ICST 2024
Mon 27 - Fri 31 May 2024 Canada
Mon 27 May 2024 14:30 - 15:00 at Room 3 - Session 3

When software systems undergo modifications, regression testing is a prominent risk mitigation technique to safeguard the quality of actually unmodified parts of that system. Being a change-based test type, regression test should ideally be automatically executed as often as modifications happens to the system. When regression testing takes too to be executed in its entirety, a selection has to be done to execute only those regression tests that safeguard the unmodified parts of the system the best. The potential to detect side-effects is associated to the type of modification made to the system and varies among regressions tests. A selection algorithm must be able to identify “good” regression tests according to the modifications made. A “good” regression test is a regression test that has a higher capability to detect unwanted side-effects of a modification, if they occur. This paper introduces a novel approach to regression test selection based on classification of side-effects and quantification of the side-effect detection potential of each regression test. Two approaches to regression test selection are described. Both approaches were implemented by a protoype and integrated into the CI/CD pipeline of the industrial software system Vaadin. Eventually, the effectivness of the selection approach is evaluated.

Mon 27 May

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14:00 - 15:30
Session 3NEXTA at Room 3
Elevating Software Quality in Agile Environments: The Role of Testing Professionals in Unit Testing
Lucas Neves Cox Automotive Inc., Oscar Campos Cox Automotive Inc., Robson T. de Souza Santos , Cleyton Vanut Cordeiro de Magalhães , Italo Santos Northern Arizona University, Ronnie de Souza Santos University of Calgary
Research paper
Selecting "good" regression tests based on a classification of side-effects
Robert Balink TU Berlin, Marc-Florian Wendland Fraunhofer Fokus, Yuriy Yevstihnyeyev Vaadin
Research paper
ODACE: An Appium-based Testing Automation Platform for Android Mobile Devices Certification
Sundos Mojahed École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Rejean Drouin , Lokman Sboui École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS)