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ASE 2021
Sun 14 - Sat 20 November 2021 Australia

Call for Papers

The IEEE/ACM Automated Software Engineering (ASE) Conference series is the premier research forum for automated software engineering. Each year, it brings together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss foundations, techniques, and tools for automating the analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance of large software systems. ASE 2021 invites high quality contributions describing significant, original, and unpublished results.

Solicited topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Testing, verification, and validation
  • Software analysis
  • Empirical software engineering
  • Maintenance and evolution
  • Artificial intelligence for software engineering
  • Software engineering for artificial intelligence
  • Software security and trust; data privacy
  • Recommender systems for software engineering
  • Program synthesis & transformations, automated defect repair
  • Program comprehension
  • Mobile app development
  • Automated reasoning techniques
  • Software architecture and design
  • Reverse engineering and re-engineering
  • Model-driven development
  • Knowledge acquisition and management
  • Cloud computing
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Component-based service-oriented systems
  • Specification languages
  • Configuration management
  • Requirements engineering
  • Software product line engineering
  • Software visualization

Two categories of submissions are solicited:

  • Technical Research Papers should describe innovative research in automating software development activities or automated support to users engaged in such activities. They should describe a novel contribution to the field and should carefully support claims of novelty with citations to the relevant literature. Where a submission builds upon previous work of the author(s), the novelty of the new contribution must be clearly described with respect to the previous work, but the author identity should not be revealed, i.e., prior work should be referenced in the third person, to reflect the double-blind review policy. Papers should also clearly discuss how the results were validated

  • Experience Papers should describe a significant experience in applying automated software engineering technology and should carefully identify and discuss important lessons learned, so that other researchers and/or practitioners can benefit from the experience. Of special interest are experience papers that report on industrial applications of automated software engineering.

Like ASE 2020, New Ideas Papers will be managed and evaluated by a separate track (Short Paper track), with a separate PC, deadline, etc.


Abstracts and papers must be submitted electronically through the ASE 2021 HotCRP submission site.

Format. All submissions must be in English.

All submissions must be in PDF format and conform, at time of submission, to the IEEE Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines (title in 24pt font and full text in 10pt type, LaTeX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran} without including the compsoc or compsocconf option).

Papers submitted to this track (Technical Research and Experience Papers) must not exceed 10 pages (including figures) plus up to 2 pages that contain ONLY references. Exceeding this limit will be grounds for rejection without review.

Experience papers should contain the phrase “experience paper” prominently in the abstract, to ensure that they are evaluated appropriately.

The authors are strongly encouraged to use the HotCRP format checker on their submissions. Note that the format checker is not perfect. In particular, it can complain about small fonts in figures, footnotes, or references. As long as the main text follows the requested format, and the figures are readable, the paper will not be rejected for format violations. If you have any concerns, please contact the program chairs at ase2021research@gmail.com.

Originality. Papers submitted to ASE 2021 must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere when being considered for ASE 2021. Authors should be aware of the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism and the IEEE Plagiarism FAQ.

To check for double submission and plagiarism issues, the chairs reserve the right to (1) share the list of submissions with the PC Chairs of other conferences, affiliated with ACM or IEEE, with overlapping review periods and (2) use external plagiarism detection software, under contract to the ACM or IEEE, to detect violations of these policies.

ASE 2021 will pursue a double-blind review process. If you have any questions, please see FAQs and/or contact the PC chairs at ase2021research@gmail.com. Authors are encouraged to double check conflicts of interest on their papers in HotCRP shortly after the submission deadline.

Submissions that do not adhere to these limits or that violate the formatting guidelines will be desk-rejected without review.

Supplementary material. Supplementary material can be uploaded via the HotCRP site or anonymously linked from the paper submission. Although PC members are not obligated to look at this material, we strongly encourage submitters to use supplementary material to provide access to anonymized code or data, whenever possible. Please carefully review any supplementary material to ensure it conforms to the double-blind policy (described next). For example, code and data repositories may be exported to remove version control history, scrubbed of names in comments and metadata, and anonymously uploaded to a sharing site to support review. One resource that may be helpful in accomplishing this task is this blog post:



Accepted papers will be permitted an additional page of content to allow authors to incorporate review feedback. The page limit for published papers will therefore be 11 pages (including figures), plus 2 pages which may only contain references. Note that all submitted papers must conform to the 10+2 requirement, described above.

We strongly encourage authors of accepted papers to archive the research artifacts, including code and data, associated with their ASE papers. Software Heritage (presented in a keynote at ASE 2018) requires only providing a URL to an existing archive:


Other often used solutions, focusing on data, include Figshare and Zenodo.

After acceptance, the list of paper authors can not be changed under any circumstances and the list of authors on camera-ready papers must be identical to those on submitted papers. After acceptance paper titles can not be changed except by permission of the Track Chairs, and only then when referees recommended a change for clarity or accuracy with paper content.

Tue 16 Nov 2021
Wed 17 Nov 2021
Thu 18 Nov 2021
ASE Industry Showcase
ASE Journal-first Papers
ASE NIER track
ASE Plenary
ASE Research Papers
ASE Social/Networking
ASE Tool Demonstrations
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Tue 16 Nov

