Sun 23 - Fri 28 October 2022 Montréal, Canada


Contributions related to all aspects of modeling, modeling languages and model-based software and systems engineering are cordially invited to the 25th edition of MODELS, in Montreal, Canada 16-21 October 2022.

MODELS is the premier conference series for model-based software and systems engineering. Since 1998, MODELS has covered all aspects of modeling, from languages and methods, to tools and applications. Attendees of MODELS come from diverse backgrounds, including researchers, academics, engineers, and industrial professionals. MODELS 2022 is a forum for participants to exchange cutting-edge research results and innovative practical experiences around modeling, modeling languages, and model-based software and systems engineering.

As in previous years, MODELS 2022 is offering two tracks for technical papers: the Foundations Track and the Practice & Innovation Track.

This year’s edition will provide an opportunity for the modeling community to further advance the foundations of modeling, and come up with innovative applications of modeling in emerging areas of cyber-physical systems, embedded systems, socio-technical systems, cloud computing, big data, machine learning, security, open source, and sustainability.

For this year’s edition, the conference has the special theme “Modeling for social good” #MDE4SG. Thus, we especially encourage contributions where model-based engineering intersects with research and applications on, not exclusively, socio-technical systems, tools with social impact, integrating human values, data science, artificial intelligence, digital twins, Industry/Society 5.0, and intelligent systems in general. Papers are eligible for the Best Theme Paper Award.

We invite you to join us at MODELS 2022, Montreal, Canada and to help shape the modeling languages, methods, and technologies of the future!

Topics of Interest (but not restricted to)

MODELS 2022 seeks submissions on diverse topics related to modeling for software and systems engineering, including, but not limited to:

  • Foundations of model-based engineering, including definition of syntax and semantics of modeling languages and model transformation languages.
  • New paradigms, formalisms, applications, approaches, frameworks, or processes for model-based engineering such as low-code/no-code development, digital twins, etc.
  • Definition, usage, and analysis of model-based generative and re-engineering approaches.
  • Models@Runtime: model-based monitoring, analysis, and adaptation towards intelligent systems, e.g., with digital shadows or digital twins.
  • Development of model-based systems engineering approaches and modeling-in-the-large including interdisciplinary engineering and coordination.
  • Applications of AI to model-based engineering problems including e.g., search-based and machine learning approaches.
  • Model-based engineering foundations for AI-based systems.
  • Human and organizational factors in model-based engineering.
  • Tools, meta-tools, and language workbenches for model-based engineering, including model management and scalable model repositories.
  • Integration of modeling languages and tools (hybrid multi-modeling approaches).
  • Evaluation and comparison of modeling languages, techniques, and tools.
  • Quality assurance (analysis, testing, verification) for functional and non-functional properties of models and model transformations.
  • Collaborative modeling research to address global and team management issues (e.g., browser-based and cloud-enabled collaboration).
  • Evolution of modeling languages and related standards.
  • Evidence-based education research for curricular concerns on modeling topics.
  • Modeling in software engineering; applications of models to address general software engineering challenges.
  • Modeling for specific challenges such as collaboration, scalability, security, interoperability, adaptability, flexibility, maintainability, dependability, reuse, energy efficiency, sustainability, and uncertainty.
  • Modeling with, and for, new and emerging systems and paradigms such as security, cyber-physical systems (CPSs), the Internet of Things (IoTs), cloud computing, DevOps, data analytics, data science, machine learning, big data, systems engineering, socio-technical systems, critical infrastructures and services, robotics, mobile applications, conversational agents, open-source software, sustainability and modeling for social good.
  • Empirical studies of applying model-based engineering for domains such as smart production, smart cities, smart enterprises, smart mobility, smart society, etc.


If a submission is accepted, at least one author of the paper is required to attend the conference and present the paper in person.

