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ASE 2021
Sun 14 - Sat 20 November 2021 Australia
Thu 18 Nov 2021 09:30 - 09:40 at Kangaroo - Development Chair(s): James C. Davis

Java virtual machine (JVM) has the well-known slow startup and warmup issues. This is because JVM needs to dynamically create many runtime data before reaching peak performance, including class metadata, method profile data, and just-in-time (JIT) compiled native code, for each run of even the same application. Many techniques are then proposed to reuse and share these runtime data across different runs. For example, Class Data Sharing (CDS) and Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation aim to save and share class metadata and compiled native code, respectively. Unfortunately, these techniques are developed independently and cannot leverage the ability of each other well. This paper presents an approach that systematically reuses JVM runtime data to accelerate application startup and warmup. We first propose and implement JWarmup, a technique that can record and reuse JIT compilation data (e.g., compiled methods and their profile data). Then, we feed JIT compilation data to the AOT compiler to perform profile-guided optimization (PGO). We also integrate existing CDS and AOT techniques to further optimize application startup. Evaluation on real-world applications shows that our approach can bring 41.35% improvement to the application startup. Moreover, our approach can trigger JIT compilation in advance and reduce CPU load at peak time.

Thu 18 Nov

Displayed time zone: Hobart change

09:00 - 10:00
DevelopmentIndustry Showcase / Research Papers / NIER track at Kangaroo
Chair(s): James C. Davis Purdue University, USA
Performance Testing for Cloud Computing with Dependent Data Bootstrapping
Research Papers
Sen He The University of Texas at San Antonio, Tianyi Liu The University of Texas at San Antonio, Palden Lama The University of Texas at San Antonio, Jaewoo Lee University of Georgia, In Kee Kim University of Georgia, Wei Wang University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Privacy as first-class requirements in software development: A socio-technical approach
NIER track
Itsik Benbenisty University of Haifa, Irit Hadar University of Haifa, Gil Luria University of Haifa, Paola Spoletini Kennesaw State University
Towards a Serverless Java Runtime
Industry Showcase
Yifei Zhang Alibaba Group, Tianxiao Gu Alibaba Group, Xiaolin Zheng Alibaba Group, Lei Yu Alibaba Group, Wei Kuai Alibaba Group, Sanhong Li Alibaba Inc.