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LCTES 2018
co-located with PLDI 2018

Welcome to LCTES 2018. Please follow us at https://twitter.com/acmlctes.

LCTES provides a link between the programming languages and embedded systems engineering communities. Researchers and developers in these areas are addressing many similar problems, but with different backgrounds and approaches. LCTES is intended to expose researchers and developers from either area to relevant work and interesting problems in the other area and provide a forum where they can interact.

A copy of this year’s proceedings is available at https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3211332.

Paper Categories

  • Full paper: 10 pages presenting original work.
  • Work-in-progress paper: 2-4 pages papers presenting original ideas that are likely to trigger interesting discussions.

Accepted papers in both categories will appear in the proceedings published by ACM.

This year LCTES is introducing a

journal mode

in addition to the usual conference mode. All accepted full papers will be invited to be published in a special issue of JSA (Journal of System Architecture) .

Artifact Evaluation

Authors of accepted full papers will be invited to formally submit their supporting materials to the Artifact Evaluation process. The Artifact Evaluation process is run by a separate committee whose task is to reproduce (at least some) experiments and asses how the artifacts support the work described in the papers. This submission is voluntary and will not influence the final decision regarding the papers.

Original contributions are solicited on the topics of interest including, but not limited to:

  • Programming language challenges, including:
  • Compiler challenges, including:
  • Tools for analysis, specification, design, and implementation, including:
  • Theory and foundations of embedded systems, including:
  • Novel embedded architectures, including:
  • Mobile systems and IoT, including:
  • Empirical studies and their reproduction, and confirmation
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09:00 - 10:30
Welcome & KeynoteLCTES 2018 at Discovery AB
Day opening
LCTES 2018

Keynote: Blockchain and Embedded Systems
LCTES 2018

11:00 - 12:15
Full paper session on Programming LanguagesLCTES 2018 at Discovery AB
MakeCode and CODAL: Intuitive and Efficient Embedded Systems Programming for Education
LCTES 2018
James Devine Lancaster University, Joe Finney , Peli de Halleux Microsoft Research, Michał Moskal Microsoft Research, Thomas Ball Microsoft Research, Steve Hodges Microsoft
Compositionality in Scenario-aware Dataflow: A Rendezvous Perspective
LCTES 2018
Mladen Skelin Eindhoven University of Technology, Marc Geilen Eindhoven University of Technology
A Memory-Bounded, Deterministic and Terminating Semantics for the Synchronous Programming Language Céu
LCTES 2018
Guilherme F. Lima PUC-Rio, Rodrigo C. M. Santos PUC-Rio, Edward Hermann Haeusler PUC-Rio, Roberto Ierusalimschy PUC-Rio, Francisco Sant'Anna Rio de Janeiro State University
12:50 - 13:50
Poster Session & LunchLCTES 2018 at Grand Ballroom Foyer
Poster Session & Lunch
LCTES 2018

14:00 - 15:40
Full paper session on Adaptation and HardwareLCTES 2018 at Discovery AB
Adaptive Deep Learning Model Selection on Embedded Systems
LCTES 2018
Ben Taylor Lancaster University, UK, Vicent Sanz Marco Lancaster University, Willy Wolff Lancaster University, Yehia Elkhatib Lancaster University, Zheng Wang Lancaster University
Optimizing RAID/SSD Controllers with Lifetime Extension for Flash-based SSD Array
LCTES 2018
Lei Han , Zhaoyan Shen The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Zili Shao The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Tao Li University of Florida
Verification of Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays through Random Test Programs
LCTES 2018
Bernhard Egger Seoul National University, Eunjin Song Seoul National University, Hochan Lee Seoul National University, Daeyoung Shin Seoul National University
Decoupling Address Generation from Loads and Stores to Improve Data Access Energy Efficiency
LCTES 2018
Michael Stokes Florida State University, Ryan Baird Florida State University, Zhaoxiang Jin Michigan Technological University, David B. Whalley , Soner Onder Michigan Technological University
16:10 - 17:25
WIP paper sessionLCTES 2018 at Discovery AB
WIP: Deep Neural Networks compiler for a trace-based accelerator
LCTES 2018
Andre Xian Ming Chang FWDNXT and Purdue, Aliasger Zaidy FWDNXT and Purdue, Lukasz Burzawa FWDNXT and Purdue, Eugenio Culurciello FWDNXT and Purdue
WIP: Statically Relating Program Properties for Efficient Verification
LCTES 2018
Bharti Chimdyalwar Tata Consultancy Services, Priyanka Darke Tata Consultancy Services
WIP: Transparent Standby for Low-Power, Resource-Constrained Embedded Systems: A Programming Language-Based Approach
LCTES 2018
Francisco Sant'Anna Rio de Janeiro State University, Alexandre Sztajnberg Rio de Janeiro State University, Noemi Rodriguez PUC-Rio, Ana Lúcia de Moura
WIP: An open-source realtime computational platform
LCTES 2018
Pavan Mehrotra Stanford University, Sabar Dasgupta Stanford University, Samantha Robertson Stanford University, Paul Nuyujukian Stanford University
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached

Unscheduled Events

Not scheduled
Day closing
Closing Remarks
LCTES 2018

Not scheduled
WIP: JSCore: Architectural support for accelerating JavaScript execution
LCTES 2018
Gaurav Chadha Oracle America Inc

Accepted Papers

Adaptive Deep Learning Model Selection on Embedded Systems
LCTES 2018
A Memory-Bounded, Deterministic and Terminating Semantics for the Synchronous Programming Language Céu
LCTES 2018
Compositionality in Scenario-aware Dataflow: A Rendezvous Perspective
LCTES 2018
Decoupling Address Generation from Loads and Stores to Improve Data Access Energy Efficiency
LCTES 2018
MakeCode and CODAL: Intuitive and Efficient Embedded Systems Programming for Education
LCTES 2018
Optimizing RAID/SSD Controllers with Lifetime Extension for Flash-based SSD Array
LCTES 2018
Verification of Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays through Random Test Programs
LCTES 2018
WIP: An open-source realtime computational platform
LCTES 2018
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached
WIP: Deep Neural Networks compiler for a trace-based accelerator
LCTES 2018
WIP: JSCore: Architectural support for accelerating JavaScript execution
LCTES 2018
WIP: Statically Relating Program Properties for Efficient Verification
LCTES 2018
WIP: Transparent Standby for Low-Power, Resource-Constrained Embedded Systems: A Programming Language-Based Approach
LCTES 2018

Call for Papers

Embedded system design faces many challenges both with respect to functional requirements and nonfunctional requirements, many of which are conflicting. They are found in areas such as design and developer productivity, verification, validation, maintainability, and meeting performance goals and resource constraints. Novel design-time and run-time approaches are needed to meet the demand of emerging applications and to exploit new hardware paradigms, and in particular to scale up to multicores (including GPUs and FPGAs) and distributed systems built from multicores.

LCTES 2018 solicits papers presenting original work on programming languages, compilers, tools, theory, and architectures that help in overcoming these challenges. Research papers on innovative techniques are welcome, as well as experience papers on insights obtained by experimenting with real-world systems and applications.

Paper Categories

  • Full paper: 10 pages presenting original work.
  • Work-in-progress paper: 2-4 pages papers presenting original ideas that are likely to trigger interesting discussions.

Accepted papers in both categories will appear in the proceedings published by ACM.

This year LCTES is introducing a

journal mode

in addition to the usual conference mode. All accepted full papers will be invited to be published in a special issue of JSA (Journal of System Architecture) .

Artifact Evaluation

Authors of accepted full papers will be invited to formally submit their supporting materials to the Artifact Evaluation process. The Artifact Evaluation process is run by a separate committee whose task is to reproduce (at least some) experiments and asses how the artifacts support the work described in the papers. This submission is voluntary and will not influence the final decision regarding the papers.

Original contributions are solicited on the topics of interest including, but not limited to:

  • Programming language challenges, including:
    • Domain-specific languages
    • Features to exploit multicore, reconfigurable, and other emerging architectures
    • Features for distributed, adaptive, and real-time control embedded systems
    • Language capabilities for specification, composition, and construction of embedded systems
    • Language features and techniques to enhance reliability, verifiability, and security
    • Virtual machines, concurrency, inter-processor synchronization, and memory management
  • Compiler challenges, including:
    • Interaction between embedded architectures, operating systems, and compilers
    • Interpreters, binary translation, just-in- time compilation, and split compilation
    • Support for enhanced programmer productivity
    • Support for enhanced debugging, profiling, and exception/interrupt handling
    • Optimization for low power/energy, code and data size, and best-effort and real-time performance
    • Parameterized and structural compiler design space exploration and auto-tuning
  • Tools for analysis, specification, design, and implementation, including:
    • Hardware, system software, application software, and their interfaces
    • Distributed real-time control, media players, and reconfigurable architectures
    • System integration and testing
    • Performance estimation, monitoring, and tuning
    • Run-time system support for embedded systems
    • Design space exploration tools
    • Support for system security and system-level reliability
    • Approaches for cross-layer system optimization
  • Theory and foundations of embedded systems, including:
    • Predictability of resource behaviour: energy, space, time
    • Validation and verification, in particular of concurrent and distributed systems
    • Formal foundations of model-based design as basis for code generation, analysis, and verification
    • Mathematical foundations for embedded systems
    • Models of computations for embedded applications
  • Novel embedded architectures, including:
    • Design and implementation of novel architectures
    • Workload analysis and performance evaluation
    • Architecture support for new language features, virtualization, compiler techniques, debugging tools
    • Architectural features to improve power/energy, code/data size, and predictability
  • Mobile systems and IoT, including:
    • Operating systems for mobile and IoT devices
    • Compiler and software tools for mobile and IoT systems
    • Energy management for mobile and IoT devices
    • Memory and IO techniques for mobile and IoT devices
  • Empirical studies and their reproduction, and confirmation

