Sun 23 - Fri 28 October 2022 Montréal, Canada
Thu 27 Oct 2022 11:37 - 12:00 at A-3502.1 - Blockchain & Contracts Chair(s): Steffen Zschaler

The Blockchain technology is increasingly being adopted for running applications on a trustless, traceable, and decentralized infrastructure. The deployment and management of these applications require non-trivial efforts given the unique characteristics of the Blockchain infrastructure (i.e., immutability) and the complexity of the software systems being executed. Approaches dedicated to the management of Blockchain applications are still in their early days: practitioners use “manual” solutions that are error-prone, difficult to maintain and evolve. Moreover, some applications may only be partially deployed on a Blockchain, calling for a unified approach that could leverage the operations on different infrastructures (e.g., Cloud and Blockchain).

This paper presents a declarative framework, called KATENA, for the deployment and management of Blockchain applications KATENA provides i) a metamodel for defining Blockchain infrastructures and applications, ii) reusable workflows for the deployment and management of Blockchain software components along with traditional ones, iii) an implementation of the approach based on TOSCA, a standard language for Infrastructure-as-Code, and xOpera, an orchestrator compatible with TOSCA. To demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of this approach, we used KATENA to model and deploy three real-world Blockchain applications.

Thu 27 Oct

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10:30 - 12:00
Blockchain & ContractsTechnical Track at A-3502.1
Chair(s): Steffen Zschaler King's College London
Model-Checking Legal Contracts with SymboleoPCFT
Technical Track
Alireza Parvizimosaed University of Ottawa, Marco Roveri University of Trento, Aidin Rasti University of Ottawa, Daniel Amyot University of Ottawa, Luigi Logrippo University of Ottawa, John Mylopoulos University of Trento
Predicate Abstractions for Smart Contract ValidationFT
Technical Track
Javier Godoy University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Juan Pablo Galeotti University of Buenos Aires, Diego Garbervetsky University of Buenos Aires and CONICET, Argentina, Sebastian Uchitel Universidad de Buenos Aires / Imperial College
File Attached
Symboleo2SC: From Legal Contract Specifications to Smart ContractsFT
Technical Track
Aidin Rasti University of Ottawa, Daniel Amyot University of Ottawa, Alireza Parvizimosaed University of Ottawa, Marco Roveri University of Trento, Luigi Logrippo University of Ottawa, John Mylopoulos University of Trento, Amal Ahmed Anda
A Declarative Modeling Framework for the Deployment and Management of Blockchain ApplicationsFT
Technical Track
Luciano Baresi Politecnico di Milano, Giovanni Quattrocchi Politecnico di Milano, Damian Andrew Tamburri TU/e, Luca Terracciano Politecnico di Milano