Displayed time zone: Hobart change

11:00 - 12:00
AutomationResearch Papers / Tool Demonstrations / Journal-first Papers at Kangaroo
Chair(s): Eunsuk Kang Carnegie Mellon University
Automating User Notice Generation for Smart Contract Functions
Research Papers
Xing Hu Zhejiang University, Zhipeng Gao Monash University, Xin Xia Huawei Software Engineering Application Technology Lab, David Lo Singapore Management University, Xiaohu Yang Zhejiang University
End-to-End Automation of Feedback on Student Assembly Programs
Research Papers
Zikai Liu ETH Zurich, Tingkai Liu UIUC, Qi Li Purdue University, Wenqing Luo UIUC, Steven S. Lumetta UIUC
11:00 - 12:00
Empirical StudiesIndustry Showcase / Research Papers / Tool Demonstrations at Koala
Chair(s): Felipe Fronchetti Virginia Commonwealth University
Is Historical Data an Appropriate Benchmark for Reviewer Recommendation Systems? A Case Study of the Gerrit Community
Research Papers
Ian X. Gauthier McGill University, Maxime Lamothe Polytechnique Montréal, Gunter Mussbacher McGill University, Shane McIntosh University of Waterloo
An Empirical Study of Bugs in WebAssembly Compilers
Research Papers
Alan Romano University at Buffalo, Xinyue Liu University at Buffalo, SUNY, Yonghwi Kwon University of Virginia, Weihang Wang University at Buffalo, SUNY
12:00 - 13:00
ProgrammingJournal-first Papers / Research Papers / NIER track at Kangaroo
Chair(s): Amiangshu Bosu Wayne State University
Detecting TensorFlow Program Bugs in Real-World Industrial Environment
Research Papers
Chen Liu , Jie Lu SKL Computer Architecture, ICT, CAS, Guangwei Li Institute of Computing Technology, Ting Yuan SKL Computer Architecture, ICT, CAS University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Lian Li Institute of Computing Technology at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Feng Tan Alibaba Group, Jun Yang Alibaba Group, Liang You Alibaba Group, Jingling Xue UNSW Sydney
Why Do Developers Remove Lambda Expressions in Java?
Research Papers
Mingwei Zheng Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Jun Yang Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Ming Wen Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hengcheng Zhu The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Yepang Liu Southern University of Science and Technology, Hai Jin Huazhong University of Science and Technology
12:00 - 13:00
LanguagesNIER track / Tool Demonstrations / Research Papers at Koala
Chair(s): Jean-Guy Schneider Deakin University
Context Debloating for Object-Sensitive Pointer Analysis
Research Papers
Dongjie He UNSW Sydney, Jingbo Lu UNSW Sydney, Jingling Xue UNSW Sydney
Dynamic Generation of Python Bindings for HPC Kernels
Research Papers
Steven Zhu The University of Texas at Austin, Nader Al Awar The University of Texas at Austin, Mattan Erez The University of Texas at Austin, Milos Gligoric University of Texas at Austin
18:00 - 19:00
Testing IResearch Papers / NIER track / Industry Showcase at Kangaroo
Chair(s): Xiaoyin Wang University of Texas at San Antonio
Testing Your Question Answering Software via Asking RecursivelyACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
Songqiang Chen School of Computer Science, Wuhan University, Shuo Jin School of Computer Science, Wuhan University, Xiaoyuan Xie School of Computer Science, Wuhan University, China
Improving Test Case Generation for REST APIs Through Hierarchical Clustering
Research Papers
Dimitri Stallenberg Delft University of Technology, Mitchell Olsthoorn Delft University of Technology, Annibale Panichella Delft University of Technology
DOI Pre-print
18:00 - 19:00
Mining and IssuesNIER track / Research Papers at Koala
Chair(s): Hongyu Zhang University of Newcastle
VizSmith: Automated Visualization Synthesis by Mining Data-Science Notebooks
Research Papers
Rohan Bavishi University of California at Berkeley, Shadaj Laddad UC Berkeley, Hiroaki Yoshida Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc., Mukul Prasad Fujitsu Research of America, Koushik Sen University of California at Berkeley
ISPY: Automatic Issue-Solution Pair Extraction from Community Live ChatsACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
Lin Shi Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ziyou Jiang Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ye Yang Stevens Institute of Technology, Xiao Chen Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, YuMin Zhang Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fangwen Mu Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hanzhi Jiang Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qing Wang Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences
19:00 - 20:00
CodeTool Demonstrations / Research Papers / NIER track at Kangaroo
Chair(s): Michael Pradel University of Stuttgart
EditSum: A Retrieve-and-Edit Framework for Source Code Summarization
Research Papers
Jia Li Peking University, Yongmin Li Peking University, Ge Li Peking University, Xing Hu Zhejiang University, Xin Xia Huawei Software Engineering Application Technology Lab, Zhi Jin Peking University
Interactive Cross-language Code Retrieval with Auto-Encoders
Research Papers
Binger Chen Technische Universität Berlin, Ziawasch Abedjan Leibniz Universität Hannover
19:00 - 20:00
Using KnowledgeResearch Papers at Koala
Chair(s): Dalal Alrajeh Imperial College London
Data-Driven Design and Evaluation of SMT Meta-Solving Strategies: Balancing Performance, Accuracy, and CostACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
Malte Mues TU Dortmund University, Falk Howar TU Dortmund University
Reducing Bug Triaging Confusion by Learning from Mistakes with a Bug Tossing Knowledge GraphACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
Yanqi Su Australian National University, Zhenchang Xing Australian National University, Xin Peng Fudan University, Xin Xia Huawei Software Engineering Application Technology Lab, Chong Wang Fudan University, Xiwei (Sherry) Xu CSIRO’s Data61, Liming Zhu CSIRO’s Data61; UNSW
ASE: A Value Set Decision Procedure for Symbolic Execution
Research Papers
Alireza S. Abyaneh University of Salzburg, Christoph Kirsch University of Salzburg; Czech Technical University
21:00 - 22:00
Fuzzing ApplicationsResearch Papers / Industry Showcase / Tool Demonstrations at Kangaroo
Chair(s): Thuan Pham The University of Melbourne
CorbFuzz: Checking Browser Security Policies with Fuzzing
Research Papers
Chaofan Shou University of California, Santa Barbara, Ismet Burak Kadron University of California at Santa Barbara, Qi Su University of California Santa Barbara, Tevfik Bultan University of California, Santa Barbara
SMARTIAN : Enhancing Smart Contract Fuzzing with Static and Dynamic Data-Flow Analyses
Research Papers
Jaeseung Choi KAIST, Doyeon Kim LINE Plus Corporation, Soomin Kim KAIST, Gustavo Grieco Trail of Bits, Alex Groce Northern Arizona University, Sang Kil Cha KAIST, South Korea
21:00 - 22:00
APIs Research Papers at Koala
Chair(s): Timo Kehrer Humboldt University of Berlin
Finding Replacements for Missing APIs in Library Update
Research Papers
Kaifeng Huang Fudan University, Bihuan Chen Fudan University, China, Linghao Pan Fudan University, Shuai Wu Fudan University, Xin Peng Fudan University
Adversarial Attacks to API Recommender Systems: Time to Wake Up and Smell the Coffee?
Research Papers
Phuong T. Nguyen University of L’Aquila, Claudio Di Sipio University of L'Aquila, Juri Di Rocco University of L'Aquila, Massimiliano Di Penta University of Sannio, Italy, Davide Di Ruscio University of L'Aquila
22:00 - 23:00
ApplicationsResearch Papers / Industry Showcase / NIER track at Koala
Chair(s): ingo Mueller Monash University
Targeting Requirements Violations of Autonomous Driving Systems by Dynamic Evolutionary Search
Research Papers
Yixing Luo Peking University, Xiao-Yi Zhang National Institute of Informatics, Japan, Paolo Arcaini National Institute of Informatics , Zhi Jin Peking University, Haiyan Zhao Peking University, Fuyuki Ishikawa National Institute of Informatics, Rongxin Wu Xiamen University, Tao Xie Peking University

