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LCTES 2018
co-located with PLDI 2018

There are many opportunities for students to get involved with the conference. Students needing financial support to attend the conference are encourage to apply to the following.

All students who receive travel support are asked to post to this blog before and after the event to share your stories and experiences (at least two postings please!). You will receive instructions on posting to the blog after notification of acceptance.

Travel support includes: Volunteering, SRC, PLMW, and PAC reimbursement

Student Volunteers

PLDI has a Student Volunteer Program for more information on the Student Volunteer program, please see this link for more details. 2nd deadline on May 6th

Student Research Competition

PLDI has a Student Research Competition for Graduate and Undergraduate students, please see this link for more details.

Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop

For senior undergraduate and beginning graduate students interested to pursue a career in programming language research, please find more information on the Mentoring Workshop on this page


The ACM SIGPLAN PAC Funds can support travel, accommodation and registration for Students. For more information see http://www.sigplan.org/PAC/.

Funding for Student Travel, Registration, and Accommodation

Limited funds are available to support student participation at PLDI’18. Priority will be given to those students (in this order) who

  • Are an author on a PLDI’18 paper
  • Are an author on a paper at a PLDI’18 co-located conference, workshop, or symposium (see the list via the link under the Tracks pull down menu)
  • Participate in the PLDI’18 Student Research Competition (SRC) - more on this at the link above
  • (Help) Lead an PLDI’18 tutorial
  • Participate as a student volunteer (and are from outside of the area) – more on this at the link above
  • Submitted a paper to PLDI’18 or to a PLDI’18 conference, workshop, or symposium (see the list via the link under the Tracks pull down menu)
  • Students who wish to attend the conference

Other restrictions apply depending on the amount of funds available. More details are provided on the PAC Page.

If you wish to share a room at the conference hotel register your interest with ConferenceShare Pleas note that this service enables you to find a roommate with matching dates but does not book rooms on your behalf. You can book via this link for the conference hotel or choose another property.