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Wed 26 Oct

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

10:30 - 12:00
Foundations ITechnical Track / Journal-first at A-3502.1
Chair(s): Jörg Kienzle McGill University, Canada
Quantifying the Variability Mismatch Between Problem and Solution SpaceFT
Technical Track
Marc Hentze Volkswagen AG, Chico Sundermann University of Ulm, Thomas Thüm University of Ulm, Ina Schaefer Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Modular Language Product Lines. A Graph Transformation ApproachFT
Technical Track
Juan de Lara Autonomous University of Madrid, Esther Guerra Universidad Aut�noma de Madrid, Paolo Bottoni Sapienza University of Rome
Pre-print Media Attached
Utilizing multi-level concepts for multi-phase modeling - Context-awareness and process-based constraints to enable model evolutionJ1st
Tobias Franz German Aerospace Center (DLR), Christoph Seidl IT University of Copenhagen, Philipp M. Fischer , Andreas Gerndt German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Link to publication
Domain object hierarchies inducing multi-level modelJ1st
Link to publication
10:30 - 12:00
Systems Eng. & Analysis ITools & Demonstrations / Technical Track at A-4502.1
Chair(s): Iulian Ober
Precomputing Reconfiguration Strategies based on Stochastic Timed Game AutomataFT
Technical Track
Hendrik Göttmann Technical University of Darmstadt, Birte Caesar Helmut Schmidt University, Lasse Beers Helmut Schmidt University, Malte Lochau University of Siegen, Andy Schürr TU Darmstadt, Germany, Alexander Fay Helmut Schmidt University
A Tool for the Automation of Efficient Multi-Robot Choreography Planning and ExecutionDemo
Tools & Demonstrations
Eric Roslin Wete Poaka Leibniz Universität Hannover, Joel Greenyer FHDW Hannover, Daniel Kudenko Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wolfgang Nejdl Leibniz Universität Hannover, Oliver Flegel Volkswagen AG, Dennes Eisner Volkswagen AG
System Architecture Synthesis for Performability by Logic SolversFT
Technical Track
Máté Földiák Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Kristóf Marussy Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Daniel Varro McGill University / Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Istvan Majzik Budapest University of Technology and Economics
File Attached
Migrating from Proprietary Tools to Open-source Software for EAST-ADL Metamodel Generation and EvolutionDemo
Tools & Demonstrations
Jörg Holtmann Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer XITASO GmbH IT & Software Solutions, Henrik Lönn Volvo Technology
A Diagram-Centric Modeling Tool for Systems of SystemsDemoVirtual
Tools & Demonstrations
Sean Kristian Remond Harbo Aalborg University, Emil Voldby Aalborg University, Jonas Madsen Aalborg University, Michele Albano Aalborg University
13:30 - 15:00
Validation & Verification ITechnical Track at A-3502.1
Chair(s): Marsha Chechik University of Toronto
Practical Multiverse Debugging through User-defined Reductions: Application to UML ModelsFT
Technical Track
Matthias Pasquier Ertosgener, Ciprian Teodorov ENSTA Bretagne, Frédéric Jouault ERIS Team, ESEO , France, Matthias Brun TRAME Team, ESEO, Luka Le Roux Lab-STICC CNRS UMR 6285, ENSTA Bretagne, Loïc Lagadec Lab-STICC CNRS UMR 6285, ENSTA Bretagne
Modelling Program Verification Tools for Software EngineersP&I
Technical Track
Sophie Lathouwers University of Twente, Vadim Zaytsev University of Twente, Netherlands
File Attached
Automatic Test Amplification for Executable ModelsFT
Technical Track
Faezeh Khorram IMT Atlantique, Nantes, France, Erwan Bousse Nantes Université, Jean-Marie Mottu Université de Nantes, LS2N, IMT Atlantique, Gerson Sunyé Université de Nantes, LS2N, Pablo Gómez-Abajo Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Pablo C Canizares Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain, Esther Guerra Universidad Aut�noma de Madrid, Juan de Lara Autonomous University of Madrid
Feedback on the Formal Verification of UML Models in an Industrial Context: The Case of a Smart Device Life Cycle Management SystemP&I
Technical Track
Maxime Méré STMicroelectronics, Frédéric Jouault ERIS Team, ESEO , France, Loïc Pallardy STMicroelectronics, Richard Perdriau ESEO
13:30 - 15:00
Applications ITechnical Track / Journal-first at A-4502.1
Chair(s): Joanne M. Atlee University of Waterloo
Verification of Railway Network Models with EVERESTP&I
Technical Track
João Martins EFACEC, José M. Fonseca EFACEC, Rafael Costa INESC TEC, José Creissac Campos University of Minho & HASLab/INESC TEC, Alcino Cunha University of Minho; INESC TEC, Nuno Macedo University of Porto; INESC TEC, Jose Nuno Oliveira University of Minho; INESC TEC
Bug Localization in Game Software Engineering: Evolving Simulations to Locate Bugs in Software Models of Video GamesFT
Technical Track
Rodrigo Casamayor SVIT Research Group. Universidad San Jorge, Lorena Arcega San Jorge University, Francisca Pérez SVIT Research Group. Universidad San Jorge, Carlos Cetina San Jorge University, Spain
