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LCTES 2019
Sat 22 - Fri 28 June 2019 Phoenix, Arizona, United States
co-located with PLDI 2019
Sun 23 Jun 2019 12:20 - 12:35 at 105A - Session 2: Architecture and Compilers Chair(s): Na Meng

Embedded devices powered off ambient energy harvesting compute intermittently, as energy is available. System support for these devices ensure forward progress of programs through state checkpointing in non-volatile memory. Checkpointing is, however, expensive in energy and adds to execution times. To reduce this overhead,we present DICE, a system design that efficiently achieves differential checkpointing in intermittent computing. Distinctive traits of DICE are its software-only nature and its ability to only operate in volatile main memory to determine differentials. DICE works with arbitrary programs using automatic code instrumentation, thus requiring no programmer intervention, and may be integrated with both reactive (Hibernus) or proactive (MementOS, HarvOS) checkpointing systems. By reducing the cost of checkpoints, the general performance markedly improves. For example, using DICE, Hibernus requires one order of magnitude shorter time to complete a fixed workload in a real-world settings.

Sun 23 Jun

Displayed time zone: Tijuana, Baja California change

11:20 - 12:35
Session 2: Architecture and CompilersLCTES 2019 at 105A
Chair(s): Na Meng Virginia Tech
From Java to Real-Time Java: A Model-Driven Methodology with Automated Toolchain (Invited)
LCTES 2019
Wanli Chang University of York, Shuai Zhao University of York, Ran Wei University of York, Andy Wellings University of York, Alan Burns University of York
The Betrayal of Constant Power × Time: Finding the Missing Joules of Transiently-Powered Computers
LCTES 2019
Saad Ahmed LUMS, Pakistan, Abu Bakar Northwestern University, US, Naveed Anwar Bhatti RISE, Sweden, Muhammad Hamad Alizai LUMS, Pakistan, Junaid Haroon Siddiqui , Luca Mottola Politecnico di Milano, Italy and RI.Se SICS, Sweden
WCET-Aware Hyper-Block Construction for Clustered VLIW Processors
LCTES 2019
Xuesong Su UNSW Sydney, Hui Wu University of New South Wales, Australia, Jingling Xue UNSW Sydney
SPECTRUM: A Software Defined Predictable Many-core Architecture for LTE Baseband Processing
LCTES 2019
Vanchinathan Venkataramani National University of Singapore, Aditi Kulkarni National University of Singapore, Tulika Mitra National University of Singapore, Singapore, Li-Shiuan Peh National University of Singapore
Efficient Intermittent Computing with Differential Checkpointing
LCTES 2019
Saad Ahmed LUMS, Pakistan, Naveed Anwar Bhatti RISE, Sweden, Muhammad Hamad Alizai LUMS, Pakistan, Junaid Haroon Siddiqui , Luca Mottola Politecnico di Milano, Italy and RI.Se SICS, Sweden