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ICPC 2022
Mon 16 - Tue 17 May 2022
co-located with ICSE 2022
Tue 17 May 2022 08:08 - 08:12 at ICPC room - Session 14: Documentation Chair(s): Fiorella Zampetti

Self-admitted technical debt (SATD) refers to technical debt that is intentionally introduced by developers and explicitly documented in code comments or other software artifacts (e.g., issue reports) to annotate sub-optimal decisions made by developers in the software development process.

In this work, we take the first look at the existence and characteristics of duplicate and near-duplicate SATD comments in five popular Apache OSS projects, i.e., JSPWiki, Helix, Jackrabbit, Archiva, and SystemML. We design a method to automatically identify groups of duplicate and near-duplicate SATD comments and track their evolution in the software system by mining the commit history of a software project. Leveraging the proposed method, we identified 3,520 duplicate and near-duplicate SATD comments from the target projects, which belong to 1,141 groups. We manually analyze the content and context of a sample of 1,505 SATD comments (by sampling 100 groups for each project) and identify if they annotate the same root cause. We also investigate whether duplicate SATD comments exist in code clones, whether they co-exist in the same file, and whether they are introduced and removed simultaneously. Our preliminary study reveals several surprising findings that would shed light on future studies aiming to improve the management of duplicate SATD comments. For instance, only 48.5% duplicate SATD comment groups with the same root cause exist in regular code clones, and only 33.9% of the duplicate SATD comment pairs are introduced in the same commit.

Tue 17 May

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07:50 - 08:40
Session 14: DocumentationResearch / Early Research Achievements (ERA) / Tool Demonstration at ICPC room
Chair(s): Fiorella Zampetti University of Sannio, Italy
Fine-Grained Code-Comment Semantic Interaction Analysis
Mingyang Geng National University of Defense Technology, Shangwen Wang National University of Defense Technology, Dezun Dong NUDT, Shanzhi Gu Hunan Huishiwei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Fang Peng University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Weijian Ruan Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Liao Xiangke National University of Defense Technology
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Using Discord Conversations as Program Comprehension Aid
Early Research Achievements (ERA)
Marco Raglianti Software Institute - USI, Lugano, Csaba Nagy Software Institute - USI, Lugano, Roberto Minelli Software Institute - USI, Lugano, Michele Lanza Software Institute - USI, Lugano
Media Attached
Demystifying Software Release Note Issues on GitHub
Jianyu Wu Peking University, Hao He Peking University, Wenxin Xiao School of Computer Science, Peking University, Kai Gao University of Science and Technology Beijing, Minghui Zhou Peking University, China
Pre-print Media Attached
A First Look at Duplicate and Near-duplicate Self-admitted Technical Debt Comments
Early Research Achievements (ERA)
Jerin Yasmin Queen's University, Canada, Mohammad Sadegh Sheikhaei Queen's University, Yuan Tian Queens University, Kingston, Canada
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HatCUP: Hybrid Analysis and Attention based Just-In-Time Comment Updating
Hongquan Zhu State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, Xincheng He State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, Lei Xu State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Casdoc: Unobtrusive Explanations in Code Examples
Tool Demonstration
Mathieu Nassif McGill University, Zara Horlacher McGill University, Martin P. Robillard McGill University
Pre-print Media Attached
Live Q&A
Q&A-Paper Session 14

Information for Participants
Tue 17 May 2022 07:50 - 08:40 at ICPC room - Session 14: Documentation Chair(s): Fiorella Zampetti
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