anywhere, register interest with ConferenceShare.

Why book at the Park Plaza? To make SPLASH possible in Boston, SIGPLAN had to guarantee a room block of 700 nights. Any pickup below that will have to be paid from funds we would otherwise use for the Mentoring Workshop or to pay for Open Access. If you are able to afford the conference hotel, please book there as a way to support SPLASH. (As of this writing we have sold 660/700 nights)


50 Park Plaza
Massachusetts, United States
Visit website