SOCAM: a service-oriented computing architecture modeling methodJ1st
Link to publication
A Comprehensive Framework for the Analysis of Automotive SystemsP&I
Technical Track
Alessandro Cimatti Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Sara Corfini Huawei Pisa Research Center, Luca Cristoforetti Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Marco Di Natale Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Consultant for Huawei Pisa Research Center), Alberto Griggio Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Stefano Puri Huawei Pisa Research Center, Stefano Tonetta Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
13:30 - 15:00
Model ManagementJournal-first / Technical Track at A-5502.1
Chair(s): Ileana Ober University of Toulouse
Accelerating Similarity-Based Model Matching Using On-The-Fly Similarity Preserving HashingFT
Technical Track
Xiao He University of Science and Technology Beijing, China, Letian Tang School of Computer and Communication Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Yutong Li School of Computer and Communication Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing
An efficient line-based approach for resolving merge conflicts in XMI-based modelsJ1st
Alfonso de la Vega Universidad de Cantabria, Dimitris Kolovos University of York
Link to publication
A generic approach to detect design patterns in model transformations using a string-matching algorithmJ1st
Chihab eddine Mokaddem DIRO, Université de Montréal, Houari Sahraoui Université de Montréal, Eugene Syriani Université de Montréal
Link to publication
Nested OSTRICH: Hatching Compositions of Low-code TemplatesP&I
Technical Track
João Costa Seco NOVA LINCS -- Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Hugo Lourenço OutSystems SA, Joana Baptista Parreira NOVA University of Lisbon, Carla Ferreira NOVA University Lisbon
15:30 - 17:00
Foundations IITechnical Track / Tools & Demonstrations / Journal-first at A-4502.1
Chair(s): Bran Selic Malina Software Corporation
Incremental Causal Connection for Self-Adaptive Systems based on Relational Reference Attribute GrammarsFT
Technical Track
René Schöne Technische Universität Dresden, Johannes Mey Technische Universität Dresden, Sebastian Ebert Technische Universität Dresden, Sebastian Götz Technische Universität Dresden, Uwe Aßmann TU Dresden, Germany
File Attached
Addressing the Uncertainty Interaction Problem in Software-intensive Systems: Challenges and DesiderataFT
Technical Track
Javier Camara University of Málaga, Radu Calinescu University of York, UK, Betty H.C. Cheng Michigan State University, David Garlan Carnegie Mellon University, Bradley Schmerl Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Javier Troya Universidad de Málaga, Spain, Antonio Vallecillo University of Málaga, Spain
Modelling in low-code development: a multi-vocal systematic reviewJ1st
Alessio Bucaioni Mälardalen University, Antonio Cicchetti Mälardalen University, Federico Ciccozzi Malardalen University
Link to publication
A Value-Based Goal Model Analysis ToolDemo
Tools & Demonstrations
Carlos Cano Genoves Universitat Politècnica de València, Emilio Insfran Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, Silvia Abrahão Universitat Politècnica de València
15:30 - 17:00
Advanced Visualization and Interaction in GLSP-based Web Modeling: Realizing Semantic Zoom and Off-Screen ElementsFT
Technical Track
Giuliano De Carlo TU Wien, Philip Langer EclipseSource Services GmbH, Dominik Bork TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
Picto Web: A Tool for Complex Model ExplorationDemo
Tools & Demonstrations
Alfa Yohannis University of York, Universitas Pradita, Dimitris Kolovos University of York, Antonio Garcia-Dominguez University of York, Carlos Javier Fernández Candel University of York
The Influence of Software Design Representation on the Design Communication of Teams with Diverse PersonalitiesFT
Technical Track
Rodi Jolak Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Maxime Savary-Leblanc Lille University, Manuela Dalibor Software Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Juraj Vincur Slovak University of Technology, Ivan Polasek Slovak University of Technology, Regina Hebig Chalmers University of Technology & University of Gothenburg, Xavier Le Pallec Lille University, Michel Chaudron Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, Sebastian Gerard CEA Saclay - NanoInnov, A W
Blended modeling in commercial and open-source model-driven software engineering tools: A systematic studyJ1st
Istvan David Université de Montréal, Malvina Latifaj Mälardalen University, Jakob Pietron Ulm University, Weixing Zhang Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Federico Ciccozzi Malardalen University, Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Alexander Raschke , Jan-Philipp Steghöfer XITASO GmbH IT & Software Solutions, Regina Hebig Chalmers University of Technology & University of Gothenburg
Link to publication

