Tools & DemonstrationsMODELS 2022
MODELS is the premier conference series for model-based software and systems engineering. Since 1998 MODELS has been covering all aspects of modeling, from languages and methods to tools and applications. Since the inception of the conference, the development of tools to support modeling activities has been an integral part of the research activities with many of these tools evolving into modeling platforms that support the development of new tools. The demonstration of tools at recent MODELS conferences has shown that both researchers and practitioners dedicate more time and effort to developing high-quality tools to be used by the community and industry. It is also accepted that the availability of tools is a primary factor for the adoption of model-driven engineering approaches.
With this call, we solicit high-quality submissions for the tool demonstration track of MODELS 2022, ranging across commercial, academic, and corporate research as well as industrial systems. We encourage submissions on tools that are: research prototypes built to support novel research ideas, extensions of existing tools and toolchains, mature tools as well as pedagogical tools that support the teaching of model-driven approaches. Any of the MODELS topics of interest are appropriate areas for tool demonstrations. Furthermore, we also welcome submissions related to this year’s theme: modeling for social good.
The submissions to this track should not have been demonstrated at other venues and extensions of existing tools should be substantial. Based on the purpose of the tool, submissions will be evaluated on their technical merit, novelty, pedagogical impact, relevance to the modeling community, and potential for use in real-world applications. In all cases, particular attention will be given on the quality of the proposed demonstrations. Of course, at least one of the authors must attend the demonstration session in order to present the tool and discuss it with attendees.
For this year’s edition, the conference has the special theme “Modeling for social good” #MDE4SG. Thus, we especially encourage contributions where model-based engineering intersects with research and applications on, not exclusively, socio-technical systems, tools with social impact, integrating human values, data science, artificial intelligence, digital twins, Industry/Society 5.0, and intelligent systems in general. Papers are eligible for the Best Theme Paper Award.
Wed 26 OctDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
10:30 - 12:00 | |||
10:52 15mTalk | A Tool for the Automation of Efficient Multi-Robot Choreography Planning and ExecutionDemo Tools & Demonstrations Eric Roslin Wete Poaka Leibniz Universität Hannover, Joel Greenyer FHDW Hannover, Daniel Kudenko Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wolfgang Nejdl Leibniz Universität Hannover, Oliver Flegel Volkswagen AG, Dennes Eisner Volkswagen AG | ||
11:29 15mTalk | Migrating from Proprietary Tools to Open-source Software for EAST-ADL Metamodel Generation and EvolutionDemo Tools & Demonstrations Jörg Holtmann Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer XITASO GmbH IT & Software Solutions, Henrik Lönn Volvo Technology | ||
11:44 15mTalk | A Diagram-Centric Modeling Tool for Systems of SystemsDemoVirtual Tools & Demonstrations Sean Kristian Remond Harbo Aalborg University, Emil Voldby Aalborg University, Jonas Madsen Aalborg University, Michele Albano Aalborg University |
15:30 - 17:00 | AI for/with MDE IJournal-first / Technical Track / Tools & Demonstrations at A-3502.1 Chair(s): Lola Burgueño University of Malaga | ||
16:37 22mTalk | Using the ModelSet dataset to support Machine Learning in Model-Driven EngineeringDemo Tools & Demonstrations José Antonio Hernández López Universidad de Murcia, Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo IN3 - UOC, Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado Universidad de Murcia |
15:30 - 17:00 | Foundations IITechnical Track / Tools & Demonstrations / Journal-first at A-4502.1 Chair(s): Bran Selic Malina Software Corporation | ||
16:37 22mTalk | A Value-Based Goal Model Analysis ToolDemo Tools & Demonstrations Carlos Cano Genoves Universitat Politècnica de València, Emilio Insfran Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, Silvia Abrahão Universitat Politècnica de València |
15:30 - 17:00 | Model Visualization IJournal-first / Tools & Demonstrations / Technical Track at A-5502.1 Chair(s): Marianne Huchard LIRMM | ||
15:52 22mTalk | Picto Web: A Tool for Complex Model ExplorationDemo Tools & Demonstrations Alfa Yohannis University of York, Universitas Pradita, Dimitris Kolovos University of York, Antonio Garcia-Dominguez University of York, Carlos Javier Fernández Candel University of York |
Thu 27 OctDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
15:30 - 17:00 | Applications IITools & Demonstrations / Technical Track / Journal-first at A-3502.1 Chair(s): Wrong Account | ||
15:52 22mTalk | Digital TwinCity: A Holistic Approach towards Comparative Analysis of Business ProcessesDemo Tools & Demonstrations Shinobu Saito NTT |
