EASE 2024
Tue 18 - Fri 21 June 2024 Salerno, Italy
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Not scheduled yet
An LLM-based Approach to Recover Traceability Links between Security Requirements and Goal ModelsSecure Software Workshop
Not scheduled yet
Software Vulnerability Prediction in Low-Resource Languages: An Empirical Study of CodeBERT and ChatGPTSecure Software Workshop
Triet Le Huynh Minh The University of Adelaide, Muhammad Ali Babar School of Computer Science, The University of Adelaide, Tung Hoang Thai
Not scheduled yet
Challenges in Developing Secure Software within Agile EnvironmentsSecure Software Workshop
Not scheduled yet
Triaging Microservice Security Smells, with TriSSSecure Software Workshop
Francisco Ponce , Jacopo Soldani University of Pisa, Italy, Carla Taramasco Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile, Hernan Astudillo Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile, Antonio Brogi Università di Pisa
Not scheduled yet
Keynote: Adaptive Security Architecture for Federated Data & Digital EcosystemsSecure Software Workshop
Asif Gill University of Technology Sydney
Not scheduled yet
5G Secure Solution Development and Security Master RoleSecure Software Workshop
Muhammad Ovais Ahmad Karlstad University
Not scheduled yet
An Empirical Investigation of the Security Weaknesses in Open-Source ProjectsSecure Software Workshop
Haifa Al-Shammare , Nehal Al-Otaiby , Muradi Al-Otabi , Mohammad Alshayeb King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Not scheduled yet
MLOps-Enabled Security Strategies for Next-Generation Operational TechnologiesSecure Software Workshop
Tazeem Ahmad , Mohd adnan , Saima Rafi University of Murcia, Muhammad Azeem Akbar LUT University, Ayesha Anwar
Not scheduled yet
Securing Agile: Assessing the Impact of Security Activities on Agile DevelopmentSecure Software Workshop
Arpit Thool , Chris Brown Virginia Tech
Not scheduled yet
The Security Culture Readiness Model (SCRM) for Saudi Universities: A Preliminary StructureSecure Software Workshop
Mona Albinali , Mahmood Niazi King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Not scheduled yet
Study for Integrating IoT-IDS Datasets: Machine and Deep Learning for Secure IoT Network SystemSecure Software Workshop

Accepted Workshops

4th International Workshop on Software Security: Challenges, Opportunities, and Lessons Learned (Secure Software ’24)

Organizers: Sajjad Mahmood, Mohammad Alshayeb and Mahmood Niazi

Over the last decade, many organizations have focused on software security because modern applications typically operate in a hostile network-based environment. Traditionally, organizations have tried to address security concerns by finding and fixing security vulnerabilities once the software development cycle is completed. Software needs to be secured against any unauthorized users, and this can be achieved by incorporating security mechanisms into different phases of the software development lifecycle. However, incorporating security practices and processes into different software development life cycle phases remains a challenge. Software security is evolving due to increasing failure rates of software projects, economic downturn, software development without security in mind, globalization, and outsourcing. The empirical software engineering researchers need new approaches, models, and tools for addressing various emerging software security challenges in this modern age. There is a need for empirical evidence to support different new approaches in software security research and practice. This will provide researchers with innovative knowledge on developing different software security processes and practices. This will also help improve existing software security approaches and processes to build secure software effectively. This workshop will bring together and advance the work undertaken on software security. The outcome of this workshop will provide researchers and practitioners with a firm basis on which to develop different practices/ tools/ techniques based on an understanding of how and where they fit into secure software development and research. New practices/ tools/ techniques could then be developed targeting the secure software engineering community.

5th International DevOps Quality Management

Organizers: Arif Khan, Muhammad Azeem Akbar and Shahid Hussain (DevOps-QM)

DevOps is a framework that integrates both the development and operation activities and bridges the gap between them. DevOps practices are getting significant research and industrial attention because of its attributes, i.e., continuous value delivery, faster time to market, frequent accommodation of changes, and superior quality. The 2017 software trends highlighted that DevOps would become a well-established and accepted approach across the software industry. However, quality management plays a significant role between the development and operation silos. In DevOps, quality assurance works as a bridge between all the disciplines from customers and business to development and operation. For instance, exploring the quality management issues in DevOps becomes an urgent need for software companies striving to adopt DevOps practices. This workshop aims to provide a venue for advances in state of the art in DevOps quality management approaches, practices, and tools. To this end, the workshop brings together experts from academia and industry, working in the diverse areas of quality assurance, testing, performance engineering, agile software engineering, and model-based development to identify, define, and disseminate novel quality-aware approaches to DevOps.

Security Testing for Complex Software Systems (SECUTE)

Organizers: Emanuele Iannone, Valeria Pontillo, Coen De Roover and Riccardo Scandariato

Website: https://secute-ws.github.io/

Modern software systems have increasing complexity and risk falling into security issues if such systems are not developed with a proper security mindset. Security testing is one recommended activity to employ for ensuring highly secure systems. However, there is still a need for new empirically grounded methods, techniques, and investigations that tackle the challenges of new application domains and facilitate developers’ adoption of security testing practices and tools. This workshop aims to foster a community where researchers and practitioners can discuss novel ideas and share fresh insights on the security testing of software systems. The purpose is to channel attention to new application domains adopting unconventional and more complex architectures, like AI-based, cyber-physical, Virtual Reality, or IoT systems.