Thu 27 Oct

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

10:30 - 12:00
Blockchain & ContractsTechnical Track at A-3502.1
Chair(s): Steffen Zschaler King's College London
Model-Checking Legal Contracts with SymboleoPCFT
Technical Track
Alireza Parvizimosaed University of Ottawa, Marco Roveri University of Trento, Aidin Rasti University of Ottawa, Daniel Amyot University of Ottawa, Luigi Logrippo University of Ottawa, John Mylopoulos University of Trento
Predicate Abstractions for Smart Contract ValidationFT
Technical Track
Javier Godoy University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Juan Pablo Galeotti University of Buenos Aires, Diego Garbervetsky University of Buenos Aires and CONICET, Argentina, Sebastian Uchitel Universidad de Buenos Aires / Imperial College
File Attached
Symboleo2SC: From Legal Contract Specifications to Smart ContractsFT
Technical Track
Aidin Rasti University of Ottawa, Daniel Amyot University of Ottawa, Alireza Parvizimosaed University of Ottawa, Marco Roveri University of Trento, Luigi Logrippo University of Ottawa, John Mylopoulos University of Trento, Amal Ahmed Anda
A Declarative Modeling Framework for the Deployment and Management of Blockchain ApplicationsFT
Technical Track
Luciano Baresi Politecnico di Milano, Giovanni Quattrocchi Politecnico di Milano, Damian Andrew Tamburri TU/e, Luca Terracciano Politecnico di Milano
10:30 - 12:00
Validation & Verification IITechnical Track / Journal-first at A-4502.1
Chair(s): Øystein Haugen Østfold University College
A Domain-Specific Language for Simulation-Based Testing of IoT Edge-to-Cloud SolutionsP&I
Technical Track
Jia Li University of Ottawa, Shiva Nejati University of Ottawa, Mehrdad Sabetzadeh University of Ottawa, Michael McCallen Cheetah Networks
Model-based ideal testing of hardware description language (HDL) programsJ1st
Onur Kilincceker , Ercument Turk , Fevzi Belli Paderborn University, Germany, Moharram Challenger University of Antwerp
Link to publication
Validating the Correctness of Reactive Systems Specifications Through Systematic ExplorationFT
Technical Track
Dor Ma'ayan Tel Aviv University, Shahar Maoz Tel Aviv University, Israel, Roey Rozi Tel Aviv University
Probabilistic modelling and verification using RoboChart and PRISMJ1st
Kangfeng Ye University of York, UK, Ana Cavalcanti University of York, Simon Foster University of York, Alvaro Miyazawa , Jim Woodcock
Link to publication
10:30 - 12:00
Recommender SystemsJournal-first / Technical Track at A-5502.1
Chair(s): Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado Universidad de Murcia
Machine Learning-based Incremental Learning in Interactive Domain ModellingFT
Technical Track
Rijul Saini McGill University, Canada, Gunter Mussbacher McGill University, Jin L.C. Guo McGill University, Jörg Kienzle McGill University, Canada
MemoRec: a recommender system for assisting modelers in specifying metamodelsJ1st
Juri Di Rocco University of L'Aquila, Davide Di Ruscio University of L'Aquila, Claudio Di Sipio University of L'Aquila, Phuong T. Nguyen University of L’Aquila, Alfonso Pierantonio
Link to publication
Recommending metamodel concepts during modeling activities with pre-trained language modelsJ1st
Martin Weyssow DIRO, Université de Montréal, Houari Sahraoui Université de Montréal, Eugene Syriani Université de Montréal
Link to publication
Finding with NEMO: A Recommender System to Forecast the Next Modeling OperationsFT
Technical Track
Juri Di Rocco University of L'Aquila, Claudio Di Sipio University of L'Aquila, Phuong T. Nguyen University of L’Aquila, Davide Di Ruscio University of L'Aquila, Alfonso Pierantonio
15:30 - 17:00
Digital Twin as Risk Free Experimentation Aid for Techno-socio-economic SystemsP&I
Technical Track
Souvik Barat Tata Consultancy Services Research, Vinay Kulkarni Tata Consultancy Services Research, Tony Clark Aston University, Balbir Barn Middlesex University, UK
Digital TwinCity: A Holistic Approach towards Comparative Analysis of Business ProcessesDemo
Tools & Demonstrations
Facilitating the migration to the microservice architecture via model-driven reverse engineering and reinforcement learningJ1st
Shekoufeh Rahimi University of Isfahan, MohammadHadi Dehghani Johannes Kepler University Linz, Massimo Tisi IMT Atlantique, LS2N (UMR CNRS 6004), Dalila Tamzalit
Link to publication
Towards Model-based Bias Mitigation in Machine LearningVirtualP&I
Technical Track
Alfa Yohannis University of York, Universitas Pradita, Dimitris Kolovos University of York
15:30 - 17:00
AI for/with MDE IIJournal-first / Technical Track / Tools & Demonstrations at A-4502.1
Chair(s): Tao Yue Simula Research Laboratory
DescribeML: a tool for describing machine learning datasetsDemo
Tools & Demonstrations
Joan Giner Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Abel Gómez Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Jordi Cabot Open University of Catalonia, Spain
Pre-print Media Attached
Event-driven temporal models for explanations - ETeMoX: explaining reinforcement learningJ1st
Juan Marcelo Parra Aston University, Antonio Garcia-Dominguez University of York, Nelly Bencomo Durham University, Changgang Zheng , Chen Zhen , Juan Boubeta-Puig University of Cadiz, Guadalupe Ortiz , Shufan Yang
Link to publication
MoDLF A Model-Driven Deep Learning Framework for Autonomous Vehicle Perception (AVP)FT
Technical Track
Aon Safdar Department of Computers and Software Engineering, College of E&ME,NUST, Islamabad, Pakistan, Farooque Azam Department of Computers and Software Engineering, College of E&ME,NUST, Islamabad, Pakistan, Muhammad Waseem Anwar Department of Innovation, Design and Engineering Malardalen University, Usman Akram Department of Computers and Software Engineering, College of E&ME,NUST, Islamabad, Pakistan, Yawar Rasheed Department of Computers and Software Engineering, College of E&ME,NUST, Islamabad, Pakistan
Assisting in Requirements Goal Modeling: A Hybrid Approach based on Machine Learning and Logical ReasoningFT
Technical Track
Qixiang Zhou Beijing University of Technology, Tong Li Beijing University of Technology, Yunduo Wang School of Software, Beihang University
15:30 - 17:00
Systems Eng. & Analysis IITechnical Track / Tools & Demonstrations / Journal-first at A-5502.1
Chair(s): Jean-Michel Bruel Université de Toulouse, France
Generating repairs for inconsistent modelsJ1st
Luciano Marchezan , Roland Kretschmer , Wesley Assunção Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria & Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Alexander Reder , Alexander Egyed Johannes Kepler University Linz
Link to publication
Solving the Instance Model-View Update Problem in AADLP&I
Technical Track
Rakshit Mittal University of Antwerp - Flanders make, Dominique Blouin LTCI Lab, Telecom Paris, Institute Politechnqie de Paris, Anish Bhobe Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Soumyadip Bandyopadhyay BITS Pilani
OSATE-DIM Solves the Instance Model View-Update Problem in AADLDemo
Tools & Demonstrations
Rakshit Mittal University of Antwerp - Flanders make, Dominique Blouin LTCI Lab, Telecom Paris, Institute Politechnqie de Paris
Reactive Links Across Multi-Domain Engineering ModelsP&I
Technical Track
Cosmina-Cristina Ratiu Johannes Kepler University Linz, Wesley Assunção Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria & Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Rainer Haas Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH, Alexander Egyed Johannes Kepler University Linz

