ICST 2024
Mon 27 - Fri 31 May 2024 Canada
Thu 30 May 2024 14:40 - 15:00 at Room 2 & 3 - Verification and Testing Chair(s): Franz Wotawa

As the game industry continues to evolve in popularity, testing the experience of players becomes crucial for attracting and retaining players in the highly competitive market. However, the absence of automated methods for articulating and verifying player experience (PX) specifications led us to introduce EmoSTL, a specialized language that extends Linear Temporal Logic with spatial and time-interval expressions, enabling the capture of complex temporal and spatial aspects of players’ emotions and their experiences within games. We conducted a user study to collect suggestive PX requirements for a game under test to assess the capabilities of EmoSTL. Findings reveal that the language formalizes 92 percent of the set PX requirements, and with runtime verification, several PX design issues are identified in the game. Moreoever, EmoSTL performance evaluation demonstrates its linear execution time, showcasing the language potential usage in automated PX testing of games.

Thu 30 May

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14:00 - 15:00
Verification and TestingIndustry / Journal-First Papers / Research Papers at Room 2 & 3
Chair(s): Franz Wotawa Graz University of Technology
Industry talk
Randomised Testing of the Compiler for a Verification-Aware Programming Language
Alastair F. Donaldson Imperial College London, Dilan Sheth Imperial College London, Jean-Baptiste Tristan Amazon Web Services, Alex Usher Imperial College London
Automatically Generating Test Cases for Safety-Critical Software via Symbolic Execution
Journal-First Papers
Elson Kurian University of Milano Bicocca, Daniela Briola University of Milano Bicocca, Pietro Braione University of Milano-Bicocca, Giovanni Denaro University of Milano - Bicocca
Research paper
EmoSTL: Formal Spatial-Temporal Verification of Emotion Specifications in Computer Games
Research Papers
Saba Gholizadeh Ansari Utrecht University, Wishnu Prasetya Utrecht University, Frank Dignum Umea University, Mehdi Dastani , Gabriele Keller Utrecht University