Wed 17 Nov

Displayed time zone: Hobart change

08:00 - 09:00
Bugs IResearch Papers / Industry Showcase / Tool Demonstrations at Kangaroo
Chair(s): Elena Sherman Boise State University
Research paper
On the Real-World Effectiveness of Static Bug Detectors at Finding Null Pointer Exceptions
Research Papers
David A Tomassi University of California, Davis, Cindy Rubio-González University of California at Davis
Subtle Bugs Everywhere: Generating Documentation for Data Wrangling Code
Research Papers
Chenyang Yang Peking University, Shurui Zhou University of Toronto, Jin L.C. Guo McGill University, Christian Kästner Carnegie Mellon University
08:00 - 09:00
VerificationResearch Papers at Koala
Chair(s): Nazareno Aguirre University of Rio Cuarto and CONICET, Argentina
Distribution Models for Falsification and Verification of DNNs
Research Papers
Felipe Toledo , David Shriver University of Virginia, Sebastian Elbaum University of Virginia, Matthew B Dwyer University of Virginia
SATune: A Study-Driven Auto-Tuning Approach for Configurable Software Verification Tools
Research Papers
Ugur Koc University of Maryland, College Park, Austin Mordahl The University of Texas at Dallas, Shiyi Wei The University of Texas at Dallas, Jeffrey S. Foster Tufts University, Adam Porter University of Maryland
Efficient SMT-Based Model Checking for Signal Temporal Logic
Research Papers
Jia Lee POSTECH, Geunyeol Yu Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Kyungmin Bae Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
09:00 - 10:00
Learning INIER track / Research Papers / Tool Demonstrations at Kangaroo
Chair(s): Denys Poshyvanyk William and Mary
DeepMetis: Augmenting a Deep Learning Test Set to Increase its Mutation Score
Research Papers
Vincenzo Riccio USI Lugano, Nargiz Humbatova Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Gunel Jahangirova USI Lugano, Paolo Tonella USI Lugano
Efficient state synchronisation in model-based testing through reinforcement learning
Research Papers
Uraz Cengiz Türker University of Leicester, UK, Robert Hierons University of Sheffield, Mohammad Reza Mousavi King's College London, Ivan Tyukin University of Leicester
09:00 - 10:00
Faster Mutation Analysis with Fewer Processes and Smaller Overheads
Research Papers
Bo Wang Beijing Jiaotong University, Sirui Lu Peking University, Yingfei Xiong Peking University, Feng Liu Beijing Jiaotong University
FRUGAL: Unlocking Semi-supervised Learning for Software Analytics
Research Papers
Huy Tu North Carolina State University, USA, Tim Menzies North Carolina State University
11:00 - 12:00
Finding DefectsResearch Papers / NIER track / Journal-first Papers at Kangaroo
Chair(s): Xiao Liu School of Information Technology, Deakin University
Graph-based Incident Aggregation for Large-Scale Online Service Systems
Research Papers
Zhuangbin Chen Chinese University of Hong Kong, China, Yuxin Su The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Jinyang Liu , Hongyu Zhang University of Newcastle, Xuemin Wen Huawei Technologies, Xiao Ling Huawei Technologies, Yongqiang Yang Huawei Technologies, Michael Lyu The Chinese University of Hong Kong
PyExplainer: Explaining the Predictions of Just-In-Time Defect ModelsACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
Chanathip Pornprasit Monash University, Kla Tantithamthavorn Monash University, Jirayus Jiarpakdee Monash University, Australia, Michael Fu Monash University, Patanamon Thongtanunam University of Melbourne
11:00 - 12:00
Large Scale SystemsIndustry Showcase / Research Papers at Koala
Chair(s): ingo Mueller Monash University
Groot: An Event-graph-based Approach for Root Cause Analysis in Industrial Settings
Research Papers
Hanzhang Wang eBay, Zhengkai Wu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Huai Jiang eBay, USA, Yichao Huang eBay, Jiamu Wang eBay, Selcuk Kopru eBay, Tao Xie Peking University
12:00 - 13:00
Learning IIResearch Papers / Industry Showcase at Kangaroo
Chair(s): John Grundy Monash University
On Multi-Modal Learning of Editing Source Code
Research Papers
Saikat Chakraborty Columbia University, Baishakhi Ray Columbia University
Learning Highly Recursive Input Grammars
Research Papers
Neil Kulkarni University of California, Berkeley, Caroline Lemieux Microsoft Research, Koushik Sen University of California at Berkeley
Link to publication Pre-print
12:00 - 13:00
Testing ApplicationsIndustry Showcase / NIER track / Research Papers at Koala
Chair(s): Scott Barnett
Automated Testing for Machine Translation via Constituency Invariance
Research Papers
Pin Ji Nanjing University, Yang Feng Nanjing University, Jia Liu Nanjing University, Zhihong Zhao Nanjing Tech Unniversity, Baowen Xu Nanjing University
19:00 - 20:00
DetectionResearch Papers / NIER track at Kangaroo
Chair(s): Cuiyun Gao Harbin Institute of Technology
Race Detection for Event-Driven Node.js Applications
Research Papers
Xiaoning Chang Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wensheng Dou Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jun Wei Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tao Huang Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jinhui Xie Tencent Inc., Yuetang Deng Tencent, Jianbo Yang Tencent Inc., Jiaheng Yang Tencent Inc.
