ECSA 2022
Mon 19 - Fri 23 September 2022 Prague, Czech Republic

oftware systems become increasingly interconnected and complex, leading to a heterogeneous system landscape. This entails that architecture information and architecture documentation become more important. Currently, architecture documentation is a mostly manual task, which is costly, tedious and error prone. Even if initial documentation of a system’s architecture is available, it needs to be kept up-to-date as the system evolves, as otherwise its quality will decay to a point where it does not reflect the actual system and is not useful anymore. Therefore, automated support for maintaining and evolving architecture information and documentation of complex systems is highly beneficial to architects and other stakeholders. To achieve this, architecture information must be automatically recovered from heterogeneous data sources at different points in time and consolidated and integrated to provide an up-to-date representation of the system. Subsequently, the recovered architecture information must be automatically updated whenever data sources change over time. In this work, we present an early concept of a co-evolving digital architecture twin to model the system architecture via an architecture information model that combines and relates architecture information recovered from different sources at different points in time. We propose a framework for automated recovery, integration, and co-evolution of architecture information to create and maintain a digital architecture twin that is continuously and automatically updated as the system evolves. We present the general concepts and framework and discuss use cases to motivate benefits.

Wed 21 Sep

Displayed time zone: Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague change

15:30 - 16:30
Architecture development, reconstruction and recoveryResearch Papers / Industry Program at S4
Chair(s): Ilias Gerostathopoulos Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Steffen Becker University of Stuttgart
ARCHI4MOM: Using Tracing Information to Extract the Architecture of Microservice-based Systems from Message-oriented Middleware
Research Papers
A: Snigdha Singh Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, A: Dominik Werle Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, A: Anne Koziolek Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
AutoArx: Digital Twins of Living Architectures
Research Papers
A: Sven Jordan , A: Lukas Linsbauer TU Braunschweig, A: Ina Schaefer Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
An Overview about Terravis Architecture - Large-Scale Business Process Integration for Swiss Land Register Processes
Industry Program
A: Daniel Lübke iQuest GmbH
Architectural Revision of the e-Assessment System JACK
Industry Program
Research Papers

Information for Participants
Wed 21 Sep 2022 15:30 - 16:30 at S4 - Architecture development, reconstruction and recovery Chair(s): Ilias Gerostathopoulos, Steffen Becker
Info for session

Each paper is presented as a 5-minute pitch talk at the beginning. The rest of the session is a discussion.

Info for room S4:

After reaching the 3rd floor (either by elevator or the main staircase), turn right.