Formatting Guidelines: Submissions must be in ACM proceedings format, double-column, 10-point type, and may not exceed 10 pages for full papers and 4 pages for work-in-progress papers (not including references; there is no page limit for references for both categories of papers.) For papers in the work-in-progress categories, please prepend "WIP: " in front of the title. To enable double-blind reviewing, submissions must adhere to two rules:

  • author names and their affiliations must be omitted; and,
  • references to related work by the authors should be in the third person (e.g., not “We build on our previous work …” but rather “We build on the work of …”).

However, nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission or makes the job of reviewing the paper more difficult (e.g., important background references should not be omitted or anonymized). Papers must describe unpublished work that is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere as discussed here. Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign an ACM copyright release.

The ACM template can be found at https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template.

The submission site: is https://lctes18.hotcrp.com.

Registration is now open! Register by May 18, 2018 for early rates!

Please visit https://regmaster4.com/2018conf/PLDI18/register.php to register with either:
A) LCTES option
B) Any option that covers the LCTES days you want to attend, such as 5-day PLDI & Co-located Events. In case you go for this option, please remember to select LCTES in page 2 of the registration form.

A total of 8 WIP papers and 27 full papers were submitted and reviewed. The program committee selected 5 WIP papers and 7 full papers for acceptance, listed below. This represents an acceptance rate of 26% for full papers.

  • WIP: Deep Neural Networks compiler for a trace-based accelerator
    Andre Xian Ming Chang, Aliasger Zaidy, Lukasz Burzawa, Eugenio Culurciello

  • WIP: Transparent Standby for Low-Power, Resource-Constrained Embedded Systems: A Programming Language-Based Approach
    Francisco Sant’Anna, Alexandre Sztajnberg, Noemi Rodrigues

  • WIP: Statically Relating Program Properties for Efficient Verification
    Bharti Chimdyalwar, Priyanka Darke

  • WIP: JSCore: Architectural support for accelerating JavaScript execution
    Gaurav Chadha

  • WIP: An open-source realtime computational platform
    Pavan Mehrotra, Sabar Dasgupta, Samantha Robertson, Paul Nuyujukian

  • A Memory-Bounded, Deterministic and Terminating Semantics for the Synchronous Programming Language Céu
    Guilherme F. Lima, Rodrigo C. M. Santos, Edward Hermann Haeusler, Roberto Ierusalimschy, Francisco Sant’Anna

  • MakeCode and CODAL: Intuitive and Efficient Embedded Systems Programming for Education
    James Devine, Joe Finney, Peli de Halleux, Michal Moskal, Thomas Ball, Steve Hodges

  • Adaptive Deep Learning Model Selection on Embedded Systems
    Ben Taylor, Vicent Sanz Marco, Willy Wolff, Yehia Elkhatib, Zheng Wang

  • Optimizing RAID/SSD Controllers with Lifetime Extension for Flash-based SSD Array
    Lei Han, Zhaoyan Shen, Zili Shao, Tao Li

  • Compositionality in Scenario-aware Dataflow: A Rendezvous Perspective
    Mladen Skelin, Marc Geilen

  • Decoupling Address Generation from Loads and Stores to Improve Data Access Energy Efficiency
    Michael Stokes, Ryan Baird, Zhaoxiang Jin, David Whalley, Soner Onder

  • Verification of Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays through Random Test Programs
    Bernhard Egger, Eunjin Song, Hochan Lee, Daeyoung Shin

ACM can provide visa support letters to confirmed participants. For Visa support letters, please send all requests to the Office of SIG Services supportletters@acm.org with the following information:

  • Your name as it appears on your passport
  • Current postal mailing address
  • The name of the conference you wish to attend
  • Your registration confirmation number
  • If you have any papers accepted for the conference, please provide the title and indicate whether you are the ‘sole author’ or a ‘co- author’

Please note visa support letters are issued via email by PDF and the original is mailed to your current postal address.

Alternatively, this is the link for Visa Support Letters :

