Sun 10 - Wed 13 December 2023 Dornbirn, Austria
Tue 12 Dec 2023 15:40 - 15:50 at W211 - Security, Vulnerabilities, and Human Factors Chair(s): Rahul Mohanani

For traditional modular software systems, “high cohesion, low coupling” is a recommended setting while it remains so for microservice architectures. However, coupling phenomena commonly exist therein which are caused by cross-service calls and dependencies. In addition, it is noticeable that teams for microservice projects can also suffer from high coupling issues in terms of their cross-service contribution, which can inevitably result in technical debt and high managerial costs. Such organizational coupling needs to be detected and mitigated in time to prevent future losses. Therefore, this paper proposes an automatable approach to evaluate the organizational couple by investigating the microservice ownership and cross-service contribution.

Tue 12 Dec

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

15:30 - 16:30
Security, Vulnerabilities, and Human FactorsResearch Papers / Organization / Short Papers and Posters / Industry Papers at W211
Chair(s): Rahul Mohanani University of JyvÀskylÀ
Research paper
Social Sustainability Approaches for Software Development: A Systematic Literature Review
Research Papers
Ana Carolina Moises de Souza , Daniela S. Cruzes Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, Letizia Jaccheri Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), John Krogstie
Research paper
Evaluating Microservice Organizational Coupling based on Cross-service Contribution
Research Papers
Xiaozhou Li University of Oulu, Dario Amoroso d'Aragona Tampere University, Davide Taibi University of Oulu and Tampere University
Short paper
A Rapid Review on Software Vulnerabilities and Embedded, Cyber-Physical, and IoT Systems
Short Papers and Posters
Alessandro Marchetto UniversitĂ  di Trento, Giuseppe Scanniello University of Salerno
Industry paper
The Testing Hopscotch Model – Six Complementary Profiles Replacing the Perfect All-Round Tester
Industry Papers
Torvald MÄrtensson Saab AB, Kristian Sandahl Linköping University
Research paper
On Fixing Bugs: Do Personality Traits Matter?
Research Papers
Simone Romano University of Salerno, Giuseppe Scanniello University of Salerno, Maria Teresa Baldassarre Department of Computer Science, University of Bari , Danilo Caivano University of Bari, Genoveffa Tortora
Research paper
Continuous Experimentation and Human Factors An Exploratory Study
Research Papers
Amna Pir Muhammad Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Eric Knauss Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Jonas BĂ€rgman Chalmers University of Technology, Alessia Knauss Zenseact AB