Please note, due to COVID-19 pandemic, ASE 2021 will be virtual again in 2021 and hence PhD students from all over the world can participate
Call for Papers
The goal of the ASE 2021 Doctoral Symposium is to provide a supportive and stimulating forum in which the Ph.D. students and PostDoc researchers have an opportunity to present and discuss their research with other researchers in the ASE community. The symposium aims at providing students and early-career researchers (recent Ph.D. graduates) useful guidance and feedback on their research and to facilitate networking within the scientific community by interacting with established researchers and with their peers at a similar stage in their careers. Moreover, it gives them an opportunity to promote visibility of their research within the vibrant part of the academic community.
The technical scope of the symposium is that of ASE. Students should consider participating in the Doctoral Symposium after they have settled on a dissertation topic with some initial research results. The ASE 2021 Doctoral Symposium is open to Ph.D. students at any stage of their research, whereby students at the initial stage (e.g., first or second year) will be able to challenge their ideas and current research directions, while students at a later stage (e.g., third or fourth year) will be able to present their preliminary results and get advice for improvement and for better exposition of their contributions and conclusions. Moreover, we also welcome early-career researchers (up to 2 years after finishing their Ph.D., plus career break if it applies), offering them a platform to discuss their future research direction, giving them feedback on a research project they might plan to submit, or research group they might plan to establish. As explained below, the symposium has three paper categories for early and late-stage students, and recent Ph.D. graduates.
The Doctoral Symposium Committee will select participants using the following criteria:
- Relevance of the research plan to the Automated Software Engineering
- Novelty, technical soundness and potential implications of the proposed research
- For later stage proposals, soundness and appropriateness of its evaluation (plan)
Students should not infer that a list of prior publications is in any way expected or required; we welcome submissions from students for whom this will be their first formal submission as well as those who have previously published.
All submissions must be in PDF format and conform, at time of submission, to the IEEE Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines (title in 24pt font and full text in 10pt type, LaTeX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran}
without including the compsoc
or compsocconf
option). This is the same format as the research track.
Submissions must be submitted electronically through the ASE 2021 HotCRP submission site.
The doctoral symposium foresees three types of submissions:
- Early-stage PhD students (2 pages of text+one page of references only)
- Late-stage PhD students (4 pages+one pages of references only)
- Recent PhD graduates (2-4 pages of text+one page of references only).
Important note: differently from the research track, Doctoral Symposium papers are NOT double-blind, and therefore must contain the author’s name.
Accepted Papers
After acceptance, the list of paper authors can not be changed under any circumstances and the list of authors on camera-ready papers must be identical to those on submitted papers. After acceptance paper titles can not be changed except by permission of the Track Chairs, and only then when referees recommended a change for clarity or accuracy with paper content.
Part 1: Research Abstract
The research abstract must conform to the ASE 2021 formatting and submission instructions and should cover all of the following:
- The research problem statement, with proper motivations
- A brief discussion on the state-of-the-art
- An outline of the proposed approach or solution
- The expected contributions of the dissertation research
- Progress that has been made so far in solving the stated problem
- The methods that are or will be used to carry out the research
- A plan for evaluating the work and presenting credible evidence to the research community
- (For later stage students) a very brief outline of the evaluation results
- References to relevant publications (if any) of the submitter (appeared, accepted, submitted)
Students at the initial stage of their research might have some difficulty in addressing some of these instructions, but should make the best attempt. The research abstract should include the title of the work, the submitter’s name, a one-paragraph summary in the style of an abstract for a regular paper, and a text body that covers the points above.
A paper for a doctoral symposium typically describes the work of a single author and shall not have any coauthors. During the submission process, the system will additionally ask the students for the name of the advisor(s), contact information, and a link to the submitter’s academic web page.
The deadline for submitting the research abstract is July 13th, 2021; notifications are expected on August 13th, 2021
Part 2: Recommendation Letter (optional)
In addition to the research abstract, students are suggested to provide a recommendation letter from their Ph.D. advisor. This letter should include the student’s name and a candid assessment of the current status of the dissertation research and an expected date for dissertation submission. The recommendation letter should be in PDF, and submitted together with the research abstract via HotCRP submission site.