Log-based Anomaly Detection Without Log Parsing
Research Papers
Van-Hoang Le The University of Newcastle, Hongyu Zhang University of Newcastle
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
19:00 - 20:00
Android and Python Research Papers at Koala
Chair(s): Li Li Monash University
Finding the Missing Piece: Permission Specification Analysis for Android NDK
Research Papers
Hao Zhou The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Haoyu Wang Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Shuohan Wu The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Xiapu Luo Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Yajin Zhou Zhejiang University, Ting Chen University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Ting Wang Pennsylvania State University
Characterizing and Detecting Configuration Compatibility Issues in Android Apps
Research Papers
Huaxun Huang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Ming Wen Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Lili Wei Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Yepang Liu Southern University of Science and Technology, Shing-Chi Cheung Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Where to Start: Studying Type Annotation Practices in Python
Research Papers
Wuxia Jin Xi'an Jiaotong University, Dinghong Zhong Xi'an Jiaotong University, Zifan Ding Xi'an Jiaotong University, Ming Fan Xi'an Jiaotong University, Ting Liu Xi'an Jiaotong University
21:00 - 22:00
APIzation: Generating Reusable APIs from StackOverflow Code Snippets
Research Papers
Valerio Terragni University of Auckland, Pasquale Salza University of Zurich
FIGCPS: Effective Failure-inducing Input Generation for Cyber-Physical Systems with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Research Papers
Shaohua Zhang Tianjin University, Shuang Liu Tianjin University, Jun Sun Singapore Management University, Yuqi Chen Singapore Management University, Wenzhi Huang Tianjin University, Jinyi Liu Tianjin University, Jian Liu Tianjin University, Jianye Hao Tianjin University
21:00 - 22:00
Fuzzing and SmellsResearch Papers at Koala
Chair(s): Xiaoyuan Xie School of Computer Science, Wuhan University, China
InstruGuard: Find and Fix Instrumentation Errors for Coverage-based Greybox Fuzzing
Research Papers
Yuwei Liu Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yanhao Wang QiAnXin Technology Research Institute, Purui Su Institute of Software/CAS China, Yuanping Yu Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiangkun Jia Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences
RULF: Rust Library Fuzzing via API Dependency Graph TraversalACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
Jianfeng Jiang Fudan University, Hui Xu Fudan University, Yangfan Zhou Fudan University
PyNose: A Test Smell Detector For Python
Research Papers
Tongjie Wang University of California, Irvine, Yaroslav Golubev JetBrains Research, Oleg Smirnov JetBrains Research, Saint Petersburg State University, Jiawei Li University of California, Irvine, Timofey Bryksin JetBrains Research; HSE University, Iftekhar Ahmed University of California, Irvine
22:00 - 23:00
Analysis IIResearch Papers at Kangaroo
Chair(s): Annibale Panichella Delft University of Technology
JSTAR: JavaScript Specification Type Analyzer using Refinement
Research Papers
Jihyeok Park KAIST, Seungmin An KAIST, Shin Wonho KAIST, Yusung Sim KAIST, Sukyoung Ryu KAIST
Can neural clone detection generalize to unseen functionalities?
Research Papers
Chenyao Liu School of Software, Tsinghua University, Zeqi Lin Microsoft Research, China, Jian-Guang Lou Microsoft Research, Lijie Wen School of Software, Tsinghua University, Dongmei Zhang Microsoft Research
Characterizing Transaction-Reverting Statements in Ethereum Smart Contracts
Research Papers
Lu Liu Southern University of Science and Technology; The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Lili Wei Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Wuqi Zhang The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Ming Wen Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Yepang Liu Southern University of Science and Technology, Shing-Chi Cheung Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
22:00 - 23:00
PerformanceResearch Papers / Journal-first Papers / Tool Demonstrations at Koala
Chair(s): Ming Wen Huazhong University of Science and Technology
"What makes my queries slow?": Subgroup Discovery for SQL Workload Analysis
Research Papers
Youcef Remil Infologic, INSA Lyon, Anes Bendimerad Infologic, Romain Mathonat Infologic, Philippe Chaleat Infologic, Mehdi Kaytoue INFOLOGIC
AID: Efficient Prediction of Aggregated Intensity of Dependency in Large-scale Cloud Systems
Research Papers
Tianyi Yang The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Jiacheng Shen The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Yuxin Su The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Xiao Ling Huawei Technologies, Yongqiang Yang Huawei Technologies, Michael Lyu The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Thu 18 Nov

Displayed time zone: Hobart change

09:00 - 10:00
DevelopmentIndustry Showcase / Research Papers / NIER track at Kangaroo
Chair(s): James C. Davis Purdue University, USA
Performance Testing for Cloud Computing with Dependent Data Bootstrapping
Research Papers
Sen He The University of Texas at San Antonio, Tianyi Liu The University of Texas at San Antonio, Palden Lama The University of Texas at San Antonio, Jaewoo Lee University of Georgia, In Kee Kim University of Georgia, Wei Wang University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
09:00 - 10:00
Testing IIResearch Papers at Koala
Chair(s): Rui Abreu Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
Nekara: Generalized Concurrency Testing
Research Papers
Udit Agarwal IIIT Delhi, Pantazis Deligiannis Microsoft Research, Cheng Huang Microsoft, Kumseok Jung University of British Columbia, Akash Lal Microsoft Research, Immad Naseer Microsoft, Matthew J. Parkinson Microsoft Research, UK, Arun Thangamani Microsoft Research, Jyothi Vedurada IIT Hyderabad, Yunpeng Xiao Microsoft
QDiff: Differential Testing of Quantum Software Stacks
Research Papers
Jiyuan Wang University of California at Los Angeles, Qian Zhang University of California at Los Angeles, Guoqing Harry Xu University of California at Los Angeles, Miryung Kim University of California at Los Angeles, USA
Restoring the Executability of Jupyter Notebooks by Automatic Upgrade of Deprecated APIs
Research Papers
Chenguang Zhu University of Texas at Austin, Ripon Saha Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc., Mukul Prasad Fujitsu Research of America, Sarfraz Khurshid The University of Texas at Austin
11:00 - 12:00
VulnerabilityResearch Papers at Kangaroo
Chair(s): Xusheng Xiao Case Western Reserve University
Finding A Needle in a Haystack: Automated Mining of Silent Vulnerability Fixes
Research Papers
Jiayuan Zhou Centre for Software Excellence, Huawei, Canada, Michael Pacheco Centre for Software Excellence, Huawei, Zhiyuan Wan Zhejiang University, Xin Xia Huawei Software Engineering Application Technology Lab, David Lo Singapore Management University, Yuan Wang Huawei Sweden Research Center, Ahmed E. Hassan Queen's University
DeepCVA: Automated Commit-level Vulnerability Assessment with Deep Multi-task Learning
Research Papers
Triet Le The University of Adelaide, David Hin The University of Adelaide, Roland Croft The University of Adelaide, Muhammad Ali Babar University of Adelaide
11:00 - 12:00
AppsResearch Papers at Koala
Chair(s): Chunyang Chen Monash University
Automated Repair for Size-Based Inaccessibility Issues in Mobile Apps
Research Papers
Ali S. Alotaibi University of Southern California, Paul T. Chiou University of Southern California, William G.J. Halfond University of Southern California
Mining Cross-Domain Apps for Software Evolution: A Feature-based Approach
Research Papers
MD KAFIL UDDIN Swinburne University of Technology, Qiang He Swinburne University of Technology, Jun Han Swinburne University of Technology, Caslon Chua Swinburne University of Technology
UI Test Migration Across Mobile Platforms
Research Papers
Saghar Talebipour University of Southern California, Yixue Zhao University of Massachusetts Amherst, Luka Dojcilovic University of Southern California, Chenggang Li University of Southern California, Nenad Medvidović University of Southern California, USA
12:00 - 13:00
Debt and RefactoringTool Demonstrations / Research Papers at Kangaroo
Chair(s): Yuan Tian Queens University, Kingston, Canada
Intelligent Change Operators for Multi-Objective Refactoring
Research Papers
Chaima Abid University of Michigan, James Ivers Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Thiago Ferreira University of Michigan - Flint, Marouane Kessentini University of Michigan - Dearborn, Fares El Kahla University of Michigan, Ipek Ozkaya Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
Refactorings and Technical Debt in Docker Projects: An Empirical Study
Research Papers
Emna Ksontini University of Michigan - Dearborn, Marouane Kessentini University of Michigan - Dearborn, Thiago Ferreira University of Michigan - Flint, Foyzul Hassan University of Michigan - Dearborn
18:00 - 19:00
FirmwareResearch Papers / NIER track / Industry Showcase at Kangaroo
Chair(s): ingo Mueller Monash University
FirmGuide: Boosting the Capability of Rehosting Embedded Linux Kernels through Model-Guided Kernel Execution
Research Papers
Qiang Liu Zhejiang University, Cen Zhang Nanyang Technological University, Lin Ma Zhejiang University, Muhui Jiang The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Zhejiang University, Yajin Zhou Zhejiang University, Lei Wu Zhejiang University, Wenbo Shen Zhejing University, Xiapu Luo Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Yang Liu Nanyang Technological University, Kui Ren Zhejiang University
iFIZZ: Deep-State and Efficient Fault-Scenario Generation to Test IoT Firmware
Research Papers
Peiyu Liu Zhejiang University, Shouling Ji Zhejiang University, Xuhong Zhang Zhejiang University, Qinming Dai Zhejiang University, Kangjie Lu University of Minnesota, Lirong Fu Zhejiang University, Wenzhi Chen Zhejiang University, Peng Cheng Zhejiang University, Wenhai Wang Zhejiang University, Raheem Beyah Georgia Institute of Technology
18:00 - 19:00
ConfigurationResearch Papers at Koala
Chair(s): Maria Kechagia University College London
Learning Patterns in Configuration
Research Papers
Ranjita Bhagwan Microsoft Research, Sonu Mehta Microsoft Research, Arjun Radhakrishna Microsoft, Sahil Garg
