EASE 2024
Tue 18 - Fri 21 June 2024 Salerno, Italy

Call for Papers

The EASE’24 Journal First Track aims to foster the presentation and promotion of journal papers published in the participating journals. It is expected to accept as many journal-first presentations as will fit into the final EASE’24 program. The submitted Journal First papers should fit with the EASE’24 conference’s main topics, be accepted or published in one of the participating journals, and must not be an extension of a previously presented paper.

Papers accepted or published in the period of Dec, 1st 2022 until Mar, 10th 2024 in the following journals are candidates to be presented in the EASE’24 J1 Track:

  • ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM)
  • Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE)
  • Information and Software Technologies (IST)
  • Journal of Systems and Software (JSS)
  • Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development (JSERD)
  • Journal of Software Evolution and Process (JSEP)
  • Science of Computer Programming (SCP)

Acceptance Criteria

The paper should present work concerned with empirical software engineering (see the EASE’24 Research Track Call for Papers for the topics);

Be accepted or published in one of the participant journals listed above between December 1st, 2022, and March, 10th 2024;

Present research results not reported or presented in previous events (conferences, workshops, etc.). Therefore, journal papers extending previous conference papers are not eligible for submission.

Have not been presented or submitted to another Journal First track or any other similar initiative.

Submission Instructions

Those interested in submitting to the EASE’24 J1 track should prepare a structured abstract describing the work, using the same paper title, abstract, acceptance date, journal, and DOI reference as the paper.

Please, send the accepted or published journal paper together with the structured abstract. Submission Link: EASE’24 portal, J1 track.


The EASE J1 Track Chairs will evaluate whether the submission is within the scope of the EASE conference and conforms with the Acceptance Criteria. It is expected to accept as many papers as will fit into the EASE’24 program for presentation. As usual in other conferences, a higher interest in the EASE J1 track will justify prioritizing the presentation according to their conformance with the conference program. In this case, the track chairs will work with the Program Chairs to decide on the list of accepted presentations.

Since the original papers were previously reviewed and accepted by well-recognized journals, there is no need for further reviews. Therefore, the authors should not expect to receive any reviews with the notification.

Presentation Requirement

At least one author of each accepted EASE’24 J1 presentation must register and attend the conference to present the paper. Failure to present the paper may result in exclusion from future J1C2 programs.

The EASE’24 J1 Track structured abstracts will not be part of the EASE proceedings. The conference online program will contain a hyperlink to the journal paper or to its preprint. For any questions, please contact the track chairs.

Important dates:

  • Submission deadline: 15 March 2024, AoE
  • Notification: 15 April 2024, AoE
  • Early registration deadline: 5 May 2024, AoE

Track Chairs