Mon 15 NovDisplayed time zone: Hobart change
08:00 - 08:55 | |||
08:00 10mDay opening | DS Opening Doctoral Symposium | ||
08:10 45mKeynote | DS Keynote - Advice on your Adviser (all ASE attendees welcome) Doctoral Symposium |
09:05 - 10:20 | |||
09:05 15mTalk | A Prediction Model for Software Requirements Change Impact Doctoral Symposium Kareshna Zamani PhD candidate File Attached | ||
09:20 15mTalk | DSInfoSearch: Supporting experimentation process of data scientists Doctoral Symposium Shangeetha Sivasothy Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute, Deakin University File Attached | ||
09:35 15mTalk | Towards the generation of machine learning defect reports Doctoral Symposium Tuan Dung Lai Deakin University Pre-print File Attached | ||
09:50 15mTalk | Leveraging Code Clones and Natural Language Processing for Log Statement Prediction Doctoral Symposium Sina Gholamian University of Waterloo Pre-print | ||
10:05 15mOther | Discussion with presenters Doctoral Symposium |
10:30 - 12:00 | |||
10:30 15mTalk | An Automated Pipeline for Privacy Leak Analysis of Android Applications Doctoral Symposium Yifan Zhou The University of Adelaide File Attached | ||
10:45 15mTalk | Training Automated Test Oracles to Identify Semantic Bugs Doctoral Symposium Charaka Geethal Monash University File Attached | ||
11:00 15mTalk | Binary Code Similarity Detection Doctoral Symposium Zian Liu Swinburne University of Technology; Data61, CSIRO, Chao Chen James Cook University, Jun Zhang Digital Research & Innovation Capability Platform, Swinburne University of Technology, Dongxi Liu Data61, CSIRO, Muhammad Ejaz Ahmed Data61, CSIRO, Yang Xiang Digital Research & Innovation Capability Platform, Swinburne University of Technology File Attached | ||
11:15 15mTalk | API Compatibility Issue Detection, Testing and Analysis for Android Apps Doctoral Symposium Tarek Mahmud Texas State University File Attached | ||
11:30 15mOther | Discussion with presenters Doctoral Symposium | ||
11:45 15mTalk | Wrap-up first half DS Doctoral Symposium Li Li Monash University |
18:30 - 20:00 | |||
18:30 15mTalk | Opening 2nd part DS Doctoral Symposium Barbora Buhnova Masaryk University | ||
18:45 15mTalk | Effectively Analyzing Evolving Software with Differential Facts Doctoral Symposium Xiuheng Wu Nanyang Technological University File Attached | ||
19:00 15mTalk | Automated Approach for System-level Testing of Unmanned Aerial Systems Doctoral Symposium Hassan Sartaj National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan File Attached | ||
19:15 15mTalk | Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning Framework for Program Analysis Doctoral Symposium Zhiming Li Nanyang Technological University, Singapore | ||
19:30 15mTalk | Fuzzing Methods Recommendation Based on Feature Vectors Doctoral Symposium Chi Zhang Jiangsu University File Attached | ||
19:45 15mOther | Discussion with presenters Doctoral Symposium |
20:15 - 22:00 | |||
20:15 15mTalk | Gas Estimation and Optimization for Smart Contracts on Ethereum Doctoral Symposium Chunmiao Li National Institute of Informatics Pre-print | ||
20:30 15mTalk | Quality analysis of mobile applications with special focus on security aspects Doctoral Symposium Kristiina Rahkema University of Tartu Pre-print | ||
20:45 15mTalk | How can Subgroup Discovery help AIOps? Doctoral Symposium Youcef REMIL INSA Lyon, INFOLOGIC, Anes Bendimerad Infologic, Mehdi Kaytoue INFOLOGIC, Jean-François Boulicaut INSA Lyon Pre-print | ||
21:00 15mTalk | Semi-automated Cross-Component Issue Management and Impact Analysis Doctoral Symposium Sandro Speth Institute of Software Engineering, University of Stuttgart File Attached | ||
21:15 15mTalk | Tackling Flaky Tests: Understanding the Problem and Providing Practical Solutions Doctoral Symposium Martin Gruber BMW Group, University of Passau File Attached | ||
21:30 15mOther | Discussion with presenters Doctoral Symposium | ||
21:45 15mTalk | Closing of DS Doctoral Symposium |
Wed 17 NovDisplayed time zone: Hobart change
Thu 18 NovDisplayed time zone: Hobart change
10:00 - 11:00 | LBR + DS Poster (2) (Thursday 21:00 - 00:00)Late Breaking Results / Doctoral Symposium at Kangaroo Chair(s): Xiaoyin Wang University of Texas at San Antonio | ||
10:00 2mTalk | API Compatibility Issue Detection, Testing and Analysis for Android Apps Doctoral Symposium Tarek Mahmud Texas State University File Attached | ||
10:02 2mTalk | Towards the generation of machine learning defect reports Doctoral Symposium Tuan Dung Lai Deakin University Pre-print File Attached | ||
10:04 2mTalk | DSInfoSearch: Supporting experimentation process of data scientists Doctoral Symposium Shangeetha Sivasothy Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute, Deakin University File Attached | ||
10:12 2mTalk | An Automated Pipeline for Privacy Leak Analysis of Android Applications Doctoral Symposium Yifan Zhou The University of Adelaide File Attached | ||
10:22 2mTalk | Binary Code Similarity Detection Doctoral Symposium Zian Liu Swinburne University of Technology; Data61, CSIRO, Chao Chen James Cook University, Jun Zhang Digital Research & Innovation Capability Platform, Swinburne University of Technology, Dongxi Liu Data61, CSIRO, Muhammad Ejaz Ahmed Data61, CSIRO, Yang Xiang Digital Research & Innovation Capability Platform, Swinburne University of Technology File Attached | ||
10:30 2mTalk | A Prediction Model for Software Requirements Change Impact Doctoral Symposium Kareshna Zamani PhD candidate File Attached | ||
10:32 2mTalk | Leveraging Code Clones and Natural Language Processing for Log Statement Prediction Doctoral Symposium Sina Gholamian University of Waterloo Pre-print |