Transcode: Detecting Status Code Mapping Errors in Large-Scale Systems
Research Papers
Wensheng Tang The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Yikun Hu The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Gang Fan Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Peisen Yao Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Ant Group, Rongxin Wu Xiamen University, Guangyuan Bai Tencent Inc., Pengcheng Wang Tencent, China, Charles Zhang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Evolutionary-Guided Synthesis of Verified Pareto Optimal Policies
Research Papers
Simos Gerasimou University of York, UK, Javier Camara University of Málaga, Radu Calinescu University of York, UK, Naif Alasmari University of York, Faisal Alhwikem University of York, UK, Xinwei Fang University of York, UK
19:00 - 20:00
DevelopersResearch Papers / Industry Showcase / NIER track at Kangaroo
Chair(s): Chetan Arora Deakin University
Automating Developer Chat Mining
Research Papers
Shengyi Pan Zhejiang University, Lingfeng Bao Zhejiang University, Xiaoxue Ren Zhejiang University, Xin Xia Huawei Software Engineering Application Technology Lab, David Lo Singapore Management University, Shanping Li Zhejiang University
Thinking Like a Developer? Comparing the Attention of Humans with Neural Models of Code
Research Papers
Matteo Paltenghi University of Stuttgart, Michael Pradel University of Stuttgart
Pre-print Media Attached
19:00 - 20:00
Bugs IIResearch Papers / NIER track / Tool Demonstrations at Koala
Chair(s): Annibale Panichella Delft University of Technology
Detecting Memory-Related Bugs by Tracking Heap Memory Management of C++ Smart Pointers
Research Papers
Xutong Ma State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Jiwei Yan Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Wei Wang State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Jun Yan Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Jian Zhang Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Zongyan Qiu Peking University
Understanding and Detecting Performance Bugs in Markdown Compilers
Research Papers
Penghui Li The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Yinxi Liu The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Wei Meng Chinese University of Hong Kong
21:00 - 22:00
Learning ApplicationsResearch Papers / Tool Demonstrations / Journal-first Papers at Kangaroo
Chair(s): Michael Pradel University of Stuttgart
Deep GUI: Black-box GUI Input Generation with Deep Learning
Research Papers
Faraz YazdaniBanafsheDaragh University of California, Irvine, Sam Malek University of California at Irvine, USA
Towards Exploring the Limitations of Active Learning: An Empirical Study
Research Papers
Qiang Hu University of Luxembourg, Yuejun GUo University of Luxembourg, Maxime Cordy University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Xiaofei Xie Kyushu University, Wei Ma University of Luxembourg, Mike Papadakis University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Yves Le Traon University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
21:00 - 22:00
RepositoriesResearch Papers at Koala
Chair(s): Zeqi Lin Microsoft Research, China
Learning Domain-Specific Edit Operations from Model Repositories with Frequent Subgraph Mining
Research Papers
Christof Tinnes Saarland University, Timo Kehrer Humboldt University of Berlin, Mitchell Joblin Siemens AG, Uwe Hohenstein Siemens AG, Andreas Biesdorf Siemens AG, Sven Apel Saarland University
Unsupervised Labeling and Extraction of Phrase-based Concepts in Vulnerability Descriptions
Research Papers
Sofonias Yitagesu Tianjin University, Zhenchang Xing Australian National University, Xiaowang Zhang Tianjin University, Zhiyong Feng Tianjin University, Xiaohong Li TianJin University, Linyi Han Tianjin University
A Compositional Deadlock Detector for Android Java
Research Papers
James Brotherston , Paul Brunet University College London, Nikos Gorogiannis Facebook, Max Kanovich University College London
22:00 - 23:00
Analysis IIINIER track / Research Papers at Kangaroo
Chair(s): Jifeng Xuan Wuhan University
Binary Diffing as a Network Alignment Problem via Belief Propagation
Research Papers
Elie Mengin SAMM, EA 4543 - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Fabrice Rossi CEREMADE, CNRS, UMR 7534 - Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL University
CiFi: Versatile Analysis of Class and Field ImmutabilityACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
Tobias Roth Technische Universität Darmstadt, Dominik Helm Technische Universität Darmstadt, Michael Reif Technische Universität Darmstadt, Mira Mezini Technische Universität Darmstadt
22:00 - 23:00
ModellingResearch Papers at Koala
Chair(s): Nimrod Busany Tel Aviv University
Modeling Team Dynamics for the Characterization and Prediction of Delays in User Stories
Research Papers
Elvan Kula Delft University of Technology, Arie van Deursen Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Georgios Gousios Facebook & Delft University of Technology
DeepMemory: Model-based Memorization Analysis of Deep Neural Language Models
Research Papers
Derui Zhu Technical University of Munich, Jinfu Chen Centre for Software Excellence, Huawei, Canada, Weiyi Shang Concordia University, Xuebing Zhou Huawei Munich Research Center, Jens Grossklags Technical University of Munich, Ahmed E. Hassan Queen's University
Automated Verification of Go Programs via Bounded Model CheckingACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
Nicolas Dilley University of Kent, Julien Lange Royal Holloway University of London

