Sun 23 - Fri 28 October 2022 Montréal, Canada
Tue 25 Oct 2022 14:00 - 14:30 at A-3521.1 - Software-defined Systems

Modeling tools for creating real-time applications have been used in the industry for more than 30 years. They have become an essential part in the development process of software for telecom systems, medical devices, military systems, manufacturing machines and many more. The current generation of these tools that are used in the industry today typically run in the Eclipse IDE, using technologies such as UML, EMF and GMF for providing modeling support and graphical diagrams. HCL RTist is an example of such a modeling product. Current market trends for development tools, feedback from users, and results from research have shown that it may be time to rethink some of the design decisions on which tools such as HCL RTist are built. In this session you will learn about RTist in Code, the new Art language and other recent innovations that we hope will take modeling of real-time applications to the next level.

Mattias Mohlin is a senior software architect at HCL Software. He has developed model-based development tools for nearly 25 years. While the technologies for creating these tools have evolved a lot over the years, most of the tools have targeted the creation of event-driven, stateful, real-time C++ applications.