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ASE 2021
Sun 14 - Sat 20 November 2021 Australia
Thu 18 Nov 2021 18:20 - 18:40 at Koala - Configuration Chair(s): Maria Kechagia

Status code mappings reveal state shifts of a program, mapping one status code to another. Due to careless programming or the lack of the system-wide knowledge of a whole program, developers can make incorrect mappings. Such errors are widely spread across modern software, some of which have even become critical vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, existing solutions merely focus on single status code values, while never considering the relationships, that is, mappings, among them. Therefore, it is imperative to propose an effective method to detect status code mapping errors.

In this paper, we propose Transcode to detect potential status code mapping errors. It firstly conducts value flow analysis to efficiently and precisely collect candidate status code values, that is, the integer values, which are checked by following conditional comparisons. Then, it aggregates the correlated status codes according to whether they are propagated with the same variable. Finally, Transcode extracts mappings based on control dependencies and reports the mapping error if one status code is mapped to two others of the same kind. We have implemented Transcode as a prototype system, and evaluated it with 5 real-world software projects, each of which possesses in the order of a million lines of code. The experimental results show that Transcode is capable of handling large-scale systems in both a precise and efficient manner. Furthermore, it has discovered 59 new errors in the tested projects, among which 13 have been fixed by the community. We also deploy Transcode in WeChat, a widely-used instant messaging service, and have succeeded in finding real mapping errors in the industrial settings.

Thu 18 Nov

Displayed time zone: Hobart change

18:00 - 19:00
ConfigurationResearch Papers at Koala
Chair(s): Maria Kechagia University College London
Learning Patterns in Configuration
Research Papers
Ranjita Bhagwan Microsoft Research, Sonu Mehta Microsoft Research, Arjun Radhakrishna Microsoft, Sahil Garg
Transcode: Detecting Status Code Mapping Errors in Large-Scale Systems
Research Papers
Wensheng Tang The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Yikun Hu The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Gang Fan Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Peisen Yao Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Ant Group, Rongxin Wu Xiamen University, Guangyuan Bai Tencent Inc., Pengcheng Wang Tencent, China, Charles Zhang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Evolutionary-Guided Synthesis of Verified Pareto Optimal Policies
Research Papers
Simos Gerasimou University of York, UK, Javier Camara University of Málaga, Radu Calinescu University of York, UK, Naif Alasmari University of York, Faisal Alhwikem University of York, UK, Xinwei Fang University of York, UK