15:30 - 17:00 | AI for/with MDE IIJournal-first / Technical Track / Tools & Demonstrations at A-4502.1 Chair(s): Tao Yue Simula Research Laboratory | ||
15:30 22mTalk | DescribeML: a tool for describing machine learning datasetsDemo Tools & Demonstrations Joan Giner Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Abel Gómez Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Jordi Cabot Open University of Catalonia, Spain Pre-print Media Attached |
15:30 - 17:00 | Systems Eng. & Analysis IITechnical Track / Tools & Demonstrations / Journal-first at A-5502.1 Chair(s): Jean-Michel Bruel Université de Toulouse, France | ||
16:15 22mTalk | OSATE-DIM Solves the Instance Model View-Update Problem in AADLDemo Tools & Demonstrations Rakshit Mittal University of Antwerp - Flanders make, Dominique Blouin LTCI Lab, Telecom Paris, Institute Politechnqie de Paris |
Fri 28 OctDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
10:30 - 12:00 | Applications IIITools & Demonstrations / Journal-first at A-5502.1 Chair(s): Sébastien Mosser McMaster University | ||
10:52 22mTalk | TMI: Tokenomics Made Easy For Web3 ApplicationsDemoVirtual Tools & Demonstrations Han Liu Tsinghua University, Xufei Wang Oxford-Hainan Blockchain Research Institute, Model Labs, Bin Wang Oxford-Hainan Blockchain Research Institute, Hainan, China, Huixuan Zheng Oxford-Hainan Blockchain Research Institute, Xuchao Liu Oxford-Hainan Blockchain Research Institute, Model Labs | ||
11:37 22mTalk | Learning UML Database Design and Modeling with AutoERDemo Tools & Demonstrations Sarah Foss University of British Columbia, Tatiana Urazova University of British Columbia, Ramon Lawrence The University of British Columbia |
13:30 - 15:00 | Foundations IIITechnical Track / Journal-first / Tools & Demonstrations at A-3502.1 Chair(s): Daniel Varro McGill University / Budapest University of Technology and Economics | ||
14:37 22mTalk | EvolveDB - A tool for model driven schema evolutionDemo Tools & Demonstrations Torben Eckwert Forschungscampus Mittelhessen, Michael Guckert Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen–University of Applied Sciences, Gabriele Taentzer University of Marburg, Germany |
13:30 - 15:00 | Model visualization IITools & Demonstrations / Journal-first at A-5502.1 Chair(s): Antonio Vallecillo University of Málaga, Spain | ||
13:48 18mTalk | Graphical Projectional Editing in GentlemanDemo Tools & Demonstrations Link to publication Pre-print | ||
14:24 18mTalk | Gamification-based UML Learning Environment in Virtual RealityDemo Tools & Demonstrations Enes Yigitbas Paderborn University, Germany, Maximilian Schmidt Paderborn University, Antonio Bucchiarone Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy, Sebastian Gottschalk Paderborn University, Gregor Engels Paderborn University | ||
14:42 18mTalk | Towards the Practical Adoption of LIDL: A Toolchain for Modeling Human-Machine Interface Software InteractionsDemoVirtual Tools & Demonstrations Ning Ge School of Software, Beihang University, Yunduo Wang School of Software, Beihang University, Yuan Wang School of Software, Beihang University, Yong Wang School of Software, Beihang University |
Accepted Papers
Submission Guidelines
A short abstract describing the tool and demonstration scenario must be submitted via EasyChair by July 13, 2022. Full submissions must be submitted via Easychair by July 20, 2022. A full submission must consist of no more than 5 pages (to be published). Authors must also complement their paper with an appendix (not published) describing the demo outline / screenshots and/or a link to a short video/screencast (5min max) illustrating the tool (e.g., PeerTube, YouTube, and Vimeo). Submissions that do not adhere to the above-specified page limits or that violate the formatting guidelines may be desk-rejected without review.
All submissions must be in English and adhere to the ACM formatting instructions. Formatting instructions are available here for both LaTeX and Word users.
LaTeX users must use the provided acmart.cls and ACM-Reference-Format.bst without modification, enable the conference format in the preamble of the document (i.e., \documentclass[sigconf,review]{acmart}
), and use the ACM reference format for the bibliography (i.e., \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}
). The review option adds line numbers, thereby allowing referees to refer to specific lines in their comments.
Word users make sure you are using Times New Roman on the body of your text, author information, and section titles; and using Helvetica on the paper title.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers. We will follow a single-blind reviewing process.
Please submit your paper electronically in PDF via Easychair.
Accepted tool demonstration papers will be published in ACM Digital Library and indexed by DBLP.
Conference Presentation
The presentation at the conference should emphasize the usage of the tool, not the rationale and related work as described in the paper. Thus, a substantial portion of the presentation must be an actual live demonstration of the tool.