ASE 2024
Sun 27 October - Fri 1 November 2024 Sacramento, California, United States
Tue 29 Oct 2024 11:30 - 11:45 at Camellia - Test selection and prioritization Chair(s): Wing Lam

Regression Testing Selection (RTS) significantly reduces the cost of regression testing by only running test cases that are affected by code changes. Due to the bottleneck in the improvement effect of single granularity analysis, the latest RTS technology tends to analyze with mixed granularity. We have found that once existing RTS approaches use static method-level analysis, it is difficult to analyze the scenarios of external library callbacks the project code, leading to missed selection of affected test cases.

To address this difficulty, we introduce a new hybrid RTS approach, JcgEks, which enhances Ekstazi by integrating static method call graphs. It combines the advantages of dynamic and static analysis, improving accuracy from class-level to method-level without sacrificing safety and reducing end-to-end time. More importantly, JcgEks safely handles challenges from external library calls. In order to evaluate the safety of various RTS approaches, we defined the safety metrics and implemented the inspection tool called Checker. We compared JcgEks with 4 other RTS tools in 1000 revisions across 20 open-source projects. The experimental results showed that, compared with the state-of-the-art RTS tool FineEkstazi, JcgEks had the same level of end-to-end testing time and number of selected test classes, while FineEkstazi was confirmed to have missed test classes in the experiment. Compared with Ekstazi, JcgEks has reduced end-to-end time by 30%, reduced the number of test classes by 30.9%, and did not compromise safety.

Tue 29 Oct

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10:30 - 12:00
Test selection and prioritizationResearch Papers / Journal-first Papers / NIER Track at Camellia
Chair(s): Wing Lam George Mason University
Towards Exploring the Limitations of Test Selection Techniques on Graph Neural Networks: An Empirical Study
Journal-first Papers
Xueqi Dang University of Luxembourg, SnT, Yinghua Li University of Luxembourg, Wei Ma Nanyang Technological University, Yuejun GUo Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Qiang Hu The University of Tokyo, Mike Papadakis University of Luxembourg, Maxime Cordy University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Yves Le Traon University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Media Attached
Prioritizing Test Cases for Deep Learning-based Video Classifiers
Journal-first Papers
Yinghua Li University of Luxembourg, Xueqi Dang University of Luxembourg, SnT, Lei Ma The University of Tokyo & University of Alberta, Jacques Klein University of Luxembourg, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé University of Luxembourg
Neuron Sensitivity Guided Test Case Selection
Journal-first Papers
Dong Huang The University of Hong Kong, Qingwen Bu Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Yichao FU The University of Hong Kong, Yuhao Qing University of Hong Kong, Xiaofei Xie Singapore Management University, Junjie Chen Tianjin University, Heming Cui University of Hong Kong
FAST: Boosting Uncertainty-based Test Prioritization Methods for Neural Networks via Feature Selection
Research Papers
Jialuo Chen Zhejiang University, Jingyi Wang Zhejiang University, Xiyue Zhang University of Oxford, Youcheng Sun University of Manchester, Marta Kwiatkowska University of Oxford, Jiming Chen Zhejiang University; Hangzhou Dianzi University, Peng Cheng Zhejiang University
Hybrid Regression Test Selection by Integrating File and Method Dependences
Research Papers
Guofeng Zhang College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Luyao Liu College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Zhenbang Chen College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Ji Wang National University of Defense Technology
DOI Pre-print
Prioritizing Tests for Improved Runtime
NIER Track
Abdelrahman Baz The University of Texas at Austin, Minchao Huang The University of Texas at Austin, August Shi The University of Texas at Austin