Sun 10 - Wed 13 December 2023 Dornbirn, Austria

Call For Paper

The aim of PROFES journal-first papers is to incorporate papers accepted by prestigious software engineering journals into the PROFES program. Through this initiative, authors of journal-first papers accepted will be invited to present their work during the conference. These presentations shall broaden the content of the PROFES program and allow invited authors to interact directly with the PROFES community, thus, increasing the visibility of their work. The software engineering journals include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Journal of Systems and Software
  • Empirical Software Engineering Journal
  • Information and Software Technology

A submission to the PROFES 2023 journal-first papers must meet the following criteria: The paper has been accepted between September 16th 2022 and July 31st 2023. The topic addressed by the paper is in line with the scope of the PROFES conference. The paper is a full paper published in a prestigious software engineering journal, (i.e., it is not a short paper, commentary, editorial, note, opinion paper, special issue introduction). The paper reports completely new research results or presents novel contributions that significantly extend and were not previously reported in prior work. The paper does not extend prior work solely with additional proofs or algorithms (or other such details presented for completeness), additional empirical results, or minor enhancements or variants of the results presented in the prior work (e.g., as part of special issue invitations of papers accepted at conferences). The paper does not repurpose materials previously published at a conference to target software professionals. The paper has not been presented at and is not under consideration for, journal-first programs of other conferences. If in doubt about paper eligibility, please contact the track chair directly.

Interested authors should submit a (maximum) 2 page document with the following information: Reference to the journal publication: Paper title, authors, extended abstract of the work described in the paper (could be longer than the original paper abstract) and a link to the original journal paper at the journal’s Website (or to a preprint version if the published paper is still unavailable). Proof of acceptance date. Either the reference to the journal publication itself if the acceptance date appears in the published version of the paper, or the acceptance email if the link to the published paper is still unavailable or if the published version does not list the acceptance date. Justification that the paper fulfills the criteria of a journal-first paper (see listed criteria above).


Since all papers have already been reviewed and accepted by the journals, they will not be reviewed again for technical content. Papers will be selected based on the eligibility for journal-first, and relevance to the conference. In the case that the number of submissions received exceeds the number of talks allowed by the conference schedule, priority will be given to the papers that best fit the conference themes and technical program.


Every journal-first paper is expected to be presented by one of its authors according to the general registration conditions (to appear in due time). Failure to present the paper might result in exclusion from future journal-first programs at PROFES and/or the involved journal. The journal-first papers will not be part of the PROFES proceedings as they have already been published in the respective journals. However, the presentations will appear in the conference program. In addition, we expect the authors to make a pre-print of the paper available to PROFES (within the limits of existing copyright agreements) so that interested participants can easily access it.

Important Dates

  • Submission: August 3, 2023
  • Notification: September 7, 2023


Journal-first papers must be submitted following the conference submission procedure via EasyChair:

Conference Attendance Expectation

PROFES 2023 will be organized in presence. If a submission is accepted, at least one author must register to the conference and present the paper.