Fri 28 Oct

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

10:30 - 12:00
Applications IIITools & Demonstrations / Journal-first at A-5502.1
Chair(s): Sébastien Mosser McMaster University
A descriptive study of assumptions in STRIDE security threat modelingJ1st
Dimitri Van Landuyt KU Leuven, Belgium, Wouter Joosen Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Link to publication
TMI: Tokenomics Made Easy For Web3 ApplicationsDemoVirtual
Tools & Demonstrations
Han Liu Tsinghua University, Xufei Wang Oxford-Hainan Blockchain Research Institute, Model Labs, Bin Wang Oxford-Hainan Blockchain Research Institute, Hainan, China, Huixuan Zheng Oxford-Hainan Blockchain Research Institute, Xuchao Liu Oxford-Hainan Blockchain Research Institute, Model Labs
Using DevOps toolchains in Agile model-driven engineeringJ1st
Jörn Guy Süß Codebots Pty Ltd., Samantha Swift , Eban Escott Codebots
Link to publication
Learning UML Database Design and Modeling with AutoERDemo
Tools & Demonstrations
Sarah Foss University of British Columbia, Tatiana Urazova University of British Columbia, Ramon Lawrence The University of British Columbia
13:30 - 15:00
Foundations IIITechnical Track / Journal-first / Tools & Demonstrations at A-3502.1
Chair(s): Daniel Varro McGill University / Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Early timing analysis based on scenario requirements and platform modelsJ1st
Jörg Holtmann Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Julien DeAntoni , Markus Fockel
Link to publication
Requirements document relations - A reuse perspective on traceability through standardsJ1st
Katharina Großer University of Koblenz-Landau, Volker Riediger University of Koblenz-Landau, Jan Jürjens University of Koblenz-Landau
Link to publication
Schema Inference for Multi-Model DataFT
Technical Track
Pavel Koupil Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Sebastian Hricko Charles University in Prague, Irena Holubova Charles University in Prague
EvolveDB - A tool for model driven schema evolutionDemo
Tools & Demonstrations
Torben Eckwert Forschungscampus Mittelhessen, Michael Guckert Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen–University of Applied Sciences, Gabriele Taentzer University of Marburg, Germany
13:30 - 15:00
Experiences & Practices, BenchmarksTechnical Track / Journal-first at A-4502.1
Chair(s): Shiva Nejati University of Ottawa
Editing Support for Software Languages: Implementation Practices in Language Server ProtocolsP&I
Technical Track
Djonathan Barros PPGComp - Western Paran State University, Sven Peldszus Ruhr University Bochum, Wesley Assunção Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria & Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Thorsten Berger Ruhr University Bochum
DOI Pre-print
Survey of Established Practices in the Life Cycle of Domain-Specific LanguagesP&I
Technical Track
Holger Borum IT University of Copenhagen, Christoph Seidl IT University of Copenhagen
A benchmark of incremental model transformation tools based on an industrial case study with AADLJ1st
Hana Mkaouar , Dominique Blouin LTCI Lab, Telecom Paris, Institute Politechnqie de Paris, Etienne Borde
Link to publication
A cross-technology benchmark for incremental graph queriesJ1st
Georg Hinkel , Antonio Garcia-Dominguez University of York, René Schöne Technische Universität Dresden, Artur Boronat University of Leicester, Massimo Tisi IMT Atlantique, LS2N (UMR CNRS 6004), Théo Le Calvar IMT Atlantique, LS2N (UMR CNRS 6004), Frédéric Jouault ERIS Team, ESEO , France, Jószef Marton , Tamás Nyíri , János Benjamin Antal , Márton Elekes , Gabor Szarnyas , Gabor Szarnyas
Link to publication
13:30 - 15:00
Model visualization IITools & Demonstrations / Journal-first at A-5502.1
Chair(s): Antonio Vallecillo University of Málaga, Spain
Are models better read on paper or on screen? A comparative studyJ1st
Link to publication
Graphical Projectional Editing in GentlemanDemo
Tools & Demonstrations
Aurélien Ducoin DIRO, Université de Montréal, Eugene Syriani Université de Montréal
Link to publication Pre-print
Evaluating the accessibility of a PoN-enabled misuse case notation by the red–green colorblind communityJ1st
Link to publication
Gamification-based UML Learning Environment in Virtual RealityDemo
Tools & Demonstrations
Enes Yigitbas Paderborn University, Germany, Maximilian Schmidt Paderborn University, Antonio Bucchiarone Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy, Sebastian Gottschalk Paderborn University, Gregor Engels Paderborn University
Towards the Practical Adoption of LIDL: A Toolchain for Modeling Human-Machine Interface Software InteractionsDemoVirtual
Tools & Demonstrations
Ning Ge School of Software, Beihang University, Yunduo Wang School of Software, Beihang University, Yuan Wang School of Software, Beihang University, Yong Wang School of Software, Beihang University

