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ASE 2020
Mon 21 - Fri 25 September 2020 Melbourne, Australia
Mon 21 Sep 2020 05:02 - 05:18 at Kangaroo - Session 2 Paper Presentation Chair(s): Thuong Hoang

For software projects, significant delays can result in heavy penalty which may end up with project costs exceeding their budgets. As a consequence,employees,i.e.,software developers,are often requested to work overtime in order to reduce or even eliminate the delays. By doing so, overtime payment may often be introduced and excessive overtime payment can also easily swallow company profit which may even lead to serious overdraft. Hence software manager needs to decide who should work overtime and how much overtime they would take in order to control the cost. This means that it is important to investigate how to reduce or eliminate the overall penalties by taking multiple concurrent software projects into account. In practice, there is normally a number of available employees with same or similar skills and domain knowledge from other similar concurrent projects. In addition,they have different skill proficiency. So rescheduling those employees with appropriate overtime may be feasible to find a solution which can reduce or eliminate the penalties of delayed software projects. Since this kind of scheduling is a typical NP-hard problem, a novel generic strategy is proposed to help select appropriate employees and determine how much overtime to be assigned to the delayed activities. The new strategy combines the features of ant colony optimization algorithm and Tabu strategy and includes four rules to reduce the search space. A set of comprehensive generic experiments is carried out in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed strategy in a general manner. In addition,three real world software project instances are also utilized to evaluate our strategy. The results demonstrate that our strategy is effective which outperforms the other representative strategies which are applied successfully at software project scheduling.

Mon 21 Sep

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04:30 - 05:50
Session 2 Paper Presentation[Workshop] HCSE&CS at Kangaroo
Chair(s): Thuong Hoang School of Information Technology, Deakin University
Exploring the Requirements of Pandemic Awareness Systems: A Case Study of COVID-19 Using Twitter, Reddit, and Google TrendsWorkshop
[Workshop] HCSE&CS
Esmaeil Shakeri University of Calgary, Behrouz Far University of Calgary
mHealth4U: Designing for Health and Wellbeing Self-ManagemenWorkshop
[Workshop] HCSE&CS
Hamza Sellak CSIRO's Data61, Marthie Grobler CSIRO's Data61
Reducing Delay Penalty of Multiple Concurrent Software Projects based on Overtime PlanningWorkshop
[Workshop] HCSE&CS
wei zhang East China University of Technology, Yun Yang Swinburne University of Technology, Xiao Liu School of Information Technology, Deakin University
Towards Better Understanding of Agile Teams through Behavior Change ModelsWorkshop
[Workshop] HCSE&CS
Kashumi Madampe Monash University, Australia, Rashina Hoda Monash University, John Grundy Monash University
A Vision to Mitigate Bioinformatics Software Development ChallengesWorkshop
[Workshop] HCSE&CS
Akond Rahman Tennessee Tech University, Farzana Ahamed Bhuiyan Tennessee Tech University