Sun 23 - Fri 28 October 2022 Montréal, Canada


Model-driven engineering has been part of university curricula and corporate training programs for many years. Modeling notations are taught in various courses and programs, from software engineering to enterprise architecture. Most educators would agree that teaching modeling is challenging, especially given the growing student population interested in modeling.

The 18th Educators Symposium at MODELS 2022 provides educators, researchers, and practitioners with a forum to discuss educational issues relating to modeling and modeling technologies and share their experiences in the field.


We invite submissions related to the following questions and topics:

  • Challenges in teaching modeling:
    • How to engage students in modeling?
    • How to integrate modeling across the curriculum, from introduction to programming to senior project and beyond?
    • What appropriate and novel modeling technologies are currently used to enrich the student experience?
    • How to relate or mix theory and practice when teaching modeling?
    • What are effective learning and teaching mechanisms for distance and online learning?
    • How to teach modeling in blended, virtual, or massive open online courses?
    • Is teaching modeling using a collaborative approach feasible?
  • Tool support for the teaching of modeling
  • Tool support for an assisted evaluation of modeling labs or exam
  • Modeling Best Practices for beginners
  • The relation between modeling research and modeling education
  • Incorporating a practitioner viewpoint in modeling education
  • Use of case studies or explicative examples to teach modeling
  • Teaching global or open-source software engineering modeling
  • Evolution of teaching modeling and use of tools in the classroom
  • Teaching model-driven engineering and model management
  • Teaching verification and validation through models
  • The synergy between informal models and formal models in teaching
  • How to learn from the number of available uml models to teach modeling (~200 UML per minute on
  • The analysis of teaching methods, use of tools, or games for modeling in the classroom.

For this year’s edition, the conference has the special theme “Modeling for social good#MDE4SG. Thus, we especially encourage contributions where model-based engineering intersects with research and applications on, not exclusively, socio-technical systems, tools with social impact, integrating human values, data science, artificial intelligence, digital twins, Industry/Society 5.0, and intelligent systems in general. Papers are eligible for the Best Theme Paper Award.

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Tue 25 Oct

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08:30 - 10:00
Session 1 - Welcome Remarks, and Keynote - EduSymp Educators Symposium at A-2521.1
Welcome Remarks
Educators Symposium

A New DSL Textbook in Town!
Educators Symposium
Thorsten Berger Ruhr University Bochum
13:30 - 15:00
Session 3 - EduSymp Educators Symposium at A-2521.1
Purpose-driven Model-Driven Engineering Education
Educators Symposium
Daniel Calegari Universidad de la República Uruguay, Andrea Delgado Universidad de la Republica
Token-based Plagiarism Detection for Metamodels
Educators Symposium
Timur Sağlam Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Sebastian Hahner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Jan Willem Wittler , Thomas Kühn Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Tool Support for the Teaching of State-Based Behavior Modeling
Educators Symposium
Christian Zöllner Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Christian M Adriano , Simon Wietheger , Leen Lambers BTU Cottbus Senftenberg, Holger Giese Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam
15:30 - 17:00
Session 4 - EduSympEducators Symposium at A-2521.1
A DSL and Model Transformations to Specify Learning Corpora for Modeling Assistants
Educators Symposium
Younes Boubekeur McGill University, Prabhsimran Singh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University, Gunter Mussbacher McGill University
Detection of Anomalous Modeling Behavior: A Goal-Driven Data Mining Approach
Educators Symposium
Tong Li Beijing University of Technology, Yiting Wang , Congkai Geng
The Epsilon Playground
Educators Symposium
Dimitris Kolovos University of York, Antonio Garcia-Dominguez University of York

Submission Guidelines

Papers must present original content. Previously published papers, accepted papers, or papers under review for other venues are not eligible for submission to the Educators Symposium 2022.

  • Full Papers are expected to contribute research and experience reports and must be no longer than 8 pages.
  • Short Papers are expected to present position statements addressing the symposium topics. These papers intend to stimulate discussions on teaching modeling at universities and in industry and must not exceed 4 pages.
  • Formatting instructions are available at for both LaTeX and Word users. LaTeX users must use the provided acmart.cls and ACM-Reference-Format.bst without modification, enable the conference format in the preamble of the document (i.e., \documentclass[sigconf,review]{acmart}), and use the ACM reference format for the bibliography (i.e., \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}). The review option adds line numbers, thereby allowing referees to refer to specific lines in their comments.

Word users make sure you are using Times New Roman on the body of your text, author information, and section titles; and using Helvetica on the paper title.

All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format via Easychair (


Papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. The paper selection process will be based on the novelty of the ideas or solutions, the impact of modeling in software development education, and relevance to the topics to the symposium. All accepted submissions will be published by ACM as part of the MODELS Companion Proceedings. Papers are accepted conditional on one author registering for the symposium at the MODELS 2022 conference by the early registration deadline and presenting the paper at the symposium.

  • Tool Support for the Teaching of State-Based Behavior Modeling . Christian Zöllner, Christian M Adriano, Simon Wietheger, Leen Lambers and Holger Giese
  • A DSL and Model Transformations to Specify Learning Corpora for Modeling Assistants. Younes Boubekeur, Prabhsimran Singh and Gunter Mussbacher
  • Purpose-driven Model-Driven Engineering education. Daniel Calegari and Andrea Delgado
  • Teaching Modeling to Anyone the Aristotelian Way: Anyone can cook a sound model. Michel Zam
  • A Refined Model of Ill-definedness in Project-Based Learning. Arthur Rump and Vadim Zaytsev
  • An analysis of software design understanding & motivation of engineering students. Jean-Christophe Bach, Antoine Beugnard, Jean-Loup Castaigne, Julien Mallet, Salvador Martínez and Maria-Teresa Segarra
  • The Epsilon Playground. Dimitris Kolovos and Antonio Garcia-Dominguez
  • Token-based Plagiarism Detection for Metamodels. Timur Sağlam, Sebastian Hahner, Jan Willem Wittler and Thomas Kühn
  • Detection of Anomalous Modeling Behavior: A Goal-Driven Data Mining Approach. Tong Li, Yiting Wang and Congkai Geng