Accepted Papers

Accelerating Similarity-Based Model Matching Using On-The-Fly Similarity Preserving HashingFT
Technical Track
A Comprehensive Framework for the Analysis of Automotive SystemsP&I
Technical Track
Addressing the Uncertainty Interaction Problem in Software-intensive Systems: Challenges and DesiderataFT
Technical Track
A Declarative Modeling Framework for the Deployment and Management of Blockchain ApplicationsFT
Technical Track
A Domain-Specific Language for Simulation-Based Testing of IoT Edge-to-Cloud SolutionsP&I
Technical Track
Advanced Visualization and Interaction in GLSP-based Web Modeling: Realizing Semantic Zoom and Off-Screen ElementsFT
Technical Track
Assisting in Requirements Goal Modeling: A Hybrid Approach based on Machine Learning and Logical ReasoningFT
Technical Track
Automatic Test Amplification for Executable ModelsFT
Technical Track
Bug Localization in Game Software Engineering: Evolving Simulations to Locate Bugs in Software Models of Video GamesFT
Technical Track
Digital Twin as Risk Free Experimentation Aid for Techno-socio-economic SystemsP&I
Technical Track
Editing Support for Software Languages: Implementation Practices in Language Server ProtocolsP&I
Technical Track
DOI Pre-print
Feedback on the Formal Verification of UML Models in an Industrial Context: The Case of a Smart Device Life Cycle Management SystemP&I
Technical Track
Finding with NEMO: A Recommender System to Forecast the Next Modeling OperationsFT
Technical Track
Incremental Causal Connection for Self-Adaptive Systems based on Relational Reference Attribute GrammarsFT
Technical Track
File Attached
Machine Learning-based Incremental Learning in Interactive Domain ModellingFT
Technical Track
Machine learning methods for model classification: A comparative studyFT
Technical Track
Model-Checking Legal Contracts with SymboleoPCFT
Technical Track
Modelling Program Verification Tools for Software EngineersP&I
Technical Track
File Attached
MoDLF A Model-Driven Deep Learning Framework for Autonomous Vehicle Perception (AVP)FT
Technical Track
Modular Language Product Lines. A Graph Transformation ApproachFT
Technical Track
Pre-print Media Attached
Nested OSTRICH: Hatching Compositions of Low-code TemplatesP&I
Technical Track
Practical Multiverse Debugging through User-defined Reductions: Application to UML ModelsFT
Technical Track
Precomputing Reconfiguration Strategies based on Stochastic Timed Game AutomataFT
Technical Track
Predicate Abstractions for Smart Contract ValidationFT
Technical Track
File Attached
Quantifying the Variability Mismatch Between Problem and Solution SpaceFT
Technical Track
Reactive Links Across Multi-Domain Engineering ModelsP&I
Technical Track
Schema Inference for Multi-Model DataFT
Technical Track
Solving the Instance Model-View Update Problem in AADLP&I
Technical Track
Survey of Established Practices in the Life Cycle of Domain-Specific LanguagesP&I
Technical Track
Symboleo2SC: From Legal Contract Specifications to Smart ContractsFT
Technical Track
System Architecture Synthesis for Performability by Logic SolversFT
Technical Track
File Attached
The Influence of Software Design Representation on the Design Communication of Teams with Diverse PersonalitiesFT
Technical Track
Towards Model-based Bias Mitigation in Machine LearningVirtualP&I
Technical Track
Validating the Correctness of Reactive Systems Specifications Through Systematic ExplorationFT
Technical Track
Verification of Railway Network Models with EVERESTP&I
Technical Track

Practice and Innovation Track

The goal of the Practice and Innovation (P&I) Track is to fill the gap between foundational research in model-based engineering (MBE) and industrial needs. We invite authors from academia and/or industry to submit original contributions reporting on the development of innovative MBE solutions in industries, public sector, or open-source settings, as well as innovative application of MBE in such contexts. Examples include:

  • Scalable and cost-effective methodologies and tools
  • Industrial case studies with valuable lessons learned
  • Experience reports providing novel insights

Each paper should provide clear take-away value by describing the context of a problem of practical importance, and the application of MBE that leads to a solution. A non-exclusive list of topics of interest is provided here.

Evaluation Criteria: A paper in the P&I Track will be evaluated mainly from its practical take-away and the potential impact of the findings. More specifically,

  • The paper should discuss why the solution to the problem is innovative (e.g., in terms of advancing the state-of-practice), effective, and/or efficient, and what likely practical impact it has or will have;
  • The paper should provide a concise explanation of approaches, techniques, methodologies and tools employed;
  • The paper should explain best practices that emerged, tools developed, and/or software processes involved.
  • Studies reporting on negative findings must provide a thorough discussion of the potential causes of failure, and ideally a perspective on how to solve them.
  • Authors are encouraged to make the artifacts publicly accessible, e.g., through a Github repository or an alternative that is likely to remain available. There will be an optional artifact evaluation process, as discussed below.

