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MSR 2022
Mon 23 - Tue 24 May 2022
co-located with ICSE 2022

Although architecture instability has been studied and measured using a variety of metrics, a deeper analysis of which project parts are less stable and how such instability varies over time is still needed. While having more information on architecture instability is, in general, useful for any software development project, it is especially important in Open Source Software (OSS) projects where the supervision of the development process is more difficult to achieve. In particular, we are interested when OSS projects grow from a small controlled environment (i.e., the cathedral phase) to a community-driven project (i.e., the bazaar phase). In such a transition, the project often explodes in terms of software size and number of contributing developers. Hence, the complexity of the newly added features, and the frequency of the commits and files modified may cause significant variations of the instability of the structure of the classes and packages. Consequently, in this registered report we suggest ways to analyze the instability in OSS projects, especially during that sensitive phase where they become community-driven. We intend to suggest ways to predict the evolution of the instability in several OSS projects. Our preliminary results show that it seems possible to provide meaningful estimations that can be useful for OSS teams before a project grows in excess.

Fri 20 May

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

11:00 - 11:50
Session 15: Collaboration & Open SourceRegistered Reports / Data and Tool Showcase Track / Technical Papers / Industry Track at MSR Main room - odd hours
Chair(s): Massimiliano Di Penta University of Sannio, Italy, Fiorella Zampetti University of Sannio, Italy
Code Review Practices for Refactoring Changes: An Empirical Study on OpenStack
Technical Papers
Eman Abdullah AlOmar Stevens Institute of Technology, Moataz Chouchen ETS, Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer Rochester Institute of Technology, Ali Ouni ETS Montreal, University of Quebec
FixJS: A Dataset of Bug-fixing JavaScript Commits
Data and Tool Showcase Track
Viktor Csuvik Department of Software Engineering, MTA-SZTE Research Group on Artificial Intelligence, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, László Vidács University of Szeged, Hungary
File Attached
A Time Series-Based Dataset of Open-Source Software Evolution
Data and Tool Showcase Track
Bruno L. Sousa UFMG, Mariza Bigonha Professor at Federal University of Minas Gerais, Kecia A. M. Ferreira CEFET-MG, Glaura C. Franco UFMG
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
LAGOON: An Analysis Tool for Open Source Communities
Data and Tool Showcase Track
Sourya Dey Galois, Inc., Walt Woods Galois, Inc.
Pre-print Media Attached
A Versatile Dataset of Agile Open Source Software Projects
Data and Tool Showcase Track
Vali Tawosi University College London, Afnan Al-Subaihin University College London, Rebecca Moussa University College London, Federica Sarro University College London
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Automatically Prioritizing and Assigning Tasks from Code Repositories in Puzzle Driven Development
Industry Track
Ayomide Bakare Innopolis University, Yegor Bugayenko Huawei, Arina Cheverda Innopolis University, Mirko Farina Innopolis University, Artem Kruglov Innopolis University, Witold Pedrycz University of Alberta, Giancarlo Succi Innopolis University
Towards Understanding Barriers and Mitigation Strategies of Software Engineers with Non-traditional Educational and Occupational Backgrounds
Registered Reports
Tavian Barnes University of Waterloo, Ken Jen Lee University of Waterloo, Cristina Tavares University of Waterloo, Gema Rodríguez-Pérez University of British Columbia (UBC), Mei Nagappan University of Waterloo
Can instability variations warn developers when open-source projects boost?
Registered Reports
Alejandro Valezate Rey Juan Carlos University, Rafael Capilla Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Gregorio Robles Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Victor Salamanca Rey Juan Carlos University
Live Q&A
Discussions and Q&A
Technical Papers

Information for Participants