EASE 2024
Tue 18 - Fri 21 June 2024 Salerno, Italy
Tue 18 Jun 2024 15:50 - 16:20 at Salone dei Marmi - Poster Exhibition

I am Miriana Calvano, a PhD Student in the Depertment of Computer Science at the University of Bari. I am member of the Information Visualization and Usability (IVU) Laboratory. My supervisor is Antonio PIccinno (Associate Professor at the University of Bari) and my co-supervisor is Rosa Lanzilotti (Full Professor at the University of Bari). My research interest is in Human-Computer Interaction and its relationships with Artificial Intelligence. My research project concerns the definition of metrics to assess the human-AI symbiotic relationship. I am a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the ACM SIGCHI.