Submission Process

The submission process for the MODELS 2022 P&I Track is similar to past MODELS editions, with the specific details below. We follow a single-anonymous review process for the P&I Track. In a single-anonymous process, authors’ names are identified to the reviewers and do not need to be removed from the paper. Please consult the submission information section below to prepare your manuscript accordingly.

For the P&I Track, papers must be submitted electronically through the MODELS 2022 EasyChair web page.

  • P&I Track papers must not exceed 10 pages for the main text, inclusive of all figures, tables, appendices, etc. Two more pages containing only references are permitted.
  • All submissions must be in PDF. The page limit is strict, and it will not be possible to purchase additional pages at any point in the process (including after the paper is accepted).
  • Formatting instructions are available at for both LaTeX and Word users. LaTeX users must use the provided acmart.cls and ACM-Reference-Format.bst without modification, enable the conference format in the preamble of the document (i.e., \documentclass[sigconf,review]{acmart}), and use the ACM reference format for the bibliography (i.e., \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}). The review option adds line numbers, thereby allowing referees to refer to specific lines in their comments.
  • Word users make sure you are using Times New Roman on the body of your text, author information, and section titles; and using Helvetica on the paper title.
  • By submitting to the MODELS P&I Track, authors acknowledge that they are aware of and agree to be bound by the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism and the IEEE Plagiarism FAQ. In particular, papers submitted to MODELS 2022 must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere whilst under consideration for MODELS 2022.
  • The P&I Track of MODELS 2022 will use a single-anonymous review process (i.e., authors do not have to hide their identities in their papers). Since industry papers typically rely heavily on the industrial/practical context in which the work was carried out, anonymizing the context may negatively impact the paper.
  • Please contact the Program Chairs if you have more questions on the submission process.

Submissions that do not adhere to these limits or that violate the formatting guidelines will be desk-rejected without review. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings published by ACM.

Authors of selected papers from the conference will be invited to revise and submit extended versions of their papers for publication in the International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM).

Author Response Period

MODELS 2022 will offer an optional author response period for submissions which have reached a sufficient level of support. In this period, the authors will have the opportunity to inspect the reviews, and to answer specific questions raised by the program committee to inform the subsequent decision making process.

Artefact Evaluation

After the notification, the authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit their accompanying artifacts (e.g., software, datasets, proofs) to the Artifact Evaluation track to be evaluated by the Artifact Evaluation Committee. Participation in the Artifact Evaluation process is optional and does not affect the final decision regarding the acceptance of papers. Papers that successfully go through the Artifact Evaluation process will be rewarded with a seal of approval included in the papers.

Important Dates

The P&I Track has the following deadlines:

  • May Wed 18, 2022, Abstract submission
  • May Wed 18, 2022, Paper submission
  • June 28 - July 1st, 2022, Author response period
  • July Tue 12, 2022, Author notification
  • August Mon 1, 2022, Camera Ready Version Due

Please note that:

  • Abstract submission is mandatory.
  • All deadlines are hard. No extensions will be granted.
  • All dates are according to the time zone “Anywhere on Earth”, i.e., UTC-12.
  • All accepted papers must be presented by an author who is registered as a “Regular” participant (student presenters must register as a Regular participant).

Foundations Track

We invite authors to submit high quality contributions describing significant, original, and unpublished results in the following two categories. A non-exclusive list of topics of interest is provided here.

1. Technical Papers

Technical papers should describe innovative research in modeling or model-based engineering activities. Papers in this submission category should describe a novel contribution to the field and should carefully support claims of novelty with citations to the relevant literature.

Evaluation Criteria: Technical papers are evaluated on the basis of originality, soundness, relevance, importance of contribution, strength of validation, quality of presentation and appropriate comparison to related work. Where a submission builds upon previous work of the author(s), the novelty of the new contribution must be described clearly with respect to the previous work. Technical papers need to discuss clearly how the results were validated (e.g., formal proofs, controlled experiments, rigorous case studies, or simulations). Authors are strongly encouraged to make the artifacts used for the evaluation publicly accessible, e.g., through a Github repository or an alternative that is likely to remain available. There will be an optional artifact evaluation process, as discussed below.

2. New Ideas/Vision Papers

We solicit short papers that present new ideas and visions. Such papers may describe new, non-conventional model-based engineering research positions or approaches that depart from standard practice. They can describe well-defined research ideas that are at an early stage of investigation. They could also provide new evidence that common wisdom should be challenged, present new unifying theories about existing modeling research that provides novel insight or that can lead to the development of new technologies or approaches, or apply modeling technology to radically new application areas.

Evaluation Criteria: New ideas and vision papers will be assessed primarily on their level of originality and potential for impact on the field in terms of promoting innovative thinking. Hence, inadequacies in the state-of-the-art and the pertinence, correctness, and impact of the idea/vision must be described clearly, even though the new idea need not be fully worked out, and a fully detailed roadmap need not be presented. A full evaluation is not required for new ideas and vision papers, but preliminary evaluation results may help the reviewers understand the scope of the work better. Authors are strongly encouraged to make the artifacts publicly accessible, e.g., through a Github repository or an alternative that is likely to remain available. There will be an optional artifact evaluation process, as discussed below.

