ICST 2024
Mon 27 - Fri 31 May 2024 Canada
Tue 28 May 2024 09:45 - 10:30 at Room 2 - Opening & Academic Keynote Chair(s): Wing Lam

Talk Title: Mobile (Malware) Analysis

Bio: Professor Julia Rubin is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of British Columbia. She received her PhD in Computer Science from the University of Toronto and worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT. Her research interests are in quality, security, and reliability of software and AI systems. Together with her research group, she develops solutions that enable the construction of reliable software systems in an efficient manner. Currently, her work focuses on security and integrity of mobile and cloud-based systems, as well as robustness, explainability, and fairness of AI systems. Her recent work in these areas won six Distinguished/Best Paper Awards at major conferences.

Tue 28 May

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

09:00 - 10:30
Opening & Academic KeynoteMODAL at Room 2
Chair(s): Wing Lam George Mason University
Day opening
Welcome ceremony

Keynote: Julia Rubin
K: Julia Rubin University of British Columbia, S: Wing Lam George Mason University