Accepted Papers

A Compositional Deadlock Detector for Android Java
Research Papers
Adversarial Attacks to API Recommender Systems: Time to Wake Up and Smell the Coffee?
Research Papers
AID: Efficient Prediction of Aggregated Intensity of Dependency in Large-scale Cloud Systems
Research Papers
An Empirical Study of Bugs in WebAssembly Compilers
Research Papers
APIzation: Generating Reusable APIs from StackOverflow Code Snippets
Research Papers
ASE: A Value Set Decision Procedure for Symbolic Execution
Research Papers
Automated Repair for Size-Based Inaccessibility Issues in Mobile Apps
Research Papers
Automated Testing for Machine Translation via Constituency Invariance
Research Papers
Automated Verification of Go Programs via Bounded Model CheckingACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
Automating Developer Chat Mining
Research Papers
Automating User Notice Generation for Smart Contract Functions
Research Papers
Binary Diffing as a Network Alignment Problem via Belief Propagation
Research Papers
Can neural clone detection generalize to unseen functionalities?
Research Papers
Characterizing and Detecting Configuration Compatibility Issues in Android Apps
Research Papers
Characterizing Transaction-Reverting Statements in Ethereum Smart Contracts
Research Papers
CiFi: Versatile Analysis of Class and Field ImmutabilityACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
Context Debloating for Object-Sensitive Pointer Analysis
Research Papers
CorbFuzz: Checking Browser Security Policies with Fuzzing
Research Papers
Data-Driven Design and Evaluation of SMT Meta-Solving Strategies: Balancing Performance, Accuracy, and CostACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
DeepCVA: Automated Commit-level Vulnerability Assessment with Deep Multi-task Learning
Research Papers
Deep GUI: Black-box GUI Input Generation with Deep Learning
Research Papers
DeepMemory: Model-based Memorization Analysis of Deep Neural Language Models
Research Papers
DeepMetis: Augmenting a Deep Learning Test Set to Increase its Mutation Score
Research Papers
Detecting Memory-Related Bugs by Tracking Heap Memory Management of C++ Smart Pointers
Research Papers
Detecting TensorFlow Program Bugs in Real-World Industrial Environment
Research Papers
Distribution Models for Falsification and Verification of DNNs
Research Papers
Dynamic Generation of Python Bindings for HPC Kernels
Research Papers
EditSum: A Retrieve-and-Edit Framework for Source Code Summarization
Research Papers
Efficient SMT-Based Model Checking for Signal Temporal Logic
Research Papers
Efficient state synchronisation in model-based testing through reinforcement learning
Research Papers
End-to-End Automation of Feedback on Student Assembly Programs
Research Papers
Evolutionary-Guided Synthesis of Verified Pareto Optimal Policies
Research Papers
Faster Mutation Analysis with Fewer Processes and Smaller Overheads
Research Papers
FIGCPS: Effective Failure-inducing Input Generation for Cyber-Physical Systems with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Research Papers
Finding A Needle in a Haystack: Automated Mining of Silent Vulnerability Fixes
Research Papers
Finding Replacements for Missing APIs in Library Update
Research Papers
Finding the Missing Piece: Permission Specification Analysis for Android NDK
Research Papers
FirmGuide: Boosting the Capability of Rehosting Embedded Linux Kernels through Model-Guided Kernel Execution
Research Papers
FRUGAL: Unlocking Semi-supervised Learning for Software Analytics
Research Papers
Graph-based Incident Aggregation for Large-Scale Online Service Systems
Research Papers
Groot: An Event-graph-based Approach for Root Cause Analysis in Industrial Settings
Research Papers
iFIZZ: Deep-State and Efficient Fault-Scenario Generation to Test IoT Firmware
Research Papers
Improving Test Case Generation for REST APIs Through Hierarchical Clustering
Research Papers
DOI Pre-print
InstruGuard: Find and Fix Instrumentation Errors for Coverage-based Greybox Fuzzing
Research Papers
Intelligent Change Operators for Multi-Objective Refactoring
Research Papers
Interactive Cross-language Code Retrieval with Auto-Encoders
Research Papers
Is Historical Data an Appropriate Benchmark for Reviewer Recommendation Systems? A Case Study of the Gerrit Community
Research Papers
ISPY: Automatic Issue-Solution Pair Extraction from Community Live ChatsACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
JSTAR: JavaScript Specification Type Analyzer using Refinement
Research Papers
Learning Domain-Specific Edit Operations from Model Repositories with Frequent Subgraph Mining
Research Papers
Learning Highly Recursive Input Grammars
Research Papers
Link to publication Pre-print
Learning Patterns in Configuration
Research Papers
Log-based Anomaly Detection Without Log Parsing
Research Papers
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
Mining Cross-Domain Apps for Software Evolution: A Feature-based Approach
Research Papers
Modeling Team Dynamics for the Characterization and Prediction of Delays in User Stories
Research Papers
Nekara: Generalized Concurrency Testing
Research Papers
On Multi-Modal Learning of Editing Source Code
Research Papers
On the Real-World Effectiveness of Static Bug Detectors at Finding Null Pointer Exceptions
Research Papers
Performance Testing for Cloud Computing with Dependent Data Bootstrapping
Research Papers
PyExplainer: Explaining the Predictions of Just-In-Time Defect ModelsACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
PyNose: A Test Smell Detector For Python
Research Papers
QDiff: Differential Testing of Quantum Software Stacks
Research Papers
Race Detection for Event-Driven Node.js Applications
Research Papers
Reducing Bug Triaging Confusion by Learning from Mistakes with a Bug Tossing Knowledge GraphACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
Refactorings and Technical Debt in Docker Projects: An Empirical Study
Research Papers
Restoring the Executability of Jupyter Notebooks by Automatic Upgrade of Deprecated APIs
Research Papers
RULF: Rust Library Fuzzing via API Dependency Graph TraversalACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
SATune: A Study-Driven Auto-Tuning Approach for Configurable Software Verification Tools
Research Papers
SMARTIAN : Enhancing Smart Contract Fuzzing with Static and Dynamic Data-Flow Analyses
Research Papers
Subtle Bugs Everywhere: Generating Documentation for Data Wrangling Code
Research Papers
Targeting Requirements Violations of Autonomous Driving Systems by Dynamic Evolutionary Search
Research Papers
Testing Your Question Answering Software via Asking RecursivelyACM Distinguished Paper
Research Papers
Thinking Like a Developer? Comparing the Attention of Humans with Neural Models of Code
Research Papers
Pre-print Media Attached
Towards Exploring the Limitations of Active Learning: An Empirical Study
Research Papers
Transcode: Detecting Status Code Mapping Errors in Large-Scale Systems
Research Papers
UI Test Migration Across Mobile Platforms
Research Papers
Understanding and Detecting Performance Bugs in Markdown Compilers
Research Papers
Unsupervised Labeling and Extraction of Phrase-based Concepts in Vulnerability Descriptions
Research Papers
VizSmith: Automated Visualization Synthesis by Mining Data-Science Notebooks
Research Papers
"What makes my queries slow?": Subgroup Discovery for SQL Workload Analysis
Research Papers
Where to Start: Studying Type Annotation Practices in Python
Research Papers
Why Do Developers Remove Lambda Expressions in Java?
Research Papers