Submission Process

The submission process for MODELS 2022 Foundations Track is similar to past MODELS editions, with the specific details given below. We follow a double-anonymous review process for the Foundations Track. In the double-anonymous review process, authors will not be identified to reviewers and reviewers will not be identified to authors. Please consult the submission information section below to prepare your manuscript for the double-anonymous process.

Papers must be submitted electronically through the MODELS 2022 EasyChair web page.

  • Technical papers must not exceed 10 pages for the main text, including all figures, tables, appendices, etc. Two more pages containing only references are permitted.
  • New Ideas/Vision papers must not exceed 6 pages for the main text, including all figures, tables, appendices, etc. One more page containing only references is permitted.
  • All submissions must be in PDF. The page limit is strict, and it will not be possible to purchase additional pages at any point in the process (including after the paper is accepted).
  • Formatting instructions are available at for both LaTeX and Word users. LaTeX users must use the provided acmart.cls and ACM-Reference-Format.bst without modification, enable the conference format in the preamble of the document (i.e., \documentclass[sigconf,review]{acmart}), and use the ACM reference format for the bibliography (i.e., \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}). The review option adds line numbers, thereby allowing referees to refer to specific lines in their comments.
  • By submitting to the MODELS Foundations Track, authors acknowledge that they are aware of and agree to be bound by the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism and the IEEE Plagiarism FAQ. In particular, papers submitted to MODELS 2022 must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere whilst under consideration for MODELS 2022.
  • The Foundations Track of MODELS 2022 will employ a double-anonymous review process. Thus, no submission may reveal its authors’ identities. The authors must make every effort to honor the double-anonymous review process. For more information, check the submission information section.
  • Please contact the Program Chairs if you have more questions on the submission process.

Submissions that do not adhere to the stated page limits or that violate the formatting guidelines will be desk-rejected without review. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings published by ACM.

Authors of selected papers from the conference will be invited to revise and submit extended versions of their papers for publication in the International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM).

Author Response Period

MODELS 2022 will offer an optional author response period for submissions which have reached a sufficient level of support. In this period, the authors will have the opportunity to inspect the reviews, and to answer specific questions raised by the program committee to inform the subsequent decision making process.

Artefact Evaluation

After the notification, the authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit their accompanying artifacts (e.g., software, datasets, proofs) to the Artifact Evaluation track to be evaluated by the Artifact Evaluation Committee. Participation in the Artifact Evaluation process is optional and does not affect the final decision regarding the acceptance of papers. Papers that successfully go through the Artifact Evaluation process will be rewarded with a seal of approval included in the papers.

Important Dates

The Foundations Track has the following deadlines:

  • May Wed 18, 2022, Abstract submission
  • May Wed 18, 2022, Paper submission
  • June 28 - July 1st, 2022, Author response period
  • July Tue 12, 2022, Author notification
  • August Mon 1, 2022, Camera Ready Version Due

Please note that:

  • Abstract submission is mandatory.
  • All deadlines are hard. No extensions will be granted.
  • All dates are according to the time zone “Anywhere on Earth”, i.e., UTC-12.
  • All accepted papers must be presented by an author who is registered as a “Regular” participant (student presenters must register as a Regular participant).

Submission Information

The Foundations Track of MODELS 2022 will follow a double-anonymous reviewing process in which the identity of authors will not be known to the program committee at any time during the process. The papers submitted must not reveal the authors´ identities in any way. Hence, the authors should make every reasonable effort to keep the paper anonymous, but of course there is no need to guarantee that the authors’ identity is undiscoverable.

Why Double-Anonymous?

There are many reasons for a double-anonymous review process at conferences, including to avoid (even unconscious) bias from the reviewers. Hence, to make the review process as fair as possible, we want to avoid either positive or negative bias of reviewers from the authors’ identities. Recently, many conferences have moved to a double-anonymous process to avoid such bias, including ICSE, ICSME, FASE, ESEC/FSE, and ASE, among many others. For more information on double-anonymous reviewing, please consult Claire Le Goues’s blog posting, a list of double-anonymous resources from Robert Feldt, and a study by Moritz Beller and Alberto Bacchelli.

How to prepare your paper for double-anonymous reviewing?

  • Omit all authors’ names and affiliations from the title page. Omit also acknowledgements, if they mention any names or organizations.
  • Refer to your own work in the third person. You should not change the names of your own previously published tools, approaches, or systems, because this would clearly compromise the review process. Instead, refer to the authorship or provenance of tools, approaches, or systems in the third person, so that it is credible that another author could have written your paper.
  • If possible, do not use external sources for supplementary material (your website, your GitHub repository, your YouTube channel, a companion technical report or thesis) in the paper which might reveal author identities. It is possible to post a link to an anonymous GitHub repository, or anonymous web hosting services, but the repository should be checked carefully for any information that could reveal the author’s identity. In any case, you will be able to submit supplementary material through the EasyChair submission site, but check the material carefully for anything that can reveal the author’s identity. Here are some additional tips on anonymization from ACM.
  • Authors are strongly encouraged to title their submission differently than preprints of the authors on ArXiV or similar repositories. During review, authors should not publicly use the submission title.

Authors having further questions on double-anonymous reviewing are encouraged to contact the Program Chairs by email. Papers that do not comply to the double-anonymous review process will be desk-rejected.