Empirical Studies for Quantum Software Engineering (E-QSE)

Organizers: Fabiano Pecorelli, Maria Teresa Baldassarre and Manuel A. Serrano

Quantum Programming has been increasingly recognized in recent years, with a growing consensus among researchers and practitioners that this emerging technology has the potential to significantly reshape the landscape of computation. The workshop’s objective is to foster a community where both researchers and practitioners can engage in discussions about novel ideas and share fresh insights on Empirical Studies in Quantum Software Engineering, with the ultimate goal of addressing previously unsolved problems.

Workshop on evaLuation and assEssment in softwARe eNgineers’ Education and tRaining (LEARNER)

Organizers: Beatriz Marin, Tanja E. J. Vos, Anna Rita Fasolino, Felix Cammaerts and Mehrdad Saadatmand

Website: https://learner.testar.org

Software engineers need to acquire a rich set of soft and hard skills in order to be able to deliver high-quality software systems that meet stakeholders’ needs. Such a skill set can be acquired through different educational and training approaches: from formal education in schools and universities to workplace training and capstone projects, from offline classes to those online, from coding clubs to boot camps and contests, up to the use of any resource or technology for the education and training of present and future software engineers. These educational and training approaches need to be assessed by educators or trainers. To do so, it is needed to compare the desired or expected learning outcomes with the actual results. LEARNER 2024 is a workshop interested in any aspect concerning the evaluation and assessment of educational and training approaches for present and future software engineers. Contributions aiming to evaluate and assess the skills above-mentioned, as well as engagement and retention in the education and training of software engineers, are also of interest to the workshop."

Call for Workshop Proposals

Following the tradition of previous conferences, EASE 2024 will host a number of workshops, during the day after the main conference (Friday, 21 June). The workshops will provide a collaborative forum to exchange recent and/or preliminary results, to conduct intensive discussions on a particular topic, or to coordinate efforts between representatives of a technical community. They are intended as a forum for lively discussions of innovative ideas, recent progress, or practical experience on evidence-based software engineering. Each workshop should provide a balanced distribution of its time for both presentations of papers and discussions. The duration of these workshops is in general one day, but we encourage the submission of half-day workshop proposals on focused topics as well.

Important dates:

Workshop proposal submission: December 1st, 2023
Workshop proposal notification: December 15th, 2023
Workshop call for papers and website ready: January 19th, 2024
Submission deadline for workshop papers: March 8th, 2024
Notification of authors about acceptance/rejection of workshop papers: April 12th, 2024
Camera ready papers for workshops: April 26th, 2024
Early registration deadline for authors: May 5th, 2024 \

Submission process

Submit your workshop proposal electronically in PDF using the ACM Proceedings Format through the EASE 2024 EasyChair submission site. Please adhere to the workshop proposal guidelines below, providing the requested information about the proposed workshop, using at most five pages. Please include the one-page draft of your planned Call for Papers in the proposal. To ensure proper coordination with the deadlines of the main conference, the deadlines specified in Important Dates above have to be respected by your plan for your workshop.


There will be joint workshop proceedings in the ACM Digital Library that include papers from all workshops. For each workshop, the joint proceedings will include: an opening message from the organizers, including, if applicable, the workshop program committee, and all peer-reviewed papers presented at the workshop. Formatting instructions are available here for both LaTeX and Word users. LaTeX users must use the provided acmart.cls and ACM-Reference-Format.bst without modification, enable the conference format in the preamble of the document (i.e., \documentclass[sigconf,review]{acmart}), and use the ACM reference format for the bibliography (i.e., \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}). The review option adds line numbers, thereby allowing referees to refer to specific lines in their comments. Papers should have at least 5 pages. We propose page limits of 5 pages for short papers and 10 pages for full papers following the same style and format of the main track of the Conference. Word users make sure you are using Times New Roman on the body of your text, author information, and section titles; and using Helvetica on the paper title.

Proposal guidelines

A workshop proposal must include the following information:

  1. Workshop title
    • Organizers and primary contact (name / affiliation / email)
    • Abstract
  2. Motivation
    • Objectives
    • Intended audience
    • Topics of interest
    • Relevance (in particular to the EASE community)
    • Context (any past events related to your workshop including previous workshops of the current organizers)
  3. Organization
    • Details on the organizers
    • Workshop program committee (indicated as finalized or expected)
  4. Workshop format
    • Planned deadlines
      • Workshops are expected to adhere to the timing provided by the main conference
    • Intended paper format
      • For short papers, the limit is five (5) pages
      • For full papers, the limit is ten (10) pages
    • Evaluation process
    • Intended workshop format (including duration, number of presentations, and planned keynotes)
    • How many participants do you expect?
    • What kind of equipment do you need (e.g., data projector, computer, whiteboard)?
  5. Additional material
    • Workshop web page (URL of the draft web page, if one exists)
    • Draft Call for papers for the Workshop (a one page Call for papers that you intend to send out if your workshop is accepted)

Attendance expectation of workshop organizers and authors of accepted papers

If a workshop proposal is approved, it is mandatory for at least one of the organizers to register for and oversee the workshop. Regarding the authors of accepted workshop papers, a minimum of one author per paper must register for the workshop and be available to present their work.