If you have questions not answered below, please contact the program chairs at ase2021research@gmail.com

Q: Why Double Blind?

There are many reasons for a submission track to employ a double-blind review process – not the least being the considerable number of requests to do so from the community. Over the past several years, this model has become an accepted practice at many Software Engineering conferences, and it is standard in many other communities as well. For more information on the motivation for double-blind reviewing, see Claire Le Goues’ blog post arguing in favor of double-blind review processes for Software Engineering conferences. See also a list of double-blind resources from Robert Feldt, as well as a more formal study of the subject by Moritz Beller and Alberto Bacchelli.

Q: How to prepare your paper for double-blind reviewing?

You must make every reasonable effort to honor the double-blind review process, but you do not need to guarantee that your identity is undiscoverable. The double-blind aspect of the review process is not to set up an adversarial identity-discovery process. Essentially, the guiding principle should be to maximize the number of people who could plausibly be authors, subject to the constraint that no change is made to any technical details of the work. Therefore, you should ensure that the reviewers are able to read and review your paper without needing to know who any of the authors are. Specifically, this involves at least adhering to the following three points:

  • Omit all authors’ names and affiliations from the title page. If you have acknowledgments, do not mention any names or organizations. Take care not to inadvertently include this information in PDF metadata.
  • Refer to your own work in the third person. You should not omit or change the names of your own previously published tools, approaches, or systems, because this would clearly compromise the review process; it would also violate the constraint that “no change is made to any technical details of the work”. Instead, refer to the authorship or provenance of tools, approaches, or systems in the third person, so that it is credible that another author could have written your paper.
  • Take care with the use of supplementary material in the paper. Try to avoid relying on supplementary material that is impossible to properly anonymize, such as a companion technical report or thesis (see below), your personal website, or a YouTube channel. We do encourage the careful sharing of suitably anonymized code repositories and datasets, such as through an anonymous sharing links (doable via DropBox, for example) to a cleaned and anonymized GitHub repository. Check such data files and repositories carefully for any information that could reveal author identities. It is also possible to submit supplementary material with the paper, but again it is necessary to check the material carefully for anything that can reveal author identity.

Q: Can I submit my work on Arxiv?

To comply with the double-blind reviewing process, we request that the authors postpone publishing your submitted work on Arxiv or similar sites until after the notification of acceptance. If the authors have compelling reasons to nevertheless publish a preprint earlier, this publication cannot take place in the two weeks before or after the ASE submission deadline. If the program chairs get the impression that the authors frivolously share papers and do not live up to the spirit of the double-blind reviewing process, the program chairs can decide to (desk) reject the paper.

Q: Can I disseminate a non-blinded version of my submitted work by discussing it with colleagues, giving talks, etc.?

You can discuss and present your work that is under submission at small meetings (e.g., job talks, visits to research labs, a Dagstuhl or Shonan meeting), but you should avoid broadly advertising it in a way that reaches the reviewers even if they are not searching for it. For example, you should not discuss your work specifically with members of the program committee, publicize your work on mailing lists or media that are widely shared and can reach the program committee. One option is to make a tech report at your institution, which allows someone to cite the work, if need be, like arXiv, but doesn’t have the same degree of visibility.

Q: I published a previous version of my work on arXiv or as a tech report at my institution. Do I need to cite it, and if so how?

A paper on arXiv or a tech report is not a peer-reviewed publication. If the submission completely subsumes the previous version, then there is no need to cite the previous version at all. We explicitly discourage “anonymous” references (e.g., “[31] —Reference omitted for double-blind review—”: if the cited report is necessary for a reviewer to fully understand the submission, then the relevant material should either be included in the submission, cited in the third person, or provided as suitably anonymized supplementary material (such as an anonymized appendix) hosted anonymously. Note that reviewers are not obligated to review such previous material, however, and so you should strive to make your submissions as stand-alone as possible (regardless of the double-blind review process).

Q: I previously published an earlier version of this work elsewhere than arXiv. What should I do about citing that previous work? If the previous work is published in a peer-reviewed venue, then it should be cited, but in the third person so that it is not revealed that the cited work and the submitted paper share one or more authors. This would include posters, but only if the poster is accompanied by a paper in the conference proceedings. Posters that are not represented in the proceedings can be ignored.

Q: What about a PhD or master’s thesis?

It’s perfectly fine to publish work arising from a PhD or master’s degree, and there’s no need to cite it in a submission that is undergoing double-blind review because prior dissertation publication does not compromise novelty. In the final camera-ready version of the paper, please do cite the dissertation to acknowledge its contribution. In general, the guideline is that the author’s job is to ensure that the submission is readable and reviewable, without the reviewers needing to know the identities of the submission’s authors. You do not need to make it impossible for the reviewers to discover the authors’ identities. The referees will be trying hard not to discover the authors’ identities, so they will likely not be searching the web to check whether there is a tech report or other unpublished material related to this work.

This FAQ is based on guidelines for double-blind reviewing from ASE 2019, ICSE 2019, and FSE 2021
