MSR 2023
Dates to be announced Melbourne, Australia
co-located with ICSE 2023

Welcome to the website of the Mining Software Repositories 2023 conference!

The Mining Software Repositories (MSR) conference is the premier conference for data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in software engineering. The goal of the conference is to improve software engineering practices by uncovering interesting and actionable information about software systems and projects using the vast amounts of software data such as source control systems, defect tracking systems, code review repositories, archived communications between project personnel, question-and-answer sites, CI build servers, and run-time telemetry. Mining this information can help to understand software development and evolution, software users, and runtime behavior; support the maintenance of software systems; improve software design/reuse; empirically validate novel ideas and techniques; support predictions about software development; and exploit this knowledge in planning future development.

MSR Dinner at Cargo Hall, South Wharf

Join us for the MSR Dinner, where you can connect with other professionals while enjoying some delicious food and drinks.

Cargo Hall, South Wharf